How To Protect Yourself In This Escalating Battle, Geoengineering And The Most Dangerous False Dichotomy, Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, December 17, 2022, #384, Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, December 10, 2022, #383, Click here for full list of RECENT articles, Manufacturing Winter Weather, Engineering A Bombogenesis Cyclone, Climate Extremes, Geoengineering And Winter Weather Whiplash, Unforeseen Circumstances, The Fawn Fire, Northern California, Engineering Catastrophic Wildfires To Temporarily Cool Arctic With Smoke (Updated), Climate Engineering, Clearcutting, And Record Wildfires, California Firestorms: Geoengineered Catastrophe, Climate Engineering Fuels Fires Of Global Incineration, Against All Odds, Survivors In A Dying Forest, Into The Wild, With Dane Wigington, September 16, 2020, #2, Imminent Ozone Layer Collapse, A Dire Warning From A Former NASA Contract Engineer, UVC: The Sterilization Of Planet Earth, Part One, The Ozone Layer Recovery Lie And Climate Engineering Denial, Both Are Breaking Down, Ozone Layer Collapse, A Former NASA Contract Engineer Warns Of Planetary Omnicide, Climate Engineering, Ozone Destruction, And Radiation Clouds, The Dangers Of Air Travel, Geoengineering Is Accelerating A Runaway Greenhouse Scenario, Climate Engineers Cut Off Critical Rain From Populations Around The Globe. How can the US be spared the record major hurricane impacts that are pounding so many locations in other parts of the world? While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. Climate engineering is the greatest assault on the biosphere ever launched by industrialized civilization. Global climate engineering operations are not just a, DaneWigington Was hurricane Nicole a random act of nature? Massive Aerosol operations off the west coast of the North American continent, such heavy spraying is used in conjunction with RF transmissions. Effects of the transmission and any recovery period can be examined using associated instrumentation, including VHF and UHF radars, HF receivers, and optical cameras.According to the HAARP team, this will advance the study of basic natural processes . We will never charge you for verified, reliable information. What are your priorities? The forecast map above shows the original projected path of Hurricane Matthew. At higher frequencies, radio communications with satellites pass through the ionosphere. Jet stream manipulation and toxic chemical ice nucleation are the two primary tools being used to create the temporary surface cold zones in a rapidly warming world. The power of chemical ice nucleation elements must be seen to be believed, the lab test shown in the 15 second video below gives a glimpse. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). No, blurry picture distorts real story, No emergency? Lines and paragraphs break automatically. Moving on to May 13th,2015, the satellite image below taken over the Pacific Northwestshows vast areas of wispy aerosol canopy. May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to geoengineeringwatch.organd the articles author with a hyperlink back to the original story. What other objectives might also be in the balance? We fell down the White Spiritual Boy Trust rabbit hole, Meta's third-party fact-checking programme, Allowed HTML tags:
    1. . Sound Waves and Radio Waves possess some of the same properties and characteristics, yet utilize different mediums of propagation, in other words, Sound Waves use a physical mechanical pressure to be transferred through the air, a solid or liquid. HAARP became a popular subject of conspiracy theories. Square clouds are one of the blatantly inarguable confirmations of climate engineering operations. Every single individual that is awake and aware of this most critical issue is needed in this all important battle. Geoengineering/solar radiation management programs are highly visible in skies all over the world. HAARP, the most powerful ionosphere heater on Earth - Physics Today Even if the Alaska transmitter closes, there are so many more. HAARP works most effectively with the presence of chemtrails. The conspiracy-minded believe HAARP is a secret weapon for weather modification and have blamed it triggering floods, droughts, major power outages and even earthquakes in Iran. The video below is well worth the time to view. June,2019, was the hottest month ever recorded on our, DaneWigington Newly elected California governor Gavin Newsomhas had to declare stateof emergency due to the latest unprecedentedfirestorms. The goal of SRM (solar radiation management) is to create the largest expanses of cloud cover possible. What, DaneWigington Extremely powerful ground based microwave transmission facilities are being used in conjunction with the ongoing atmospheric aerosol spraying operations to completely manipulate Earths climate. In 1993, The US Air Force began construction on a $290 million project that would enable the government's foremost atmospheric researchers to study the ionosphere the top layer of the Earth's atmosphere. warns people to get where they need to be before potential flash freeze". Africa, the second largest continent, is bounded by the Mediterranean Sea, the Red Sea, the Indian Ocean, and the Atlantic Ocean.It is divided almost equally in half by the Equator. The consequences of the climate engineering insanity are already unquantifiable and growing by the day. The video below is very important to viewfor those that wish to better understand the dangers ofHAARP (and the rest of the world's ionosphere heater installations). The ionosphere is also where the auroras occur when solar wind particles collide with oxygen and nitrogen atoms. Whatever one chooses to believe (or not), the impacts to the biosphere from radio frequency / microwave transmissions is shocking and undeniable as the NASA satellite images below reveal. Earth's life support systems are literally collapsing from countless forms of human activity. Where are the US temperatures predicted (scheduled) to go in the coming months? Is the highly toxic and controversial elementgraphene being seeded into our skies as part of the ongoing covert, DaneWigington After substantial difficulty and expense, Geoengineering Watch has utilized two types of aircraft to complete multiple atmospheric particulate sampling flights up to, DaneWigington The climate science community is increasingly calling for massive global climate engineering / solar radiation management operations to be immediately deployed to, DaneWigington Sharing shocking and inarguable film footage of jet aerosol spraying is the most powerful tool of all for waking people up to, DaneWigington Official sources,whos job it is to deny the blatantly obvious climate engineering atrocities,have consistently claimed that the vapor trails seen behind WWll, DaneWigington NASA is nothing more than a tool for the military industrial complex to carry out theirnefarious agendas and to cover up their, DaneWigington From the weather, to the behavior of societies, to unfolding controller agendas, all is rapidly becoming more extreme and all is connected. Hurricane Matthew has gone through very anomalous phases where it almost appears to be a twin cyclone on radar images as the core was divided. The global geoengineering/weather warfare assault is the greatest and most immediate threat to life on Earth short of nuclear cataclysm. Climate engineering / solar radiation management programs arenow being pushed by the climate science community and governments around the globeas mitigation for Earth's unraveling climate system. HAARP again open for business. The burden of this battle must be borne by us all, make your voice heard. 90 degree notches taken out of existing aerosolized cloud canopies are increasingly being noted on radar images. Make your voice heard in the critical battle to expose and halt the global climate engineering / weather warfare assault, and for the greater good. The summary explanation of HAARP below is an important read. THEY CAN CONTROL THE WEATHER, Andile Mngxitama, president of South African political organisation Black First Land First (BLF), tweeted on 13 April 2022. Port Washington, New York. He represented the party in parliament until it, in KwaZulu-Natal province, killing an estimated, HAARP has no way to control the weather, High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program, the properties and behaviour of the ionosphere. Possible HAARP Locations Around The World - Rense This unimaginable, Blood Testing Protocol And Chelation For Heavy Metals, Chelation Therapy For Heavy Metal Detoxification. We must allcollectively prioritize our efforts toward the fight to expose and halt climate engineering / weather warfare, this is the great imperative of our time. Hurricane Maria (2017)and Jose (2017), the same. Africa has eight major physical regions: the Sahara, the Sahel, the Ethiopian Highlands, the savanna, the . The climate science and meteorological communities (along with mainstream media and countless other agencies) have long since completely sold out to the power structure. The physical map illustrates the physical characteristics of the country of Cape Verde. DW. But the science behind the program is complex, and has given rise to numerous far-fetched theories. The Rothschilds owned "Weather Channel" isn't talking about the record high temperatures all over the center of the country (. The term environmental modification techniques refers to any technique for changing through the deliberate manipulation of natural processes the dynamics, composition or structure of the Earth, including its biota, lithosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere, or of outer space. The Haitian people already have good reason to feel angst and anger toward western powers, how much more anger would they feel if they knew about the ongoing climate engineering/weather warfare operations? The geoengineers can and are manipulating cloud formations and weather systems to a degree that is truly unimaginable and alarming. DaneWigington Does the sun feel scorching hot? Central Pennsylvania. Those who lead the cabal of power, and those they serve, exist only to perpetuate, DaneWigington Is the military industrial complex insane enough to incinerate Earth's last remaining forests in order to achieve the objectives of the global controllers? DaneWigington The East Siberian Sea is "boiling with methane", scientists have called what they are witnessing "truly terrifying". Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. Africa's physical geography, environment and resources, and human geography can be considered separately. FAQ | HAARP - University of Alaska system Make your voice heard, pass on credible information about climate engineering on to others, every day counts in this battle. You can also help identify false information on Facebook. Photo credit: Irmina Bernal, Atmospheric microwave transmissions are a major and lethalaspect of the ongoing weather warfareassault. A warmer atmosphere holds much more water vapor (7% more for every degree in, DaneWigington Every aspect of our weather is being altered and manipulated by geoengineering programs, including hurricanes / cyclones. The planet's climate system is unravelingby the day as the geoengineers try frantically to control it with ever more desperate and destructive measures (which were a primary cause of the climate disintegration in the first place). The tweet ends with Vuka Darkie!, which roughly translates to wake up black person. In addition to "solar radiation management",there are so many more layers to the climate engineeringatmospheric aerosol spraying. Cape Verde is an island country with an area of 4,033 sq. It's up to you. Why? There are also the SBX radar facilities (sea based x-band radar) which are another part of the weather modification arsenal of insanity. Quebec was not the only part of Canada to get pounded with record flooding following the well publicized conflict with the US, catastrophic flooding has also just occurred in other provinces across Canada. What happens to the web of life when the human race chooses to relentlessly bombard it with massively powerful and varied radio frequency / microwave transmissions? Or is there much more to the story? This effect can be detected in the ionosphere, , from less than a second to 10 minutes. Meta's third-party fact-checking programme Please watch this 4minute video that will provideinsight and points to ponder. 1- High Frequency Active Auroral Research Programn (HAARP) Gakona Alaska +62 23 30.00, -145 8 48.00 2- High Power Auroral Stimulation Observatory (HIPAS) Fairbanks Alaska 64 52 19 N 146 50 33 W 3- Poker Flat Research Range Near Chatanika, Alaska +65 7 23.90, -147 28 7.05 4- Platteville Atmospheric Observatory Platteville, Colorado
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