This number does not include the children born overseas. The Mystery of 1948 Did Israel actually plan to expel most of its Arabs in 1948? Gold maintains that calculation of Jewish emigration has been a contentious issue, explaining, "Since Zionism, the philosophy that underlies the existence of the Jewish state, calls for return home of the world's Jews, the opposite movement—Israelis leaving the Jewish state to reside elsewhere—clearly presents an ideological and demographic problem. Statistiques. Voir la version abrégée. The main groups of those foreign workers include the Chinese, Thai, Filipinos,[55] Nigerians, Romanians, and Latin Americans. Sur 838 villages, 622 ont moins de 500 habitants. Their TFR was reported at 10.06 in 1998, and 5.73 in 2009. TFR for Sephardi/Mizrahi Haredim rose from 4.57 in 1980 to 6.57 in 1996. Israeli population to soar to 15.2 million by 100th anniversary Today, 9.021 million citizens call Israel their home compared to 806,000 in May 1948. 2", "Israeli marriage law blocks citizenship for Palestinians", "Population of Israel on the Eve of 2018 – 8.8 Million", "Monthly Bulletin of Statistics for Population", "Population, by Population Group, Religion, Age and Sex, District and Sub-District", "Monthly Bulletin of Statistics – October 2020", "UNSD – Demographic and Social Statistics", "Monthly Bulletin of Statistics – November 2020", "As Israel celebrates Aliyah Day, 2019 figures point to a peak year", "Life expectancy at birth, total (years) | Data", "World Population Prospects – Population Division – United Nations", "Fertility Rates, Average Age of Mother and Sex Ratio at Birth, by Selected Characteristics of the Mother", "The Fertility Dynamic of Israel's Ultra-Orthodox Jews and Pronatalist Governmental Policy", Statistilite 133 – Women & Men in Israel – 1990–2011, "Country Comparison: GDP – Per Capita (PPP)", Peering into the crystal ball: How Israel will look, statistically, in 2035, "Half of Israel to be Arab, ultra-Orthodox by 2059 – projections", "Israel's demographic future: Crowded and very religious – Israel News – Jerusalem Post",, "Forget Iran. The old Syriac Orthodox monastery of Saint Mark lies in Jerusalem. Due to its immigrant nature, Israel is one of the most multicultural and multilingual societies in the world. Parents are expected to participate in courses as well. [96], Age 15 and over can read and write (2011 estimate):[98], In June 2013, the Central Bureau of Statistics released a demographic report, projecting that Israel's population would grow to 11.4 million by 2035, with the Jewish population numbering 8.3 million, or 73% of the population, and the Arab population at 2.6 million, or 23%. ", "The Land Is Full: Addressing Overpopulation in Israel", "The Sacred Cow of Israel: The Environmental Implications of Zionism's Population Policy", "Population Increase and the Impact on Biodiversity in Israel",, CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown, Articles needing additional references from June 2017, All articles needing additional references, Articles with unsourced statements from October 2018, Articles with obsolete information from August 2012, All Wikipedia articles in need of updating, Articles with unsourced statements from June 2008, Pages using Sister project links with hidden wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Palestinian civil control, according to the, 13% consider themselves "religious-traditionalists" (mostly adhering to Jewish, 25% are "non-religious traditionalists" (only partly respecting the Jewish Halakha), and, Jews and others: 19.1 births/1,000 population, Births from January–August 2019 = Jewish: 87,237 (73.15%); Muslim: 26,016 (21.81%); Christian: 1,558 (1.31%); Druze: 1,505 (1.26%); Others: 2,939 (2.46%); Total: 119,255, Births from January–August 2020 = Jewish: 85,453 (73.42%); Muslim: 24,974 (21.46%); Christian: 1,638 (1.41%); Druze: 1,522 (1.31%); Others: 2,796 (2.40%); Total: 116,383, 1.81 migrant(s)/1,000 population (2013 est. About 4,000 Armenians reside in Israel mostly in Jerusalem (including in the Armenian Quarter), but also in Tel Aviv, Haifa and Jaffa. Quelques statistiques sur Israël 1948-1960. The paternal lineage of the Jewish population of Israel as of 2015 is as follows: Arab citizens of Israel are those Arab residents of Mandatory Palestine, who remained within Israel's borders following the 1948 Arab–Israeli War, and the establishment of the state of Israel. De jeunes Falashas réalisèrent leur alyah et nombre d'entre eux participèrent à la création de kibboutzim. Other indicators visualized on maps: (In English only, for now) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15-19) According to a 2010 Israel Central Bureau of Statistics study[59] of Israelis aged over 18: While the ultra-Orthodox, or Haredim, represented only 5% of Israel's population in 1990,[60] they are expected to represent more than one-fifth of Israel's Jewish population by 2028. In an academic article, Jewish National Fund Board member Daniel Orenstein, argues that, as elsewhere, overpopulation is a stressor on the environment in Israel; he shows that environmentalists have conspicuously failed to consider the impact of population on the environment, and argues that overpopulation in Israel has not been appropriately addressed for ideological reasons. [54] The African Hebrew Israelites, like the Haredim and most Israeli Arabs, are not required to serve in the military; however, some do so. [77], The Jewish median age in Jerusalem district and the West Bank are 24.9 and 19.7, respectively, and both account for 16% of the Jewish population, but 24% of 0- to 4-year-olds. Of this 33,568 were Jews (34,031 in 2005 & 33,421 in 2000). [4] This figure includes 209,000 Arabs (14% of the Israeli Arab population) in East Jerusalem, also counted in the Palestinian statistics, although 98 percent of East Jerusalem Palestinians have either Israeli residency or Israeli citizenship.[29]. [33], As of December 2013, about 161,000 Israeli citizens practiced Christianity, together comprising about 2% of the total population. [24] Israeli sovereignty over East Jerusalem is internationally unrecognized. In Israel, there are also a few thousand Circassians, living mostly in Kfar Kama (2,000) and Reyhaniye (1,000). Après la proclamation de l’État d’Israël en 1948, il était venu enfant avec ses parents. Ancestrally, they claim descent from a group of Israelite inhabitants who have connections to ancient Samaria from the beginning of the Babylonian Exile up to the beginning of the Common Era. Of them, 530,000 are still alive today. Cette population a enregistré, depuis l'indépendance d'Israël en 1948, une croissance démographique remarquable : elle s'est multipliée par 4,5 en 50 ans, sous l'effet d'un mouvement naturel important et d'un mouvement migratoire élevé. Sur cette page vous pouvez trouver les statistiques démographiques passées, actuelles et prévue pour Israël (de 1950 à 2100), la carte de la population, la démographie, compteur de la population en direct, etc.. [49][51] With a population of over 5,000, most members live in their own community in Dimona, Israel, with additional families in Arad, Mitzpe Ramon, and the Tiberias area. Mise à jour 07 janvier 2021. Les juifs sont établis un peu partout sur le continent, mais la majorité vit en Russie. It should also be noted that Israeli law grants citizenship only to the first generation of children born to Israeli emigrants. The occupied Palestinian territories have been under Israeli military … Cette population de quelque 500.000 personnes constitue un tiers du total de la population arabe en Israël et occupe une zone qui est environ 2% du territoire israélien sans la Cisjordanie et Gaza. Hebrew is the official language of the country, and Arabic is given special status, while English and Russian are the two most widely spoken non-official languages. The school system is organized into kindergartens, 6-year primary schools, and either 6-year secondary schools or 3-year junior secondary schools + 3-year senior secondary schools (depending on region), after which a comprehensive examination is offered for university admissions. As approximately 650,000 Jews lived in Israel at the time of the establishment of the state, this meant in effect a doubling of the Jewish population, even in light of the fact that some 10 percent of the new immigrants left the country during the next few years. [6] The report predicts that the Israeli population growth rate will decline to 1.4% annually, with growth in the Muslim population remaining higher than the Jewish population until 2035, at which point the Jewish population will begin growing the fastest. Dès mai 1948, les armées arabes menaçaient d’anéantir Israël. The demographic statistics of the CIA World Factbook and the Israel Central Bureau of Statistics estimated that the collective Palestinian Arab population in the region of Palestine, including Israel, the West Bank, and the Gaza Strip, amounted to 5.79 million people in 2017. [47] Most of them came to Israel in between 1976 and 1979, after prime minister Menachem Begin authorized their admission to Israel and granted them political asylum. Does not include 222,000 foreigners living in the country. By point of comparison, in 2011, there was a rising fertility rate of 2.98 children among the Jewish population. Selon l’Office central de la Statistique, il y a aujourd’hui 8,68 millions d’habitants en Israël. Grâce un réseau de 352 dispensaires privés agréés par l’État The Ahmadiyya community was first established in the region in the 1920s, in what was then Mandatory Palestine. La majorité d’entre eux étaient des survivants des camps d’extermination nazis situés en Europe, ainsi que des membres de communautés dont la migration provenait des pays arabes d’Asie et d’Afrique du Nord. 10% spread between the Roman Catholic (Latin), Maronite, Anglican, Lutheran, Armenian, Syriac, Ethiopian, Coptic and other denominations.[34]. Sources: Israel Central Bureau of Statistics; Israel in the Middle East: Documents and … Over the last decade, large numbers of migrant workers from Romania, Thailand, China, Africa and South America have settled in Israel. Population Pyramids: Israel - 1958. [34] The largest group consists of Melkites (about 60% of Israel's Christians), followed by the Greek Orthodox (about 30%), with the remaining ca. 1,557,698 people from the current Russia and Ukraine live in Israel. 850.000 personnes vivaient dans ce qui allait devenir Israël à la veille de la guerre d’indépendance en 1948. 2007 population estimates show that 712 Samaritans live half in Holon, Israel and half at Mount Gerizim in the West Bank. Existait-il une population indigène en Palestine avant 1948 ? Les deux populations indigènes de la Palestine historique (une majorité arabe et une minorité juive) y ont vécu dans une paix relative pendant des siècles avant la Nakba et la création de l'État d'Israël. Israel's annual population growth rate stood at 2.0% in 2015, more than three times faster than the OECD average of around 0.6%. À l'ONU (Organisation des Nations Unies), il a été prévu en effet de partager l'ancienne province ottomane de Palestine entre cet État et un État palestinien regroupant les populations de langue arabe. The vast majority live in the southern parts of the city. The number and status of African migrants in Israel is disputed and controversial, but it is estimated that at least 70,000 refugees mainly from Eritrea, Sudan, South Sudan, Ethiopia, and the Ivory Coast reside and work in Israel. Les données suivantes proviennent de l'étude annuelle du Bureau central des statistiques israélien intitulée Statistical Abstract of Israel4. [102] It also projected a population of 20 million in 2065. [89] In The Israeli Diaspora sociologist Stephen J. En 1947, dans un contexte tendu marqué par de nombreuses violences, alors que le mandat anglais sur la Palestine se termine bientôt, l’ONU propose un plan de partage du territoire entre populations juives et arabes. [65][66], The Citizenship and Entry into Israel Law (Temporary Order) 5763 was first passed on 31 July 2003, and has since been extended until 31 July 2008. La fuite des persécutions russes. Oui. Israeli dilemmas. The Arab Muslim citizens of Israel include also the Bedouins, who are divided into two main groups: the Bedouin in the north of Israel, who live in villages and towns for the most part, and the Bedouin in the Negev, who include half-nomadic and inhabitants of towns and Unrecognized villages. Jewish total fertility rate increased by 10.2% during 1998–2009, and was recorded at 2.90 during 2009. Some 688,000 immigrants came to Israel during the country’s first three and a half years at an average of close to 200,000 a year. [4] About 82 percent of the Arab population in Israel are Sunni Muslims, a very small minority are Shia Muslims, another 9 percent are Druze, and around 9 percent are Christian (mostly Eastern Orthodox and Catholic denominations). In 2019, the official number of Arab residents in Israel was 1,890,000 people, representing 21% of Israel's population. [81], Births, in absolute numbers, by mother's religion[82], Between the mid-1980s and 2000, the fertility rate in the Muslim sector was stable at 4.6–4.7 children per woman; after 2001, a gradual decline became evident, reaching 3.51 children per woman in 2011. Facebook; Twitter; LinkedIn; More; L’Etat d’Israël va entrer dans sa 70e année d’existence et sa population a décuplé durant cette période. Some 1,000 Israeli citizens belong to the Coptic community, originating in Egypt. United Nations projections are also included through the year 2100. Elle a atteint environ 250.000 âmes à la fin des années 1940, soit environ 10% de la population, avant de baisser drastiquement après la création d'Israël en 1948. The total fertility rate (TFR) of a population is the average number of children that an average woman would have, in her lifetime. ", "Distrust in Dimona – Magazine – Jerusalem Post", "Israël: une visite chez les Hébreux noirs", "Black Hebrews mourn the man who led them from Chicago to Israel", "Tales of African-American History Found in DNA", "Illegal in Israel – The Story of Juan and Josie", "Israel says it is going to help more Syrian refugees from Aleppo", "Population in Israel and in Jerusalem, by Religion, 1988 - 2016", "The other Israeli conflict: with itself", "Why Covid-19 Has Spread Among Israel's Ultra-Orthodox", "Statistical Abstract of Israel 2014 – No. En 1958, 14,9 % des 12 millions de Juifs ont gagné est État- refuge. La guerre civile éclate immédiatement entre ces deux populations. In 1948, Israel had only 806,000 people, but experienced a 10-fold population increase by 2013, largely due to immigration of Jews from other countries. Population. The Israeli population is growing at a rate of 1.60%.