I can see she may value staying in but honestly Im fine with that as long as Im with her. A sag male is what everyone should have in there life they say we dont belong together when in fact were soulmates we will argue till our death but how dope is that challenge forget him being outgoing and being so predictable we bring out the best in each other if not in love definitely friendship , @Aacia if your not Taurus or sag take your hating self to your sign page like bye Im a Taurus woman im to humble I dont think of anyone as a slave..get your life and try that Taurus again . The Taurus-and-Sagittarius interaction is challenging but can be fun since the rulers Venus and Jupiter are in play. Here's the Truth About Sagittarius Man And Taurus Woman Compatibility Good Luck. All rights reserved. The differences between them are so great that it is unlikely that they will get together in the first place. Our readers support us. Sagittarius is a mental sign, focused on philosophy and learning, always in search for unity, synthesis and that universal truth. Im a Taurus woman and I just met my Sag on Instagram. This being the case, they will either stay together peaceably, or they will have an amicable break-up. He is very smart.In eachothers company we get along well. He needs to cool his fiery temper and learn to be more patient, and she is the perfect model of this for him. We were showing each other our genuine side. Taurus Man and Sagittarius Woman Compatibility: Love, Sex, and Chemistry "They are very, very different. example most of our arguments are who sticks by the other more,who was there for who more, whos opinion is right but only because were trying to prove to the each other that what were lacking in self the other is there to provide, and we dont always have to agree Ive learned that so we beef every now and then but it only last 10 minutes then hes back to being my best friend I was venting when I wrote the comment I appreciate that you read it , I am a Taurus woman Ive been with my Sagittarius boyfriend for 12 years ..one thing about Taurus woman we are irresistible. I know many Taurus woman-Sagittarius man couples who have been happily together for years. Thanks this is so helpful , Thank heavens for the responses above, Im a Sag guy, dating a Taurus gal, and after reading all the above I was going to break up with my Sweets, but in reading the above, I will be more observant and see how it goes. We have been through a lot together because of the distance and cultural difference living in different countries. He will notice this and he will love you for it. I'm Taurus women currently dating a sagittarius man things are pretty amazing for both of us. I love him dearly. TAURUS MAN AND SAGITTARIUS WOMAN COMPATIBILITY - GaneshaSpeaks Of course his response was No, its a done deal we are divorced. Tend to find out 3 months later down the road, he asked me to move in with him. Taurus and Sagittarius Love and Marriage Compatibility 2019 This tells us that a Taurus woman is worldly and sensual. However, this does not mean that they do not have and seek adventures. He is beautiful to me, and I know nobody is perfect but to me is and for me he is. She likes following a routine and derives satisfaction from her daily habits. She may not like the fact that he goes out with his female friends leaving her alone at her place. Ofc you as a Taurus woman would say this. If a Sagittarius man and Taurus woman do get together and their relationship survives long enough for them to marry, the chances of them staying together greatly increases. A lot. It is a slow love that will gently become one of a kind love. Sagittarius and Capricorn - Compatibility in Sex, Love and Life Geminis, on the other hand, prefer to maintain some distance in romantic relationships as a way to preserve their independence. He definitely wants his freedom and to come and go as he pleases whenever he pleases while I stay at home always there, stable and taking care of the kids so he can live his life. Its really hard to explain the feelings I have for this man. Treated me like shit while i was pregnant, after 6 years and now Im just over it. I found out that they were only separated 1 month before he met me. I was in love with his loyalty, but all the ruthlessness and abrasive, insensitive, obnoxious asshole behavior is not with the trouble, ima taurus woman in a relationship with a sag man. Please don't put such things in people's minds who are trying to find out about their relationship at the very beginning.. Am a taurus.. Married my sagittarius husband Been 3 years now Couldn't live without each other.. There is the middle ground between these two if they want to work at finding where it is. 1 Beyonc (Virgo) and Jay-Z (Sagittarius) At first glance it might seem like a practical Virgo and a free-spirited Sagittarius could never make it work, but Beyonc and Jay-Z show us exactly. As Goodman tells it, Aries need "a dash of magic to make life interesting." Sparks did indeed fly on our first date. She is possessive of a partner and well-known for her jealousy, but she is happy to let him do what he likes, so long as he does not cheat, and so long as he comes home on a regular basis. When a Sagittarius male especially one that is older is decisive beware. I know of several Scorpio women that are married or in relationships with Sagittarius men but constantly flirt and cheat with other guys. Timberlakes rumored cheating scandal in 2019 exemplified this astrological discord. He can also stabilize her recklessness, and show her that putting down roots isn't such a bad thing after all. Because both signs have something the other is lacking. Only one zodiac sign will be highly proud highly Stubborn..come for useless arguments.. May Lord save other zodiac signs from this Taurus with negative traits. Try to change things up from time to time and remember to make time for yourself and your friends too. The good-natured lion isnt always likely to see eye-to-eye with a stern, serious sea-goat, but when these Leo and Capricorn work together, amazing things can happen successful presidential campaigns included. It is highly unlikely that a Sagittarius man and Taurus woman will even think of dating each other. I have a crush on this Sagittarius man. Pisces Marriages: February 19March 20. You can have what you want but you have to show it out loud. You made the choice to laid down with him and to stay also. Their lover must be loyal or face the vicious wrath of a raging bull! Famous sagittarius man and what it's like to. As any relationship means compromise, this will mean that he needs to think that life will be more interesting with her than without her. He used to come see me twice a week but for the past two weeks he has not and the communication is worse than ever.I feel like he has been flat out ignoring me and making up reasons not to come over He never understood that his outgoing personality at timed caused such an issue for us because what he thought was friendly was a basic invitation, girls would flock to him his friends constantly needed his confidence to approach woman.we fought bad even to the point we get physical cause arguing wasnt enough for our points to get across. Its been rocky but I finally understand what I must do and dont. In turn, Taurus woman have to learn to let go a little and extend him with a bit more freedom than she is accustomed to wanting to offer. If they do love each other enough to work through their difficulties, they have a chance of making a marriage work between them. You can only control you and thats what you need to focus on because focusing on him will drive you crazier. I love him dearly and Im sure hes the only man Ill stick with for a lifetime. In fact, i have many qualities that people love about me so i am faaaaar from draining.. and i am creative and multi-talented. While the Taurus female is ruled by the planet of Venus, which represents matters related to love and money. Sagittarius and Capricorn is another tricky match, but Chrissy Teigen and John Legend make it look effortless. A Taurus woman is very traditional in her lifestyle and her beliefs. It probably does not help that he is also most likely and Alpha Male and I may be an Alpha Female. Sukijenkins21 my story sounds a lot like yours. Suck energy of family she will eat and sleep well. A Sagittarius may tend to scoff at a Taurus's pearl-clutching, which can easily lead to a clash of tempers, too. but i love him & i wont let him go lol. And when a Sagittarius committs he is your man! He is constantly on the go and he loves to traveling, he is also pursuing higher education. Table of contents [ Hide] So just be mindful of that and when he pulls away dont freak out let him pull away show him that youre ok without him being glued to your side. The Sagittarius man just wants to keep the peace, and thus obliges.Tauruses are not boring either. ? Its unhealthy and as soon as you let go, although it will hurt the pain wont last forever, you will find him when you arent looking for him. Taurus and Sagittarius both have this joy about them that can be awaken by their relationship. It would be like having Santa Claus and Mrs. Santa Claus for parents. For me, that is the best ever (having someone who seeks to please or tend to what you want/need). In bed, the sex is OUT OF THIS WORLD as others have pointed out. I have depression due to my loss of my father who had a heart attack when I was young, My cousin commited suicicde when I was 16, my grandmother passed away at home in the arms of me and my mother a couple years ago, and almost half a year ago my close unlce also had a heart attack and passed away, I have also had a few friends close to my age pass away within the past couple short years. He is an abuser. Aquarius Man & Taurus Woman Compatibility: Perfect Match? We are only supposed to pass through each others life to teach something then dip. A man with Taurus personality is smart and charismatic while she is flirty and enthusiastic. I am getting worried especially after reading all of these stories of incompatibility long term that he will never call. Sagittarius and Capricorn is another tricky match, but Chrissy Teigen and John Legend make it look effortless. Taurus can also teach Sagittarius a needed lesson in patience. The Sun Sign Match report will help you find some much-needed answers. We end up ignoring the signs of manipulation.Ive usually dated Fire or Air signs, but who knew that Fire and Earth combinations are so compatible?? Thankyou, I feel like you just cleared up a lot of questions I had. Olivia prefers to follow her husband's lead but offer herself as support, balancing the relationship in all its points.If the two communicate openly and are sincere, their love could perfectly last for life. Just always remember to be patient Taurus and not everything has to be your way sometimes remember that and he will surprise you. Im the same way. This tells us that a Sagittarius man finds value in experiences rather than objects. Yours is also mine. The Sagittarius man is ruled by the planet of Jupiter, also known as the King of the Gods, and signifies an outgoing personality who is social, open-minded, kind-hearted and intellectual. The Sagittarius man is extremely passionate and demonstrative, and that excites the Taurus woman's romantic streak. By then the ball will be in your court and you can either take him back if you want or keep pushing with what you already have going on. The female Taurus. I do love him and have offered to be there for him if he needs anything. The Venus influence lends Taurus their love of beauty, luxury and sensual pleasures. Tauruses get along with most people, and if youve managed to piss off a Taurus, it is probably warranted or long overdue because they have patience and diplomacy like no other sign.