After more than 20 years at Pope John XXIII School, he returned to the United States and served as parochial vicar at Blessed Sacrament-Our Lady of the Divine Shepherd in Trenton, N.J., where he lived with Father Tetteh. In fact, most of the norms opposed by missionaries concerned gender relationships. The first Europeans arrived at the West-African Coasts at the end of the fifteenth century. Website design and development by, Inc, Society of the Divine Word- Western Province, Society of the Divine Word- Southern Province. However, accustomed to monogamy, few European missionaries were open to such arguments. In due course leprosariums and orphanages were built to supplement their medical services. As a member of the Church of England, it interests me to see echoes of Christian educational efforts by organizations such as Compassion Canada in the educational efforts of the missionary branch of the Anglican Church, the Church Missionary Society, or CMS. Properly meant by Anglo-Saxon standards. They worked tirelessly to lay a foundation for formal education The European missionaries established elementary and second-cycle institutions in the country. In the Western Region, the Catholic Sisters running a hospital at Eikwe specialized in maternity cases, and like Slessor in Nigeria succeeded in stamping out the practice of killing twins at birth. They were at the forefront during the fight for self-rule in Ghana. It was only after the Second World War that the colonial governments started to show a real interest in the promotion of formal education in West Africa. In the British colonies, as elsewhere, religious missions were instrumental in introducing European-style education. The people received the message with indifference. Following ordination, he was sent to Washington, D.C., and the Catholic University of America, where he earned a masters degree in English literature. In 1989-90, the government banned the activities of several religious organizations, including the Church. Missionaries travelled through dense evergreen forests, crossed rivers and climbed mountains to bring the Gospel to as many Ghanaians as they could. These pioneer mission schools met with a discouraging response. Father Jean Marie Coquard, operating in and from Abeokuta for forty years, was renowned among the Egba as a priest and surgeon in the second half of the nineteenth century. In the case of Ghana, like other nations, the impact . Moreover, mission education formed a poor foundation for future educational conditions in the former colonies. Prior to the arrival of Europeans in the 15th century, informal education existed in Ghana with the goal of introducing young people into the society. When he arrived in Nkwatia-Kwahu to teach English at St. Peters Secondary School, the town had yet to benefit from electricity and running water. This item is part of a JSTOR Collection. They relied very much on their home churches for their funds. Another important Catholic missionary in this area was the Irishman, Bishop Shanahan. It is interesting to note that while in many ways missionaries sought to isolate students from their cultures, missionaries often insisted in teaching in the native languages. The training college later became part of Achimota College. Thank you! The CMS began to work in the freed slave villages in Sierra Leone in 1804 and the Methodist in 1811. . Debrunner, Hans Werner. The reservation of high-level positions in the colonial administrations for Europeans and the corresponding mission education that provided education fit only for lower positions meant that the withdrawal of European rule could cause serious political instability in the newly independent colonies. Initially, a majority of the missionary journeys was done with English-Speaking Protestants and later, in the 1820s and 1830s, they were joined by continental Protestantism from Germany, Switzerland and France. 'In view of this idea, Mmofraturo, the first girls boarding school in Ashanti was officially . Their activities had both positive and negative effects on Ghanaian society. Vol. They therefore set about to achieve this through introduction of formal education among the Batswana people. And thats why I decided to look deeply into this issue. No plagiarism, guaranteed! In Ghana, missions strategically weighted costs and benefits when choosing where to establish their churches and schools. English grammar Study for free with our range of university lectures! But that increase was greater in monogamous societies. In this essay on the impact of Christian missionary activities on Ghanaian society, we shall examine the role of the missionaries in the development of Ghana and the rest of Africa. Wm. He told me that that amount of money could pay for school fees for five students in secondary school in Ghana.. With the support of the Propagation of the Faith within the Vatican, whose Cardinal Secretary became Pope Gregory XVI, various Roman Catholic missionary societies were founded. Some of the positive development outcomes of former British colonies are arguably the result of a permissive attitude towards mission schools. In the 19thh century, too, Afro-Brazilians returned to Benin and Nigeria with Catholicism. Baker Pub Group, 1996. One is led to ask, why this sudden development? Hope Waddell started pioneering work, in 1846, in Calabar. NUUT Co. Ltd. Kumasi, Ghana, 2011, Baarkinado. It would be wrong, however, to blame all these ills on the Christian missionaries alone. The practice of inflicting multiple wounds on the bodies of so-called spirit babies now belongs to history. Similar developments were carried out by the missionaries in other Nigerian languages, Efik, Kanuri, Igbo, etc. education was an important means for mission evangelization. self help In Ghana, for instance, they persuaded their converts to reject polygamy and human sacrifice. For several years they paid attention to slave trade rather than evangelization and Christianization of the people of West-Africa. The original letters from abroad cover West Africa from 1899 to 1933. Many Ghanaian communities got divided along religious lines. Perhaps the greatest service of the missionaries was the promotion of western education and the development of vernacular literature. PDF Formal Education in Gold Coast-Ghana: An Overview of Colonial Policies ABWE is also at work in countries that restrict evangelism. hbbd```b``vd d"e ] DrI`5 d"(/ churches were firmly established in several important towns, such as Abeokuta (1846), Lagos (1851), Ibadan (1853), and Oyo (1856). This chapter traces the origins and long-term development of African mass education in colonial sub-Saharan Africa. Given the fluctuating standards between schools and regions and the lack of qualified teachers in the mission schools which had monopolies in well into the mid-twentieth century, it should come as little surprise that the quality of education continues to be a concern in many former colonies. The constant tensions between traditionalists and Christian converts often erupted into all-out conflicts. During the first half of the 19th century they targeted healthier places, with relatively lower malaria-risk, where European missionaries could survive and train local African missionaries and teachers (Jedwab et al. We've received widespread press coverage since 2003, Your UKEssays purchase is secure and we're rated 4.4/5 on The Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, the Moravian Mission, the Mission of Bremen, the Methodists, and Roman Catholic missionaries all established themselves on the Gold Coast (Ghana) between 1820 and 1881, opening elementary schools for boys and girls . Teacher training colleges in Ghana did not expand as fast as the secondary schools. Mobility depended on the . CUP Archive, 1979. Kalu, Ogbu. The effort of Dr. Kwame Nkrumah. The original Yaba College in Lagos has grown into a polytechnic. Literature Lewis, Donald M., ed. (As at December 2020). Of the ten largest congregations for men, the Society of the Divine Word is the fastest growing over the past 50 years. It also talks about all the mission societies from all denominations engaged in educational works. Another missionary whose memory is revered in Nigeria was Mary Slessor, she arrived in the country in 1876, and for many years worked assiduously as a missionary nurse. The early European Christian missionaries in West Africa experienced a number of difficulties, some arising from factors outside their control and others of their own making. Some of these effects are still with us today. Upon completing his degree, Father Burke received his first assignment abroad: Ghana, the first Black sub-Saharan country in Africa to gain independence from a colonial power. All rights reserved. The tropical climatic condition in the country was not favourable to the early missionaries who came to the shores of West Africa. From 1870 to 1914 the Basel Mission succeeded in extending its work from the Akwapim Ridge to Kwahu, Akim and Asante and across the Volta as far as Yendi the north in 1913. Thus as early as 1823, the Roman Catholic Sisters started a clinic for the sick and for children in Banjul. This study simply offers systematic, long-term evidence of it. The Committee for Women's Work was responsible for the education of native girls. The most momentous discovery in western Africa came in 1471, when Portuguese captains first reached the coast of modern Ghana between the mouths of the Ankobra and Volta rivers. B. et al. Reiterating what teacher education must encapsulate, Adegoke (2003) and Benneh (2006) indi-cated that the mission of Ghana's teacher education is to pro- Registered office: Creative Tower, Fujairah, PO Box 4422, UAE. Missionaries were no doubt also aware that Africans came to associate European technological achievement with Western education (Bassey 1991:45) and therefore offered Western education as a means to attract Africans of this belief and then convert them. Kuhne , his fellow captive and co-author joined him at the mission as a trader in cotton, an activity which was part of, and a means of, financing the mission. Prior to advent of the Christian missionaries and indeed well into the pre-independence period, most sick people depended for cure upon concoction herbs and roots and barks of trees. In fact in 1966, Father Burke led students to a victory in a national educational contest called the Ghana TV Cup. His work, however, did not extend much beyond Cape Coast and the neighbouring area. Over time and with the dedication of teachers like Father Burke, the school rose to prominence. As we help existing churches become healthy through theological education, discipleship, pastoral training, and leadership development, we desire to see church-planting efforts within the local church soon follow. The missionary and colonial education aimed at character training and civilization resulted in cultural annihilation and religious, and linguistic hegemony.