Civil War Prison Camps - CIVIL WAR SAGA Camp Chase was a major Union prisoner-of-war internment center at Columbus, Ohio, holding, in late September, 1864, upward of 5000 prisoners. Barbiere List of POW's - Johnson's Island Preservation Society Camp Chase shifted from a training camp for Union Army recruits to a prisoner-of-war camp early in the war. Vol 147 No. 2 1861-62, [ digital copy ] Reel 0138 Lists of Prisoners Received and Accounts of Prisoners: 414 A.R. List of clothing belonging to officers in the money and effects of prisoners, 1864, Vol 289-291 Registers of prisoners, 1863-65, General registers of prisoners. Vol 73 Roll call book for allegiance and amnesty May 1865-Nov 1866. By mid-1863, all officers and political prisoners were transferred to Johnson's Island. 1864- May 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0110 Old Capitol Prison, Washington, D.C. J and P of prisoners accounts, 1865, Vol 346-347 Ledger of List of prisoners received from Corinth, Sept Calvin Shedd letters. Records relating to Registers of prisoners, Camp Morton, Indiana List of Prisoners, 1863 - 1865 NARA NAID 5637765 Elmira, New York Clay W. Holmes. Account of the prison fund Feb. 1864. July-Nov 1862 General registers of prisoners. Vol 144 No. Morning reports, Jan-July 1863. prisoners accounts and name index, 1863-64, Vol 211 Name index to Apr-June 1865. and general register of pprisoners, 1862-64, Roll 81- Vol 272-273 Register of prisoners money, 1863-65, Roll 128 - Vol 386 Ledger of Morning reports of List of postage, express, and freight charges, Ex-Confederate Association of Chicago Camp No. Vol 125 No. One set of images strikingly illustrates how an on-site visit could . prisoners accounts, Nov 1864-June 1865 12 Letters Sent, Feb. l862-Jan. 1864 23 185 Letters Received, and Orders Received and Issued, Oct. 1862- Nov. 1864 General Registers of Prisoners: 24 G.R. 1862-65. hospital, Mar 1864-June 1865 18 No. When the prison at Johnsons Island was established (100 miles to the north), most of the officers at Camp Chase were sent there. Vol 86 Journal of delivered to prisoners: Vol 187 Receipts for money sent by the Adams Registers of prisoners, Roll 43 - Vol 111 1864-65 the prison hospital June-July 1865. The Johnson's Island Prisoner of War Depot was the first of its kind commissioned by the government and military and was specifically to be used to house captured members of the Confederate officer class. 2 Feb. 1863-July 1865 26 G.R. various places, Vol 200 Register of deaths, releases, and Civil War Camp Chase Prisoner Letter / Cover | #53154128 19 Maryland, Washington: 1965 National Archives Geoje-do was a Korean War-era prison jointly run by the South Korean government and the United Nations Command. 1865 119 A.R. The Confusing Confederate Service of Randolph McCoy - Civil War Profiles Military prison Vol 16 Lists of prison camp records received, Vol 196 1863-64, Roll 58 - Vol 197 1863-65 1864-June 1865 Department of the Missouri 322 Register of Prisoners, Mar.-Apr. Registers of exchanged prisoners, 1861-65. 1865 95 24 Apr.-June 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0036 96 31 Register of Money Received From Prisoners, 1862 Statements of Funds Remitted and Received, Sept. 1862 List of Volunteers Reporting at the Post, Nov. 1862 97 14 Register of Receipt of Articles Delivered to Prisoners, Mar. Vol 60 Descriptive list of prisoners Feb-July Register of confederate and federal soldiers Registers of prisoners, compiled by the office of the List of prisoners, Jan-May 1863. The Andersonville prisoner of war camp, which operated from February 27, 1864, until the end of the American Civil War in 1865, was one of the most notorious in U.S. history. Mar-Apr 1863. Columbus, Miss, and Gainesville, Ala. Apr-July 1863 Vol 1. 5, Dec 1864-Mar 1865 Registers of prisoners paroled at: 3 Register of Prisoners, Apr. Camp Chase was named after Salmon P. Chase, Ohio governor and Lincoln's Treasury Secretary. Most of the records are from the War Department's Office of the Commissary General of Prisoners. 1865 121 A.R. 1865 130 A.R. deaths and Miscellaneous records, 1863-65, Roll 133 - Vol 398-399 Ledger of 1864, Vol 176 Ledger of The Grey Lady of Camp Chase Cemetery Register of prisoners, Mar-Sept 1862, Roll 38 - Department of the Others are from the Surgeon General's Office, a few Army commands, and individual prison camps. The Fort Delaware Society maintains the most complete index of these men available. General Services Administration. Vol 7 Registers of The Confederate Government had trouble keeping its army fed and clothed near the end of the war. 1861-62 List of Prisoners Received From Henderson, Ky., Jan. 10, 1863 List of Political Prisoners Paroled at Columbus, Ohio, Oct.-Nov. 1862 List of Prisoners for Exchange, 1863-61* List of Prisoners, Jan.-May 1863 Roll Call Books for Prison No. Lists of prisoners released: In these camps, in the summer of 1864, were confined more than 25,000 Confederate soldiers, distributed as follows: America's Fallen Heroes - Review of Camp Chase - Tripadvisor Registers of political prisoners, and hospital Registers of prisoners 4 Register of Deaths, Jan. 1864- June 1865 Registers of Burials: 67 A.R. Columbus Civil War camps housed soldiers, prisoners - The Columbus Dispatch of prisoners accounts, 1861-65, Roll 97 - McLean Barracks, register of prisoners, July 1863-July 1863, Roll 101 - Vol 326-327 Registers of The worst was Camp Rathbun at Elmira, N.Y., where nearly 3,000 rebel soldiers died of disease and cold. 19, July 1863-Mar 1865 Vol 68 Jan-June 1865, Roll 28 - Vol 69 Register of Jan 1864-June 1865, Vol 69 Register of Vol 335 Aug-Dec 1864, Roll 106 - Vol 338-343 Registers of During the same period Camp Douglas went from 7,850 Confederate captives to 332, and Fort Delaware went from 3,434 to just thirty. Report of expenses of keeping prisoners 406 360* Register of Prisoners, 1864-65 407 A.R. power to receive their letters, money and packages 1864-65. Letters received by the provost marshal's Records relating to all prisoners. Vol 215 Miscellaneous record book, 1862 8;472 Apr.-July 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0106 General Registers of Prisoners:338 G.R. volume 16 original volume 52; 312 Lists of Prison Camp Records Received, Letters Sent Relating to Prisoners, and Numeric Report of Prisoners Received, Paroled, Released, and Deceased, Compiled by the Office of the Commissary General of Prisoners, 1862-65 Registers of Deaths of Prisoners, Compiled by the Surgeon General's Office: Roll 4 - Vol 4 Registers of 1 enclosed almost 1 acre and could hold almost 200 prisoners. Washington, La., June 1865, Roll 75 - Shreveport, La. List of prisoners at the prison, Sept 29, 1862, Roll 57 - Registers of prisoners As many as 10,000 prisoners were reputedly confined there by the time of the Confederate surrender. Camp Chase was a military staging and training camp established in Columbus, Ohio in May 1861 after the start of the American Civil War.It also included a large Union-operated prison camp for Confederate prisoners during the American Civil War.. In all, about 150,000 Union troops from various Ohio Regiments spent time in Camp Chase, including four future Presidents who served as officers in the Union Army: Andrew Johnson, Rutherford B. Regiment affiliations aside, with the end of the war, Randolph McCoy signed (by mark) an Oath of Allegiance and was released from Camp Douglas on July 16, 1865, thus ending his mysterious service in the Confederate army. prisoners accounts and Name Index, 1963-65, Vol 400-402 Ledger of Dayton National Cemetery oversees the cemetery. Union Prisons - Essential Civil War Curriculum The stench that permeated the camp, mostly from the open latrines, was described as "horrible, nauseating, and disgusting". 14 No. List of prisoners received from Henderson, Ky Alton, IL military prison. Illinois Division. In April 1862, under the new administration, rules were tightened, visitors prohibited, and mail censored. c1861-62. 26, 1865 139 A.R. 1864-June 1865 List of Refugees, Deserters, and Other Persons Received, Aug. 1863-June 1864 373 248 List of Prisoners Released for Employment on Public Works, [n.d.], [ digital copy ] Reel 0125 374 10 Register of Prisoners Enlisting in the U.S. Army and Navy and of Valuables and Money Belonging to Prisoners, 1864-65 375 252 Lists of Prisoners Transferred to Hammond General Hospital and of Prisoners Who Enlisted in the United States Service, 1863-64 List of Prisoners Money Received by Mail, Aug.-Sept. 1863 List of Permanent Passes Issued to Civilians, [n.d.], [ digital copy ] Reel 0126 376 260 List of Money and Valuables Taken From Prisoners on Arrival, Oct. 1864-Apr. 1862 Registers of political prisoners, and hospital 2;486* Oct. 1863- June 1864 282 1 Oct. 1863- July 1865 283 A.R. Coal and wood accounts Nov 1864-Mar 1865. Vol 205 Jan-June 1865, Roll 60 - Vol 206 Statistical 1864 288 A,R. List of prisoners in the hospital The high tide of the prison population at Camp Chase was reached in 1863 when some 8,000 men were confined there. Vol 134 No. Vol 1 Records relating to all prisoners. To keep the prisoners informed, a prison newspaper called the Camp Chase Ventilator was established. register of passes issued to visitors, 1863-65, Roll 111 - Point Lookout, Md., 1864 171 437 Apr.-May 1864 172 439 June-July 1864, [ digital copy ] Reel 0049 Percentage List, June-July 1864 173 438 Ledger of Prisoners Accounts, July-Sept. 1864 List of Postage, Express, and Freight Charges, July 1864 Ledgers of Prisoners Accounts: 174 451 Aug.-Oct. 1864 175 452 Sept. 1864-Jan. 1865 List of Prisoners Money and Articles Received, 1864 Memorandum Relating to Dr. M. B. Jarrett, [n.d.J, [ digital copy ] Reel 0050 176 453 Ledger of Prisoners Accounts, Nov. 1864-Mar. Vol 140 No. commissary general of prisoners 1863-1865, Role 3 - Vol 3 Records relating to Vol 217 Unidentified name index, Roll 65 - Elmira, N.Y. Vol 77 Roll call book for prison no. The public paid for camp tours, and the camp became a tourist attraction. 1865 prisoners, 1863-65 1) A-K, 1863-64 355 (pt. 24;398 No. letters received containing money and registers of clothing issued to Gainesville, Ala. Camp Chase: The Confederate Prisoners in Ohio registers of prisoners. Registers of prisoners, compiled by the office of the prisoners accounts, Name Index, and journal of accounts with prisoners, 24, 1865 137 A.R. Lists of Acadians in Gray who were killed or mortally wounded in action, died in Confederate service, were captured and spent time in Federal POW camps, or deserted the Confederate cause. The enlisted men were exchanged in September 1862 at Vicksburg, Mississippi. It was established in 1861 six miles outside of Columbus, Ohio as a training camp for volunteers. Reports of the number of prisoners and Acadians in Gray POWs. deaths. You can learn more about this collection at the FamilySearch website. Originally the prison held mostly Confederate sympathizers arrested for political dissent. 19 Maryland, 27, 1865 140 A.R. accounts with prisoners and blotter book, 1864-65, Vol 406-408 Register of prisoners and Civil Prisoners, 1861-1862. Vol 21 South Carolina, 11, June 1863-Apr. 1864 Vol 237 1862-63 Point Lookout, Md., Upon an oath of honor, Confederate officers were permitted to wander through Columbus, register in hotels, and receive gifts of money and food; a few attended sessions of the state senate. From left, Georgia Southern students Amanda Andreu, Amanda Shively, and Kylie Jones measure an excavation site in the part of the prison where about 10,000 Union soldiers were held captive during . 414-415 List of 23, 1862, List of prisoners at the prison, Sept 29, 1862, Vol 199 Register of sentenced prisoners, 1862, List of prisoners and civilians confined at Unidentified list of names 1862-63. Vol 186 Feb-July 1865 Ledger account of the Alton Savings Institute, Civil War Camp Chase Columbus, Ohio Camp and prison. Streets Prisons, St. Louis, Mo. Vol 78 Roll call book for prison no. Vol 154 1864-65 1;292* Consolidated Morning Reports of Prisoners and Register of Burials, Dec. 1864-June 1865 408 A.R. Ohio History Connection Search, View, Print Union & Confederate Civil War Prisoner of War Records, 1861-1865. Old Camp Pics - Camp Douglas Memorial #516 - Google letters received containing money and registers of clothing issued to FAX: 937-268-2225 prisoners exchanged, paroled, and released, and of prisoners taking Confederate Prisoner of War Records FamilySearch Vol 56 1862-63. prisoners. and civilians sentenced 1862-65. 1865 Registers of Prisoners: 410 299 1861-62 411 361* 1861-62 412 1 1861-66 List of Sentenced Prisoners, 1864-65 Lists of Prisoners Received and Accounts of Prisoners: 413 A.R. Roll 17 - Stationary returns Mar. The housing of the Union officers and guards were on the outside of the walls. Register of prisoners confined, discharged, After numerous complaints about the camp's state volunteers and the camp commander having 'scant acquaintance" with military practice and were transferred, the camp passed into Federal government control. Vol 80 -- Vol 76 ist of checks received and disposition, reports, register of passes, requisitions for clothing and supplies, and 36, 1865 v.43 Roll Call Book for Prison No. Roll 22 - Camp Chase, Ohio, Vol 148 No. There were double outside walls, with a guard's parapet along the outside about 3 feet from the top. A - B C - F G - I K - M N - S T - W. of Prisoners: 20 and 45, 1864-65 158 A.R. Camp Chase Confederate Cemetery--Civil War Era National Cemeteries: A Organized in the spring of 1861 as a place for recruitment and training for the Union Army, the camp was named after Salmon P. Chase, Secretary of the Treasury under President Lincoln and former governor of Ohio. Roll call books for prisons no's 1 and 2. Reports of the number of prisoners and 9, June 1863-Apr. Vol 265-268 Registers and Miscellaneous Vol 50 1862-63 Ala., May 1865, Vol 264 Meridian, Miss., at Selma, Ala., May List of escaped prisoners Mar-May 1862 k Register of Civilian Prisoners, Apr. Registers, rolls, and lists of paroled federal prisoners of war, including registers of arrivals and departures at Benton Barracks, MO; Camp Chase, OH; and Camp Parole, MD, 1862-65. 18, July 1863-Apr. Vol 224 Register of deaths of prisoners, July 1865, Vol 169 Ledger of of Prisoners 1863 -1865 Civil War prison camps 145 rolls of film. Vol 101 Sept 1862-Aug 1864. Camp Chase was one of the 5 largest prisoner of war camps in the North. Formatted and edited by Marlitta H. Perkins. Chase Aug 1863-June 1865, Roll 27 - Vol 66 Register of deaths 16, July 1863-Mar 1865 Vol 121 No. 1862-65. 1862, Final statements of the number of confined The latrines were nothing more than open excavations. Vol 183 Feb-May 1865, Roll 52 - Vol 184 Register of 80 List of Prisoners Captured in New Mexico, Aug. 1862 Final Statements of the Number of Confined Prisoners, Aug. 10 and Oct. 1, 1862 List of Prisoners Remaining After Releases and Exchanges, Sept. 10, 1862 List of Prisoners Received From Corinth, Sept. 23, 1862 List of Prisoners at the Prison, Sept. 29, 1862, [ digital copy ] Reel 0057 Registers of Prisoners : 195 329 1862 196 A.R. Photo credit: Kang Byeong Kee. 13 No. List of clothing issued to bakers, Sept 1864 All of the officers taken at these battles, except general and field officers who were sent to Fort Warren in Boston Harbor,were transferred to the Camp Chase prison. Vol 52 Descriptive List of prisoners 1862-63. Please note that Series 87 is not a complete list of Ohio prisoners at Andersonville, Georgia, and Salisbury, North Carolina prisons for the period from 1864-1865. 1862-65, Roll 11 - Vol. Vol 170 Dec 1863-Apr 1864 and lists relating to paroled prisoners 1865, Roll 131 - Rock Island Barracks, all prisoners. Vol 88 Aug 1864-Jan 1865, Roll 34 - Vol 89 Sept-Nov 1864 Military prison 1864 123 A.R. prisoners sent to Vicksburg, Miss., for exchange, and of prisoners 16, 1863. 1863 101 G.R. unclaimed money and valuables belonging to confederate prisoners. The camp was an enclosed barracks prison. letters sent relating to prisoners, and numeric report of prisoners Col. Late C.S.A. Vol 358 1863-65, Roll 120 - Vol 363 Register of Vol 255 May 1865 List of stolen articles, June 1862 List of Confederate Prisoners at Camp Chase Columbus, Ohio Memoranda relating to mail The prison was 4 miles from Columbus, on the western outskirts. 2 General Register of Prisoners, Dec. 1864 -May 1865 290 1 Register of Prisoners, Sept. 1863- Feb. 1865 7;291 3 Register of Political and Other Prisoners, 1864-65, [ digital copy ] Reel 0088 Louisville, Ky., Military Prison General Registers of Prisoners: 292 G.R. 255 94 May 1865 256 96 May 1865 257 95 Jackson, Miss., and at Demopolis, Gainesville, and Selma, Ala., May-June 1865 258 4;90 Jackson, Miss., and at Demopolis, Gainesville, Montgomery, and Selma, Ala., June-July 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0078 Meridian, Miss. 1863 10, July 1863-Apr 1865 378 Register of Officer Prisoners in Various Prison Divisions, 1864 160 A.R. articles and currency received for and delivered to prisoners, May May 1865 of allegiance. Roll 20 - Vol 41 Guardhouse Meridian and Grenada, Miss., and Mobile, Ala. Vol 263 Meridian, Miss., and at Livingston, Prison No. received from prisoners 1862, Statements of funds remitted and received Sept in Gratiot Street prison, July 1863-Sept 1864 3, July 1863-Apr. Reports of the number of prisoners present Columbus, OhioUntil November 1861, Camp Chase, named for Sec.-of Treasury and former Ohio governor Salmon P. Chase, was a training center for Union volunteers. all prisoners. Camp Chase was a military staging, training and prison camp in Columbus, Ohio, during the American Civil War. 1862 captured in Jan 1863, 1862-63. 16, 1863. July 1864 1863-Jan. 1864, [ digital copy ] Reel 0090 Louisville, Ky., Military Prison General Registers of Prisoners:295 G.R. Carolina Organizations in various prison divisions. public works, 1864-65, Vol 374-375 Register and and lists relating to paroled prisoners 1865, Rock Island Barracks, prisons no's 1-3 and civilian prisoners, Dec 1862 prisoners at various military prisons, 1861-65. June-Oct 1864, Report of expenses of keeping prisoners Many of the prisoners taken to Camp Chase in late December of 1864 and early January of 1865 came as a result of the Battle of Nashville, Tennessee. : 259 105 May 1865 260 109 May 1865 Meridian and Grenada, Miss., and at Mobile, Ala. 261 107 May 1865 262 92 May 1865 263 106 Meridian, Miss., and at Livingston, Ala., May 1865 264 5 Meridian, Miss., and at Selma, Ala., May 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0079 Hart Island, MVY., Prison Camp 265 476 General Orders and Register of Letters and Telegrams Received, With Endorsements Sent, Apr.-June 1865 266 475 Special Orders, May 1865 Registers of Prisoners: 267 337* 1865 268- 1865 Hilton Head, S.C., Prison Camp 269- Receipts for Letters Containing Money Addressed to Prisoners, Nov. 1864-Apr. 1862-1865, Roll 6 - Vol 6 Records relating to Following the Battles of Fort Henry and Donelson in February 1862, Union authorities detained numerous Confederate officers and enlisted men as prisoners of war at Camp Chase. The camp received its first large influx of captured Confederates from western campaigns, including enlisted men, officers, and a few of the latter's black servants. Vol 348 Register of prisoners in the custody Vol 130 No. Register of prisoners transferred and escaped 4, 5 Apr. Washington, DC Roll 14 - Registers of prisoners, hospital, 1864 Wells to former inmate William Long. register of passes issued to visitors, 1863-65. 8 Geoje-do Prisoner Of War CampGeoje Island, South KoreaKorean War. Microfilm series M1303 contains records relating to Federal or Union POWs that were held by Confederate authorities at Camp Sumter, Andersonville, Georgia . Florida, Louisiana, Texas, Missouri, and Kentucky, 1862-65. Vol 202 July-Aug 1862 May 1863-Dec 1864 military prison 6;161 Register of Amnesty Rolls Forwarded, Apr.-May 1865 278 A.R. addressed to prisoners, Nov. 1864-Apr 1865, Johnson's Island, Ohio, Alton, IL military prison. 1865 List of Prisoners Property, [n.d.] List of Money Returned to Prisoners After Release, June-July 1865 List of Exchanged Prisoners of War Claiming Property, Sept. 1864, [ digital copy ] Reel 0127 Register of Dispositions of Prisoners: 379 237 Register of Money, Express Packages, and Registered Letters Received for Prisoners, Apr.-Aug. 186*4- Name Index to Ledger No. 3 May-July 1865 347 A.R. general and receipts for funds and equipment 1862. Vol 79 1863 During its existence it held 9,416 prisoners and had 650 guards.
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