Anyone close to the water could have issues with soil erosion, sewage contamination (a frequent issue in hurricane zones), alterations in the salinity of the soil by ocean flooding, hurricane impact, tsunami, etc. However, he specifically nominated a point in the ocean in Bass straight as being the spot for the quake which will send a large tsunami towards Tasmania, and which will also affect the east coast of Australia. Or at least spread out over thousands of miles?? Florida? Look up the definition of Ensure, please do. how big of a tsunami will this cause, and will the continents break apart ? I noticed Jacksonville Fl. Im still waiting for my comment beginning As Ive pointed out before, to pass your moderation. We are in the last days. So accept god into your heart, repent, whatever you have to do to feel at peace.. Good to know that this isnt a problem Id have to worry about going where Im going. Now, a day doesnt that I dont hear about someones wave nightmare. Your family are not replaceable. Inestimable. I am a native to Florida. Pray and be safe. It stood in front of me and I saw the sun seating upon its crest and I felt as if my spirit melted of terror inside me. Only happy news here would be if DC went before we did in N. Florida. There is river that flows through there that could cause horrible flooding. I highly doubt that it would traverse the state. Is Charlotte, NC far enough inland or should I head for higher ground? This scenario can happen in December 2013 or January 2014. The land in many places will be scoured clean, without a trace, and in some areas no land will even remain. Thanks, Awesome info. Id be better of to drive into the storm than sit and watch my kid.die of poisoning over.days, or hours. May our God shows His Grace up on you & His love be upon your life. The key is to prepare for the unknow. Would any parts of neighboring New Jersey, the New England States, or Pennsylvania be survival options. Have you got the eye holes in the plastic mask lined up right? Hi Angie! the whole of the State of Florida is NOT MUCH higher than sea level. There would be no safe location I know of in Florida. Hi its me again I looked at the map and seen where all nuclear power plants are on the east coast and they can not stand up to a tsunami and when they release radioactive mater in the air which way is the wind blowing and the ocean water flowing?Now all the oil refineries on the coast all the oil and fuel washed on land and out to the sea where will it go? Also, the maps indicated here are purely elevation maps. Anonymous I guess 40 wont help in a 300 wave correct? I live in East Orange New Jersey and am a little frightened because of the close proximity to NYC. .. one dropped near nyc and the other near dc , how would we fare ? When it happens its too late! Revenge of the Guanches.. Will it come up to Tennessee or Tallhassee and do I need to go up further to a mountainous region,because were trying to do our first time Homestead and we are not running from God by far it is the ppl,. I have also had several dreams of an earthquake and a tsunami and yes its going to be Mega, So much that I have asked everyone in my household to get save and ensure their soul is right with God. I dont like moving too much. I will leave behind my 2 children who claim to be saved, but are not living by Gods commandments. Ah Bye Bye? Before or after this calamity.. it is my opinion, if the calamity happens first, it will give a small window of time to witness to unbelievers.. but we dont know Gods mind, so that is why today is the day of salvation, today is the time to believe and repent, and start living for The Lord. The Bible teaches us that "In the mouth of two or three witnesses, let a thing be established". The National Weather Service issued a tsunami warning for Miami, Charleston and elsewhere at around 8.30am. Also in the aforementioned volcano dream, there were tubes dug into and under the large volcano that some might use as escape. If I live in Wakefield Massachusetts should I be worried?? This prophecy predicts a series of tsunamis never seen before hitting cities and shorelines on the East Coast. In fact the article is filled with caveats. There is no doubt in my mind this was Hawaii. Any place out of Staten Island would be a good place to relocate to. Tsunamis in Virginia I yelled I cant save you! The Cumbre. Cumbre Vieja is a Major Threat for a Mega-Tsunami Be alert and prepared for the evacuation of the East Coast Tsunami. not really just be ready to move out on first warning goes out and stay on secondary roads and take extra are not screwed. The dogs bark and the birds fly awaybut it will be too late to evacuate with floridas dense population. its not a question whether an earthquake could exhibit more or less energy in general, but the question is how the waveform propagates (its behavior about its 3D special axes and 1D temporal axis (and 3D waveform quality through spacetime (assuming space and time are a holistic system). Oh, by the way, every thing on the internet is true! This information byte would be a game changer, toward better life choices, for all thinking people. Honestly Anonymous, I would be a heck of a lot more worried being that close to NYC than a tsunami, having said that Im probably going to get chastised but the chances of a tsunami traveling in that far inland and up 166 feet is a possibility of course, the active maps Ken has here are good. I have watched a few documentaries on mega-tsunamis, and there are various opinions regarding the height of a Canary Island event reaching the East Coast. Looking forward to going home to Jesus. On the island of La Palma, in the Canary Islands, a volcano erupted in. Your theory (Ken J.) The best is KISS=keep it simple (stupidterm I do not like). One wise man once said, The scariest words in the English language are, Im from the Govt and Im here to help. @NativeNewYorker: Parts of the Catskills, 50 mi north of NYC is probably the closest area to you. He said he got the vision while in an unnamed east coast cityand he was shown the tsunami towering over the highest buildings in the city. Shes Screwed!!! Ancient Tsunami Detectives Hunt for Long-Lost Cataclysms Otherwise we and our animals perish. However, once the wave hits the shore it no longer has the push of the ocean behind it so it starts to lose power. Thanks for the information. People have no idea when that is going to happen, except probably not in the next few weeks, how large, and in what direction the tsunami will be oriented. If it hits on the east coast then the gulf of Mexico will have all the bodies and trash that it can handle, plus all the people that were wiped out from the panhandle of Fla. over to Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana as well. Now that I think about it, even though I live in the mountains its the aftermath that would be worst. I am concerned about the predicted asteroid hit by Ephraim Rodriquez, I think I am in a very safe area above Farmington Maine, but how far inland would a much larger tsunami than 300 ft travel. But the point is, one must not look at the scenarios in the article as real, they are instructional, but are not possible as presented. That, from my links, it appears others are now (this year) independently deducing the same thing (and that micronova or energy wave theories are so new and unsubstantiated they smell fishy) indicates this to be the best explanation so far. I-Z;kH,T!Ao `aXl ^ahkesC;WI}5LaGSLH[fXR)x`H%"!EQZY$J#jSOOPp%5( Z!x,6v@%{:$q%($AOZ#"y`L*ncUT]7@`qR_`wbNBa;-"w=mv9*`D> /R:/D.Z=[[{tk*GKa%.Ic0Ov'#xurp@ix!v5,^dfmV[{q Ja&2ti#isn0u=vrB3h,3"Su4{,hR )jytXT&>2d3xdk{s$g#cJ}$lxfTg1y*V\REiy:dVpRn" wa|?>Fp0nbQa@ )+"qO%u5d7,L\(N5uS:LqHapB1]D|Ur2rF>VX *Used to live there. Schools are closed on Wed Sept . So many factors in play. The time is now to prepare for these things that are coming upon the Earth. Diffractive effects of land mass topography, changes caused in the shape of the sea floor by the earthquake, and vertical movement of the sea bed. Scientists are puzzled by its formation because it appears to be made up of several segments. 321ft above sea level. Hi we live in Warren County (Norlina) North Carolina do we need to evaluate? There are scientifically sound reasons for concern that at some point in time a mega tsunami could engulf the entire East Coast with a wave approximating 300 feet in height and sweep everything and everybody inland. The Cascadia Subduction Zone is a major major disaster waiting to happen Ill add it to my list ;). Although I am not an expert in this field, I would suggest that a tsunami of the magnitude in this article would not traverse the state of Florida, despite its extremely low elevation. Psychological? Good luck with what ever you decided, it will be your life choice. A celestial body will land on the Atlantic Ocean creating a tsunami 300 meters high, traveling at the speed of sound. I know my position and that no prophecy given to me is for my private interpretation but for the body, and so being obedient, although many others have posted about this judgment which is to occur, I must post it. Its a wall of water. Please call on the name of Jesus, as Lord and personal savior. Out of curiosity and an interest in maps, I have custom built the following elevation maps based on high resolution data from USGS digital elevation maps of the United States, particularly the East Coast. his Latin name St. Columba): . Should a meteor hit the Atlantic, which at this point Im willing to bet is the most likely case, would we be effected since were closer to the Gulf? Case in point? You are fuelless, low on supplies, and likely have encountered stalled traffic on the highway. It seems Edgar Cayce predicted the Indian Ocean tsunami, but he also thought Virginia Beach, VA, elevation 12ft, would survive coming Earth changes. Believe SCIENCE, not prophets. The Visions (Slightly Damaged Book) | Perry Stone Ministries What are the possibilities of it being much higher. of past events like that, every 300 years, describes a 200-300 ft tsunami along the coast close to the fault. Psalms 23- The Lord is my Shepard. If youre brave, see a site called divulgences. Oops, there is a scarcity of plywood because of his green new deal. Interstellar -> between stars -> between suns -> between sol & set. Heres your answer. @Sara, the intent was not to terrify anyone Im sorry if thats what happened. I understand Florida will be devastated, with the infrastructure completely wiped out, but what are the chances of and actual wave making it that far. God Bless. Your model is based on a natural disaster ? And lots of other people would come to todt, so it would be pretty crowded. If you google and YouTube September 24th asteroid theres SO MUCH EVIDENCE! I understand and fully believe God is in control and nothing happens that he doesnt allow. Hopefully never. 9;?GP 2;YL4*%9x*!STs_A-to'.fn}-q*aC#Uf\w s8xe9c(l,%|F7)a#); KP:$Kvc&}q"i? I was wondering the same thing. La Palma Mega tsunami - Strange Sounds - Amazing phenomena around the world YOULL swim with the fish. I am about 74 miles from the coast as the crow flys. Would I be safe just heading to this spot instead of hopping on a westerly interstate thats most likely packed with other evacuees? Just dreams i know, but could God be trying to tell me something? Indeed. Gulf Coast, and Canada . That is in a very highly controlled area, which is completely different than a tsunami that is not only caused by a volcano, as well as rock slide, but that it is also in a much more open area than that landslide. Possibly double that. Disperse container handling and recommission US Army Railroad Transportation Corps. A fake warning about a possible tsunami on Sunday. As with any oncoming disaster, TIME is your best friend. In West Palm though, I believe that unfortunately you be soggy toast. How does ANYBODY think they have the right to keep a Tsunami from destroying property and killing people!!! I happen to see this today after I heard Perry Stone had dreams of East Coast facing tsunami just recently. A few years back, someone did a letterbox drop on the Central Coast (NSW) warning people of the coming tsunami. Efrain Rodriguez Asteroid Tsunami Prophecy vs. Bible Prophecy You will see the wave coming at you and the Govt will still be saying its just your imagination. Tsunami advisories lifted in US after waves hit Tonga following - CNN Likewise the sewage of such an event would be completely without mitigation. Many thanks, @Mark, If a tsunami hits Anywhere, Florida the best thing you could do is try to get to a boat or surf-board and aim it at Mexico!!! That Volcano on La Palma is ERUPTING NOW!!! Mapping Tsunami Inundation for the U.S. East Coast If you can get to Canada you may be safe for awhilebut, the plagues in Revelation will still reach you , no matter where on earth you are. Full-Rip 9.0: The Next Big Earthquake in the Pacific Northwest, 300 Foot Tsunami And East Coast Destruction,, Replacing just one pole requires a crane and a massive flatbed truck to haul the steel beam which is only a few feet higher than the original wooden pole but seems to have a larger electrical apparatus involved in the area where power lines connect. Around six minutes into this video, he says he has had about 5-6 visions of tsunamis on the East Coast of the United States, one from the Gulf of Mexico, about 4 or 5 or 6 tsunami dreams and . The wave along the east coast of the Americas (N&S) will not be equal. So I live in ga riverdale ga like the south side moved here 5 years ago and started having these wave dreams will ga be flooded Im 15 minutes away from downtown Atlanta and 30 minutes away from stone moutain. Hope it helps. Look at the National Drought Monitor map. I would love to believe nothing will happen, But why are all the elite and government doing all these maneuvers across the states, You dont do something for no reason, you dont build something if you dont intend to use it, But these guys and some of them the Gov has moved some important offices to Chicago under ground WHY ? North Florida is more rocky and sturdy underneath but still could sink. Having said that, there are many variables and factors affecting how far a tsunami would travel inland. I used to live in Brooklyn NY and moved to Catskills, 1200 above sea level. We will sit and wait. I know crowds would be a problem. Tsunami advisory issued for American Samoa after another - ABC News Surfs up bro! Also, do choose a stable, strong building, like the one world trade in Manhattan. Julie Green: A TSUNAMI OF TRUTH IS COMING. I am no expert but I do use common sense when researching . Youll probably say Ohh but NASA and our government would tell us! Seriously? Its speed decreases as it approaches the shoreline (because the ground beneath it is getting shallower) but its energy begins to transfer to its monstrous HEIGHT. Maybe a plane if you are wealthy. Although certainly devastating to the entire coastline and probably many tens of miles inland, it would lose impact the further inland it travels. If you live in Connecticut like me, PLEASE TRY TO BE 100 MILES FROM THE COASTLINE AND 500FT ABOVE SEA LEVEL. There was no history of the United States before there was a United States. You failed to mention your own state also. TSUNAMI EAST COAST PROPHECY AND PRAYER. -Share- As you know, micronovae or energy waves cannot affect the currently accelerating change of Earths magnetic poles and field strength, so really they should be recognised as distractions (bunk). Thats just a Tidal Surge. A tsunami wave crests near the shore line. Thats all I can say now. Change). Now it might not be from passing a plane into reversed polarity, it might just be from an energetic outburst from the galactic center. I live in a small town called Dorado, at the north of the island of Puerto Rico there is a valley and then some small mountains 100` but my dad is in a wheelchair and weights 200. I like .. .. The maps have nothing to do with fluid dynamics and the many other variables which would affect the behavior of a tsunami in any given area. A theory of a "mega-tsunami" that wipes out the East Coast was widely This aint a hurricane. It seems some could use a basic physics refresher, as well. I also worry about our government and the way they would handle things after. So visitors, please take this with a grain of salt and research credible second opinions before getting worked up and turning your garage into doomsday preppers. The best warning system is now! Most of which will consume you if you let it, life is too short. When I finally made it back fully to my flesh and realized that I was laying on my bed dreaming, I noticed that my entire body was sweating profusely, it felt like if a fountain had burst from within me and there were drops of sweat literally on my entire flesh. Thousands of earthquakes meaning >6600 at last count. I would go to the top of a building or hill with a height of at least 350 feet. My family is located there. Anyhow I do not know if that statement had any truth to it-does anyone have any suggestions or ideaswebsites as appreciated. So many people dont realize that theyre not gonna be able to Uber or App or Amazon their way through the aftermath, smh. September 16, 2021 - Hal Turner Article Link - U.S. East Coast Could be Are you Ready? Moved off of Long Island to non coastal New Hampshire. Now I'm not saying that's what this is, as we don't know for certain yet. Sell everything you cant load up and hit the road to safer ground, dont worry about your job, dont worry about your kids school, dont say you cant because(reason). Youre right, it could happen there, although the triggers are different (Cascadia Fault zone for example), We are trying to prepare our family (2 adults, 6 children) on natural disasters and what to do in each and if we are at risk. There is a lot of Smart People from NASA, Scientist, and other sources putting out this Info if you look, Read, Listen. Also, who has a good approach to thinking about emergency food please share a link. Before believing any prophecies, find out if your prophet predicted the Indian Ocean tsunami, 9-11, or anything of significance, ever. The Tongue of the Ocean is very deep. But thats just my feeble opinion for what its worth. This man saved the people & he showed me how to care for someone other than myself. Parkchester is very inland. Most of northern nj will be fine lol what would a 300 foot wave do to a 1400 foot mountain lol. Sometimes i see a giant wave. Hey anonymous,if you look in that movie there is a scene where the reporter that is going to break this ELE story and such, to the public, she looks over her shoulder upon cases and cases of a drink called Ensure (sorry i spelt it insure before lol) . When is your dream saying now so I can prepare fully? I live in north haven myself going to check elevation, Im concern with this I live in Conneticuts capita and it seems to be purple in the map :(. It better come with more than 400 ft. And I worked at the closest 4 story hotel twice. Im at 2250 elevation in the North Georgia mountains so if I see any boats or cars floating through the valley 98% of Georgia will have become a prime fishing or scuba diving spot. -One never knows with this regime. Actually, the distance a tsunami will travel inland has more to do with the energy remaining as it hits the shore. shut up and run , stock up on food , propaine , guns , aimo. I recall that 200 300 feet were exemplified. He has a NOAA Wx radio that might sound a warning. Not just the U.S, but most Atlantic coastal regions and islands. Bristol county ? From the middle of the clouds I was looking at, there appeared a clearing see thru, resembling a fine dew made of clouds but looking like see thru dew. I had a dream last week that we had an EMP (Electromagnetic Pulse). You wont be safe in Philly. Many portions of the east coast would be disturbed and many portions of the west coast and central portion of the U.S would shift. is that 10 feet under water? They have been working on this since the COVID lockdown was initiated and the workers were without masks and ignored the 6 foot social distance rule as if it did not apply to them. There would still be a significant radiation signature, dont forget the special mushroom cloud. What is that? Your dreams I am sure were so intense. God Bless, Lisa. No THEY WOULD NOT. However, we also know that the 3D soundwave is not a single pure vibration, rather, most typically, a series (symphony) of vibrations about the z-axis that wrap themselves and spin/corkscrew about the skeletal body moving about the x and y axis (arbitrary, yet crucial to define and keep consistent). Here is a partial excerpt from his testimony "I was right outside of Charleston South Carolina and in this vision I was in a duplex and there was a woman taking pictures at the bottom, Thanks so much. Look for the precursors. ), so use common sense and critical thinking to weed through some of the BS. Because the elites are buying all of their products and putting them in their bunkers! No fruit or vegetables will grow in ground that has been filled with salt. The fool has said in their heart, There is no God'! It will depend on what part of the UK which you reside in at the present time. feeling overwhelmed, out of control, etc. It was as if my body was still in front of the wave and my mind was looking to access the physical body without being able to establish the connection, and it took me a while to understand that I was dreaming. There would be not only flooding, but dead folks and livestock. Any thoughts on what will happen to the gulf coast of Texas in this scenario? Will my family be safe in Smithfield ,RI? I would not consider Atlanta to be safe at the present time. NB There is no passing in our barycentric orbit (as trains pass), but our two Suns may coincidentally pass through the same plane, i.e. If you are many miles away from the shoreline, and depending on geography an terrain, chances are you may be okay.
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