One scholar asserts that it is "Orwellian" and teaches whites "self-contempt." On April 4 1968, King was killed by the single . This was intentional. PDF Blue eye Brown eye activity - The Classroom "Malinda? When she went downtown to do errands, she heard whispers. The experiment was to be a division of eye colour starting with blue eyed student having superiority and then the following day, the roles would be reversed. More than 50 years after she first tried that exercise in her classroom, Elliott, now 87, said she sees much more work left to do to change racist attitudes. Jane Elliott She asked her students, who were all white, whether or not they knew what it felt like to be judged by the color of their skin. Thats how it started, and thats how it went all day long. Within a few hours of starting the exercise, Elliott noticed big differences in the childrens behavior and how they treated each other. All rights reserved. Weve been here before, with unsettling and disturbing results. Elliott created the blue-eyes/brown-eyes classroom exercise in 1968 to teach students about racism. She also assumed that none of the children had interacted with black people and that the only place they could have seen them is on television. As for the criticism that the exercise encourages children to distrust authority figuresthe teacher lies, then recants the lies and maintains they were justified because of a greater goodshe says she worked hard to rebuild her students' trust. The Associated Press followed up, quoting Elliott as saying she was "dumbfounded" by the exercise's effectiveness. Jane Elliott (ne Jennison; born on November 30, 1933) is an American diversity educator.As a schoolteacher, she became known for her "Blue eyes/Brown eyes" exercise, which she first conducted with her third-grade class on April 5, 1968, the day after the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. And what she did caused an uproar. is a participant in the Amazon Associates Program. The minimal group paradigm has shaped an entire methodology in social psychology. The May 25 killing of George Floyd set off weeks of nationwide protests over the police abuse and racism against black people, plunging the U.S. into a reckoning of racial inequality. ", "I've never forgotten the exercise," Whisenhunt volunteered. Let's just move on. In present society, psychological experiments are guided by honesty, truthfulness, and accuracy. Barbie had to have a Ken, so Elliott picked from the audience a tall, handsome man and accused him of doing the same things with his female subordinates, Pasicznyk said. If you had a good German name, but you had brown eyes, they threw you into the gas chamber because they thought you might be a Jewish person who was trying to pass. This paradigm helps understand the current problems related to discrimination. "Hey, Mrs. Elliott," Steven yelled as he slung his books on his desk. "People of other color groups seem to understand," she said. Elliott's friends and family say she's tenacious, and has always had a reformer's zeal. Essay Sample: Ethical Concerns in Jane Elliot's Experiment - SpeedyPaper Introduction. Jane Elliott's Blue Eyes and Brown Eyes experiment was a turning point in social psychology. Jane Elliott was a third grade teacher in Riceville, Iowa when she developed the Blue Eyed/ Brown Eyed exercise to teach the effects of racism. Terms of Use Privacy Statement ", Elliott defends her work as a mother defends her child. Elliott was even brought on The Tonight Show to talk about her experiences. It makes you proud. We dont have to learn about those who are other than white. The three outcomes are: (1) virtually all of the subjects reported that the experience was 10 Psychological Experiments That Could Never Happen Today - Mental Floss "This here is Jane Elliott," I said. She has made statements about the increase in hate crimes and racism in recent years. Elliott reminded them that the reason for the lesson was the King assassination, and she asked them to write down what they had learned. She told them that people with brown eyes were superior to those with blue eyes, for reasons she made up. See Page 1. Elliott instructed the blue-eyed kids not to play on the jungle gym or swings. Lasting Impact of Blue Eyes Brown Eyes Experiment, Words are the most powerful weapon devised by humankind. The roots of racism and why it continues unabated in America and other nations are complicated and gnarled. We Are Repeating The Discrimination Experiment Every Day, Says - NPR Days after the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr., she pioneered an experiment to show her all-white class of third graders what it was like to be Black in America. Jane Elliot's experiment explains the reasons for discrimination to a small extent. "She could get kids to do anything she wanted them to," he says of Elliott. "It's the same thing over and over again," Cross says. ", Jane shielded her eyes from the morning sun. people are better than blue-eyed people. ( 1985-03-26) " A Class Divided " is a 1985 episode of the PBS series Frontline. ", Dean Weaver, 70, superintendent of Riceville schools from 1972 to 1979, said, "She'd just go ahead and do things. Jane divided the class into 9 brown eyes and 9 blue eyes. In the 60th year beyond Brown vs. Board of Education, Frontline is making available their classic 1985 documentary, " A Class Divided ," about the experiment and what happened later. ", Others have praised Elliott's exercise. Immediately after the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr., Professor Jane Elliott used the minimal group paradigm to perform an experiment that would teach her students about race discrimination. That says very plainly that you know whats happening, you know you dont want it for you. A smart blue-eyed girl who had never had problems with multiplication tables started making mistakes. Ethical & Pedagogical Issues 2. Jane Elliott's experiment of dividing an otherwise homogenous group of school kids by their eye color. The basic idea was to separate the class into two halves, students with blue eyes and those with brown. The Blue Eyes Brown Eyes exercise received national attention shortly after it ended. From the University of California Press website: The never-before-told true story of Jane Elliott and the "Blue-Eyes, Brown-Eyes Experiment" she made world-famous, using eye color to simulate racism. Jane Elliot: Blue Eyes, Brown Eyes - Shermer and Bloom discuss: "Blue Eyes, Brown Eyes" Jane Elliott famous racism experiment reactions to it (in the classroom, locally, nationally, internationally) whether the "experiment" was really more of a demonstration public interest, from Johnny Carson to Oprah Winfrey the questionable ethics of the experiment what it reveals about tribalism, racism . Decent Essays. In 1968 after Martin Luther King was assassinated the United States was in turmoil. Did they know what it was like to be discriminated against? Things even got violent at recess. ", A former teacher, Ruth Setka, 79, said she was perhaps the only teacher who would still talk to Elliott. The act of treating students differently was obviously a metaphor for the social decisions made on a larger level. Looking back, I think part of the problem was that, like the residents of other small midwestern towns I've covered, many in Riceville felt that calling attention to oneself was poor manners, and that Elliott had shone a bright light not just on herself but on Riceville; people all over the United States would think Riceville was full of bigots. On Thursday, April 4, 1968, Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated in Memphis, TN. In the most uncomfortable moments, Elliott reminds the students of violent acts caused by racism or homophobia. Ethical Experiments - AP Psychology-NWHS hide caption. Elliott was not. On the second day of the experiment, Elliott switched the childrens roles. The results are mixed. Initial Reaction to the Blue Eyes Brown Eyes Exercise. Abstract The effectiveness of a well-known prejudice-reduction simulation, "Blue Eyes-Brown Eyes," was assessed as a tool for changing the attitudes of ncnblack teacher eduction students toward blacks. On the morning of april 5, 1968, a Friday, Steven Armstrong stepped into Jane Elliott's third-grade classroom in Riceville, Iowa. Elliott was shocked by the results and decided to switch the roles the following day. Would you like to get this essay by email? Social Emotional Learning Lessons for Jane Elliott - Advancement Courses Later, it would occur to Elliott that the blueys were much less nasty than the brown-eyed kids had been, perhaps because the blue-eyed kids had felt the sting of being ostracized and didn't want to inflict it on their former tormentors. The day after Martin Luther King, Jr.'s assassination in 1968, Jane Elliott, a schoolteacher in rural Iowa, introduced to her all-white third-grade class a shocking . The Blue Eyes Brown Eyes exercise is now known as the inspiration for diversity training in the workplace, making Jane Elliott one of the most influential educators in recent American history. "Eye color, hair color and skin color are caused by a chemical," Elliott went on, writing MELANIN on the blackboard. A Class Divided: An Experiment Involving Race and Prejudice One caller complained that white children would not be able to handle the exercise and would be seriously damaged by the exercise. And our number two freedom is the freedom to deny that were ignorant., I want every white person in this room who would be happy to be treated as this society in general treats our citizens, our black citizens, if you, as a white person, would be happy to receive the same treatment that our black citizens do in this society, please stand. As a school teacher in the small town of Riceville, Iowa, Elliott first conducted the anti-racism experiment on her all-white third-grade classroom, the day after the civil rights leader was killed. The idea of white privilege is closely tied to Elliotts initial question to her students. Society made them believe they were better than other people for arbitrary reasons such as skin color or gender. March 26, 1985. In the case of any doubt, it's best to consult a trusted specialist. Was The Blue Eyes Brown Eyes Experiment Ethical? The students started to internalize, and accept, the characteristics they'd been arbitrarily assigned based on the color of their eyes. She described to her colleagues what she'd done, remarking how several of her slower kids with brown eyes had transformed themselves into confident leaders of the class. She would conduct the exercise for the nine more years she taught the third grade, and the next eight years she taught seventh and eighth graders before giving up teaching in Riceville, in 1985, largely to conduct the eye-color exercise for groups outside the school. They felt superior and had the support of the authority figure (the teacher). Even though some of the children said yes, Elliott pushed back. Brian, the Elliotts' oldest son, got beaten up at school, and Jane called the ringleader's, mother. "Well, what do you expect from him, Mrs. Elliott," a brown-eyed student said as a blue-eyed student got an arithmetic problem wrong. It also shows how arbitrary and subjective things can turn friends, family members, and citizens against each other. (Byrnes & Kiger, 1992). The children were not aware of the experiment, and therefore they could not give their permission of involvement. Kellen Castineiras PSY Dr. Gail C. Flanagan February 6, 2022. . The basic idea was to separate the class into two halves - those with blue eyes and those with brown. She slumped. All rights reserved. Essay Example, Essay Example on Racism Towards Black People, Essay Sample about Developing a Campaign for School Intimidation, Essay Example on Therapist-Client Relationship Boundaries, Islamic Perspective on Euthanasia, Free Essay Sample. You can contribute to that positive change by watching the documentary. Elliott, who is white, separated the students into two groupsthose with blue eyes and those with brown eyes. Hundreds of viewers wrote letters saying Elliott's work appalled them. Elliott continues, "Just when you think that the fertile soil can sprout no more, another season comes round, and you see another year of bountiful crops, tall and straight. She and Darald split their time between a converted schoolhouse in Osage, Iowa, a town 18 miles from Riceville, and a home near Riverside, California. Order from one of our vetted writers instead. Jane Elliott, shown here in 2009, remains an outspoken advocate against racism. The Daring Racism Experiment That People Still Talk About 20 - HuffPost Nobodys standing here. The 1970s and 1980s were ripe for diversity education in the private and public sectors, and Elliott would try out the experiment at workshops on tens of thousands of participants, not just in the U.S. and Canada, but in Europe, the Middle East and Australia. When Differences Matter | Facing History and Ourselves 4. If you are the original author of this essay and no longer wish to have it published on the To understand racism, kids must empathise with its impact and The test also included violation of consent in which participation of the children was made involuntarily. ", When I met Elliott in 2003, she hadn't been back to Riceville in 12 years. It has everything to do with power.. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright . 2023 All rights reserved. Theyd have to use paper cups if they drank from the water fountain. "Let me look at you," Elliott said. [online] Today I Found Out. Elliott pulled out green construction paper armbands and asked each of the blue-eyed kids to wear one. Elliott went after Ken and Barbie all day long, drilling, accusing, ridiculing them, to make the point that whites make baseless judgments about Blacks all the time, Pasicznyk said. The hate and discrimination that we see in adults have their origin in their upbringing. Ethical issues were 1/3 of the participants refused to take the head off the rat . I want to know why youre so willing to accept it or to allow it to happen for others., The first reaction I get from teachers, who see this film or from hearing, hear me discuss what I do say to me How can you do that to these little children? A Class Divided - Wikipedia At this point you may wish to tell the pupils that you are conducting an "experiment" to look at what prejudice is. She then made the blue-eyed students believe that they were better and smarter than their counterparts. SpeedyPaper website, please click below to request its removal: Liked this essay sample but need an original one? PPT The Ethics of Using Human Participants - University of New Mexico "No person of any age [was] going to leave my presence with those attitudes unchallenged," Elliott said. She gave all of the students simple spelling and math tests two weeks before the exercise, on the days of the exercise, and after the exercise. These initial criticisms didnt stop Elliott. "She stirs people up. The tallest structure in Riceville is the water tower. "It would be hard to know, wouldn't it, unless we actually experienced discrimination ourselves. The Hangout Bar & Grill, the Riceville Pharmacy and ATouch of Dutch, a restaurant owned by Mennonites, line Main Street. "Would you like to come on the show?" You didnt understand the directions. "If this ugly change, if this negative change can happen this quickly, why can't positive change happen that quickly? Did We Fail the Blue Eyes, Brown Eyes ExperimentOr Did It Fail Us? PDF TRAUMA-RELATED PSYCHOLOGY EXPERIMENTS - Boston University Blue Eye / Brown Eye experiment - Mary and Zeke have three children, all of whom have blue eyes. Everyone's tired of her. Despite the adaptation of the experiment in psychological studies, Jane has been widely criticized for her unethical conduct and promotion of discrimination among children. In Jane Elliott's experiment she made the third graders believe that the blue eyed people were better,than the brown eyed people. The first thing that Jane Elliott did was divide the children into groups: those with blue eyes and those with brown eyes. The Anti-Racism Exercise That Taught Kids to Be Racist - Gizmodo There is a way to avoid editing or writing from scratch! That phrase came to my mind when I watched the video, A Class Divided, about education experiment to teach stereotyping, prejudice and discrimination (Frontline, 1985 . Not everyone appreciated Elliotts exercise. Withdrawn brown-eyed kids were suddenly outgoing, some beaming with the widest smiles she had ever seen on them. Practical Psychology began as a collection of study material for psychology students in 2016, created by a student in the field. After the exercise white college students in . Students in the inferior groups were more likely to get a worse score. Still, Elliott said the last few years have brought out America's worst racist tendencies. They are cleaner than blue-eyed people. They were also relevant in the 1950s when Elliott first began this work. Jane Elliott | Psychology Wiki | Fandom That got the other teachers angry. Want a quality guarantee? She asked the other teachers what they were doing to bring news of the King assassination into their classrooms. She and her husband, Darald Elliott, then a grocer, have four children, and they, too, felt a backlash. Jane Elliott on The Tonight Show on May 31, 1968. Ethical Issues With Jane Elliott's Experiment I was stunned. The arbitrary division among the students intensified over the course of the experiment, so much so that it actually ended in physical violence. They all either smiled or laughed and nodded.". The next day, Jane made it known to the students that she had made a mistake and that the brown-eyed pupils were better and smarter than their counterparts. Today, increased migration means more opportunities for people from different backgrounds to interact with each other, which is often a source of conflict. The brown-eyed children began to act aggressive and mean towards the blue-eyed children. This is the phrase that inspired one of the most well-known experiments in education. The brown-eyed students also exercised a certain level of power over the blue-eyed students when they put the armbands on them. She told them that people with brown eyes were better than people with blue eyes. PDF Discrimination: Experimental Evidence from Psychology and Economics Why do researchers use correlational studies? But Elliotts experiment had a more sinister impact. "I know who she is. One example that has been in place for many years is the blue-eyed/brown-eyed experiment. PDF A Guide to THE ANGRY EYE - According to the Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct, 2010 the experiment also violates the principle of Integrity. The brown-eyed children felt suddenly that they were discriminated, while the blue eyed started seeing them as inferior. One of the main ones was the fact that their right to withdraw was taken away from them. She told her students that she had made a mistake the previous day and that brown-eyed students . The blue eyes brown eyes study was a study on group prejudice and discrimination conducted by Jane Elliot. A Teacher's Report on 'a Class Divided' a Pbs Film: Teaching 9 Unethical Psychological Experiments That Actually Happened Zimbardocreator of the also controversial 1971 Stanford Prisoner Experiment, which was stopped after college student volunteers acting as "guards" humiliated students acting as "prisoners"says Elliott's exercise is "more compelling than many done by professional psychologists. When she separated the class by eye color and announced that blue-eyed children were superior, Paul Bodensteiner objected at every turn. Blue Eyes, Brown Eyes by Stephen G. Bloom - Hardcover - University of You can start from that point in Activity 2, or you can play the video from the beginning (00:00) so that your students can see civil rights era footage following the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., as well as Elliott's students returning to Iowa . those with brown eyes (or hazel eyes). . She was a standing-room-only speaker at hundreds of colleges and universities. They embraced the experiments reductive message, as well as its promised potential, thereby keeping the implausible rationale of Elliotts crusade alive and well for decades, however flawed and racist it really was. In a similar vein, Linda Seebach, a conservative columnist for the Rocky Mountain News, wrote in 2004 that Elliott was a "disgrace" and described her exercise as "sadistic," adding, "You would think that any normal person would realize that she had done an evil thing. It is quite powerful to watch. The Blue-Eyes, Brown-Eyes Experiment. PDF Sociology. PUB DATE "On an airplane, it is," Elliott said to appreciative laughter from the studio audience. But Paul, one of eight siblings and the son of a dairy farmer, didnt buy Elliotts mollification. They are more civilized than blue-eyed people. This procedure is sometimes so subtle that no one notices it happening. They were forced to sit on the back rows and had to use a . Directed by William Peters, the episode profiles the Iowa schoolteacher Jane Elliott and her class of third graders, who took part in a class exercise about discrimination and prejudice in 1970 and reunited in the present day to recall the experience. Elliott asked. Blue Eyes, Brown Eyes 1968 - Jane Elliot, grade school teacher in Iowa conducted a classroom experiment to test whether racism was a learned characteristic Blue Eyes, Brown Eyes - an experiment to "create racism" Jane Elliot divided her 4th grade class into two groups based on eye color The Brown eyed group were told they were superior due . Jane Elliott, the American schoolmarm who would rid us of our racism . Typical of their responses was that of Debbie Hughes, who reported that "the people in Mrs. Elliott's room who had brown eyes got to discriminate against the people who had blue eyes. From Elliot's highly controversial experiment it is clear that prejudice and discrimination can only be understood through experience. She split the class in two categories, according to eye color, and told the children that one group was superior to the others. Traditionally, society has always treated leadership as a male issue. Order original essays online. On the first day, she told the children with blue eyes they were superior: smarter and more well-behaved than the children with brown eyes. January 1, 2003. Blue Eyed versus Brown Eyed Students Jane Elliott was not a psychologist, but she developed one of the most famously controversial exercises in 1968 by dividing students into a blue-eyed group and . "We want to see Room No. Delivery in 6+ hours! 1. I felt like quitting school. THE ANGRY EYE , a 35-minute video, features Jane Elliott conducting her Blue Eyed/Brown Eyed exercise with college students. The latter felt discriminated against by the other brown-eyed children. "I think these children walked in a colored child's moccasins for a day," she was quoted as saying. 10 Psychological Experiments That Could Never Happen Today. To get her points across, Elliott hurled insults at workshop participants, particularly those who were white and had blue eyes. ", A chorus of "Yeahs" went up, and so began one of the most astonishing exercises ever conducted in an American classroom. Elliott pulled out green construction paper armbands and asked each of the blue . Would you like to find out? As Elliott recalls, she engineered the "blue eyes/brown eyes exercise" in 1968 after watching the late-night news cycle announce the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. Rather than be deterred by possible What Was the Purpose of the Blue Eyes Brown Eyes Experiment? Blue Eyes/Brown Eyes: Jane Elliott's controversial classroom experiment
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