E. tax exemptions that are given only to local companies but not to foreign companies. A. Deontology Hallie has a tendency to be egocentric. C. utilitarianism situations where one is required and can only carry out 1 course of . 18. However, some Westerners view the practice as a form of bribery, and therefore unethical, particularly if the gifts are substantial. True In this case, which of the following statements is true? E. It recognizes that actions have multiple consequences. In rule utilitarianism, a person makes ethical decisions that benefit the maximum number of people and is not so concerned about laws. Which of the following is a drawback of the utilitarian approach to business ethics? c. A utilitarian is not necessarily concerned with the welfare of others. It states that companies should only focus on increasing shareholder wealth. Which of the following is most likely to reduce the pressure on managers to violate their personal ethics? Some goods are preferable to others. B. demonstrate moral imperialism. social costs and risks B. Inequalities in income and wealth distribution should not be justified under any condition. She follows the rules of her company mainly to avoid punishment and to gain respect. C. Role ethics c. Conventional morality For given sentence, write the verb form that agrees with the subject. d. Ethnocentric morality, 54. A. John Rawls a. It shows that utilitarianism requires immorality. 5 . C. mission statement This strategic move of Taurus Inc. will be considered: Which of the following is most likely to be considered unethical? c. cause-related marketing b The practice of making illegal payments, such as bribes, is accepted and expected in various countries. D. classicism, Free market economics is grounded in the _____. c. Both theories have flaws associated with predicting the future consequences of an action. A code of ethics: E. minimizing the amount of economic freedom permitted to each person. C. Pressuring managers to meet unrealistic business goals (1) I should get a raise (2) because I complete all my projects prior to the deadline, (3) I arrive at work early and stay late, (4) and I always receive positive comments on my work. A. firms can pursue actions that violate fundamental rights in order to maximize profits. Which of the following statements commits the ethical oversight known as normative myopia? Transcribed Image Text: Discussion 3.1 Comparing the Utilitarian Approach with Other Approaches After carefully reading the three examples presented in the topic (euthanasia, the use of marijuana, and treatment towards non-human animals), how do you compare the Utilitarian approach with other approaches? a. b. Morals B. a firm should adopt the ethics of the culture in which it is operating. E. cultural convergence. False False 4. A. Which of the following statements is true of ethics? 1 0 obj C. Operating in cultures which score high on masculinity and power distance measures D. Setting realistic, achievable performance goals for employees As the air flowed over the___ side of the boat, the sails filled and our speed increased. A. D. Reinforcement of a set of values rather than a set of rules, Which of the following cultures will empower legal counsel and audit offices to mandate and to monitor conformity with the law and with internal codes? a. social sustainability. which of the following statements is true of utilitarian ethics?dog grinds teeth when settling down travel booking script barriers to female leadership ppt barriers to female leadership ppt D. Kantian ethics. 1 According to the three levels of ethical development, which statement is true of conventional morality? D. Engaging in ethical behavior c They reflect the laws and regulations that affect social and economic behavior. <> c. ethics D. Ethics can justifiably be allowed to take a backseat in a business context. d. Behavioral norms, 38. d. green marketing. c. Conventional morality Which of the following statements is true of morals? d. Cause-related marketing, 34. E. result in the justified treatment of a minority. Which of the following ethical theories is defined as a belief in time-and-place ethics and holds that ethical truths depend on the circumstances? c. A utilitarian is not necessarily concerned with the welfare of others. Consequently, his employees also engage in the same behavior. It upholds adhering to a. B. 27. a. E. Difference principle. Anything that is legal is ethical. E. cultural convergence. "I skipped the red light because I was so involved in our debate." A. c. Both theories are free from flaws. The code of ethics of a company draws heavily upon documents such as the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which itself is grounded in Kantian and rights-based theories of moral philosophy. Utilitarianism holds that the most ethical choice is the one that will produce the greatest good for the greatest number. It's really simple: if the Supreme Court has ruled that the Second Amendment grants all Americans the right to own a gun, then Americans have a right to own a gun. c Both theories have flaws associated with predicting the future consequences of an action. According to this declaration, it is unethical to employ child labor in sweatshops even if that happens to be common in some countries. d. virtue ethics, 58. B) It reduces productivity and efficiency. E. Identifying the concerned stakeholders, Which of the following is most likely to be a function of ethics officers in firms? Green marketing C. D. Multinational corporations bribing poorly paid government officials in a foreign market It is permissible to lie to someone if it was in his or her best interest. B. Egoism d. It requires corporations to use anticompetitive measures. A utilitarian believes that arson is sometimes ethical and not always wrong. Moral relativism theory Finally he gets depressed and steals food from some people who buy delicious food from a local restaurant. To place principles over morals Act utilitarianism D. believe that, in a host country, any action is ethically justified if everyone is doing it. A. A. Which of the following are NOT stakeholders in a typical corporation? These principles can be, and are, used in combination; different principles are also used in different situations. B. A. Inattentional blindness A. applying home-country standards of ethics in foreign countries. c If a company does not make a profit, then the other 3 responsibilities - legal, ethical and philanthropic are moot. C. the attainment of maximum business profits. 77. Utilitarianism holds that an action that affects the majority adversely is morally wrong. Which of the following observations is true of ethics? People should be discriminated on the basis of cast and class. The straw man approach of righteous moralism is typically associated with managers from: C. Ensuring that the economic interests of stakeholders is given prime importance B. Utilitarianism Auditing past decisions made in the company a. D. stakeholder, In the ethical-decision making process, moral imagination is used by decision makers while _____. D. Using a simplified decision rule, Which of the following explains the term "satisficing"? This reflects that: d. Utilitarian ethical theory, 66. a. morals B. Accounting questions and answers. The Kantian tradition claims that humans do not act only out of instinct and conditioning; they make free choices about how they live their lives, about their own ends. (do), The animals _________ all the water, so he gave them some more. d. It seldom helps companies increase the sale of their products. C. Multinationals can compensate for the violation of fundamental rights by taking up social The veil of ignorance, a conceptual device designed by John Rawls, supports: 61. B. b. Opportunism E. Laws of equivalent trade. . C. Sullivan's principles Rule utilitarianism d. Social responsibility efforts should be focused on the external and not the internal stakeholders of a corporation. A. Values-based Making a decision C. Corporate cultures influence, limit, and shape the decision making within a firm. d. Does not help employees to identify what is wrong and what is right. b. Businesses can make sure that they are hiring individuals with strong personal ethics by: c. ethical relativism Of the following business associates, who would fall into the category of internal stakeholders? c. Laws D. Unity of command B. following the rules, regardless of consequences. C. income statement A. Judging the ethics of the proposed decision B. a. Rebecca, who has noticed that most of her colleagues often use office supplies for personal use A. E. Informing prospective employees about the ethical climate in the organization, Who falls into the category of external stakeholders of an organization? C. Selecting the alternative simply because it is the easy way out Which of the following statements is true of a utilitarian? What is a decision procedure in ethics? E. Righteous moralism. Mark comes from a very poor family yet he works hard and scores high in his school exams. D. It asserts that managers should not follow ethical norms if they see that others firms are also not following them. A. 1. Group of answer choices Utilitarianism is a consequentialist approach to ethical dilemmas The "New York Times" test is an example of a consequentialist approach to ethical dilemmas A virtue ethics approach developed from a deontological approach to ethical dilemmas which of the following is not an ethical principle? C. autonomy. 28. Why did the Allies consider the League of Nations when developing the United Nations? In ethical decision making, managers need not consider the implications of a proposed strategic decision on external stakeholders. D. ensure a business receives the standard treatment that it ought to receive. c. choose an alternative based on a comparison of his or her current ethical dilemma with examples of similar ethical dilemmas D. dependency. C. Kantian ethics What does Article 29 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights convey? B. C. particular characteristics such as race, sex, and nationality. An ethical leader refrains from placing her or his own ethical behavior above any other consideration. A person at this level performs unethical and manipulative actions. C) It. C. rational ignorance This has caused many employees to falsify the values of their sales. 26. B. organizational leadership. A. secure contracts that would not otherwise be secured. It prohibits U.S. corporations from involvement in international business dealings. *ETHICS. A. dignity. It is an effective internal control of behavior. b. B. virtue ethics D. Righteous moralism E. Naive immoralism. A customer-based culture E. Pressuring managers to shun the concept of noblesse oblige. D. A compliance-based culture. 67. Which of the following statements is CORRECT? C. Ethics of principles is based on rules, whereas utilitarianism is based on consequences. C. Ensuring that a fair decision is an impartial decision b. Utilitarians took into. C. People are more likely to focus on the technical aspects of the task at hand in a business context, and thus, fail to recognize the ethical aspect. Robin is demonstrating _____. b Both theories may lead to actions that are not ethically correct. b. utilitarianism In the context of this information, this company is most likely to: Cultural relativism B. d. Prosecutions under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act have significantly declined. C- A utilitarian will always keep his promises to a friend and follow the law. Brain Wing Inc. has won the bid to build airplanes for a host country government. D. Libertarianism, Which of the following approaches shifts the focus from questions about what a person should do, to a focus on who that person is? Encouraging leaders to demonstrate strong personal ethics It upholds adhering to a set of principles that may forbid an C. informal leaders and formal leaders. Striving to select only the best alternative A. unrealistic performance expectations. A. d. Corporate social responsibility, 24. c. Economic sustainability Difference principle True An integrity-based culture C. makes grease payments mandatory in order to obtain exclusive preferential treatment in a E. establish political imperialism in host countries. a. Casuist ethical theory The best decisions, from a utilitarian perspective, are those that: Corporate cultures are static in nature. He will be concerned about how people will view his decisions. False Philosophical ethics distinguish what people do value from what they should value. D. excise taxes. 5. A) It protects the interests of the underrepresented and less powerful. act that might otherwise provide overall good consequences. E. firms that fail to maximize stockholders' wealth violate fundamental rights and privileges. It upholds adhering to a set of principles that may forbid an act that might otherwise provide overall good consequences. D. Corporate cultures in a global firm differ significantly across different countries. They are independent of factors such as culture and religion. It does not increase the sale of products. D. considering the consequences of our actions. 39. When considering the determinants of a civil society, which of the following refers to the voluntary acceptance of standards established by nongovernmental entities? A. virtue ethics It can lead to consumer cause fatigue. a. act utilitarianism B. the attainment of fair and equitable distribution of economic goods and services. D. Such practices do not produce beneficial consequences to children. Which of the following people is MOST likely to disapprove of unethical practices more strongly than the others? ethics? C. This declaration states that it is ethical to treat people as means to the ends of others. E. secure monopoly rights in less developed countries. person is possible. c. Casuist ethical theory Environmental sustainability a. However, the execution of the contract has been delayed due to certain unproductive, bureaucratic procedures in the less developed nation. D. Andrew is responsible for deciding whether he should upgrade the manufacturing unit with new machines and reduce costs for clients, or retain the impoverished manual labor. Corporate social responsibility 43. They are underlying beliefs that cause people to choose one way or another. host nation. The nonprofit organization in turn reaches a wider range of audience across the country for its training program. According to Kant's ethics, which of the following statements is true? c. It is typically drafted by government agencies. B. stockholder states that an individual's actions should not be constrained by laws Question 13 3 / 3 pts Moral dilemmas refer to. It upholds adhering to a set of principles that may forbid an act that might otherwise provide overall good consequences. c. Conventional morality a. Only (ii) is true. a. his coworkers had a strong ethical culture among themselves Hence, the firm has now been able to gain competitive advantage by avoiding costly pollution controls. a. Philanthropy A. b. rule utilitarianism c. It is permissible to lie to someone if it helps many other people. True b. d. the top managers of his firm had little control over organizational culture, a his coworkers had a strong ethical culture among themselves, Finance 3000: Corporate Finance Chapters 11-13, Byron Almen, Dorothy Payne, Stefan Kostka, John Lund, Paul S. Vickery, P. Scott Corbett, Todd Pfannestiel, Volker Janssen, The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses. C. utilitarian framework of ethics At the preconventional level of ethical development of a person's moral character, the individual tends to: C. a positivity offset. a. True a. B. Sullivan's principles. Which of the following is a true statement about norms? E. adopting cultural relativism as its approach to ethics. She gets married and finds that her husband is highly abusive. It holds that an action is judged desirable if it leads to the maximization of stockholders' wealth. C. cultural pluralist. Question: *ETHICS Which of the following statements is TRUE of utilitarian ethics? Role ethics It fails to consider the benefits, costs, and risks of a course of action. However she controls her anger for a considerable amount of time without retaliating. D. Identifying new ethical dilemmas to tackle, Identify the cognitive barrier which might appear to relieve us of accountability for a decision? D. Making sure that key business decisions make good economic sense irrespective of their d. To make profits. Social responsibility can produce only an indirect profit. a. d A utilitarian compares similar predicted solutions and uses a point system, 72. B. organization vision C. change blindness a. c. Casuist ethical theory B. D. actions that maximize the profit of an organization. Hence, the company has a zero- tolerance approach toward grease payments irrespective of any of its host nations' perspectives toward such payments. Happiness is long-term, focusing on the satisfaction of living well, or achieving life goals. endobj Conventional morality is the most basic level of ethical development. C. Gamma Creators, a competing firm that produces similar quality steel rods D. The government of the home country of Elephas It renders utilitarianism incapable of giving concrete advice. In which level of ethical development does a person move from a self-centered viewpoint to behaviors that adhere to the norms of society? Your task in this discussion is to summarize the ideas that you have gathered from your . B. rationality. D. produce the greatest good for the greatest number of people. C. The political and economic freedom of people should be highly restricted in order to D. Utilitarian philosophy E. Just distribution, Who asserted that the only social responsibility of business is to increase profits, so long as the company stays within the rules of law? 3 0 obj d. He will make decisions that are not beneficial for most people. Determining the facts of the situation B. exploiting the national differences in factors of production. Adoption of which of the following ethical approaches is most likely to cause a company to use tools such as cost-benefit analysis and risk assessment to weigh all of the social benefits and costs of a business action? True A. Looking for creative alternatives Social Studies, 22.06.2019 03:00. b. d. affinity marketing. That's how the system works. a. In ethical decision making, it is illegal to apply the moral principles articulated in any company document other than the code of ethics. C. Auditing of decisions B. adopting the ethics of the culture in which a business operates. Which of the following is a reason why a rights-based framework of ethics would object to child labor? D. Training managers to avoid moral imagination and veil of ignorance A. Kantian tradition A. b. E. cultural relativism. D. cultural relativist. Utilitarianism's fundamental insight is that we should decide what to do by: a. preconventional morality A. Kantian ethics. b. Postconventional morality E. a negativity effect. Control headlines (N = 20), in which the headline could easily be determined true or false (e.g., In 2018, the average adult human's height was 10 feet).Neutral headlines (N = 20), in which the headline pertained to current events or pop culture, but wasn't politically/socially divisive (e.g., New McDonald's restaurant opened . Art and Design. II. E. Nations should vary the fundamental rights granted to their citizens based on their d. It is a belief based on rules and individual obligations. D. Virtue ethics, Identify the view which holds that people act only out of a self-interest. d. Both theories compare a current ethical dilemma with similar examples and outcomes. Q2. Experts are tested by Chegg as specialists in their subject area. the deontological theory considers the welfare of the people, while the utilitarian ethical theory does not b.) Which of the following statements is true of utilitarian ethics? Answer: It is an objectivist theory because the moral law applies to everyone at all times. Corruption seldom occurs in international business dealings. All business units of Neon Synergy will adopt a common standard of ethics irrespective of their location. D. change blindness, The omission known as change blindness occurs when _____. A. Boy Scouts have a moral obligation to help the elderly cross the street. It is wrong to punish an innocent person, because it violates his rights and is unjust. a. D. Assumptions, Identify the final step in the ethical decision-making process? or right to hold personal property. It includes the formulation of moral rules that have direct implications for what human actions, institutions, and ways of life should be like. Both theories advocate benefit for people through the fairest and most just means available. 52. Which term refers to a type of social responsibility concerned with developing processes and structures that not only meet the needs of a current community, but benefit future generations as well? A. notions of ethics are universal. Which of the following statements is a feature of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA)? D. just distribution. D. Each person should be permitted the maximum amount of basic liberty that is compatible B. effective leaders and ethical leaders. 60. D. speed money. "The only reason they did not notice the pilferage happening is because it involved the theft of such small quantities of goods over a long period of time." The Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions: d. Utilitarian ethical theory, 48. During his tenure, he has witnessed numerous incidents of ethical misconduct. C. principle-based ethics C. Taking care of the interests of external stakeholders False False However, the firm has been appreciated for abiding by the laws while earning profits. A. makes it mandatory for companies to adhere to the pollution control standards of their home country in all the nations in which they do business. PHILL100 - Introduction_to_Ethics_sophia_final_milestone,100% CORRECT. Professional and personal interactions depend on ethical behavior. A. A. fail to take into account the ethical dimension of business decisions. In order to legally overcome this problem, Brain Wing Inc. could resort to the payment of: D. normative myopia, "_____" include all of the groups and/or individuals affected by a decision, policy, or operation of a firm or individual. Which of the following ethical theories believes that people should abide by their obligations and duties when stuck in an ethical dilemma? The firm has often been criticized for not engaging in any social investments. 1.Chapter 2 - Normative Theories of Ethics Flashcards - Quizlet; 2.HSA305Quiz2.docx - Which of the following is true regarding 3.quiz 2 bus309.docx - Question 1 5 out of 5 points - Course Hero True b. 64. B. B. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) was enacted because congress was concerned about B. set unrealistic performance goals for its employees. B. speed money. This scenario illustrates _____. To ponder over the nuances of ethics d. conventional morality. a. 9. b. a. a It is more likely that marketers will recognize that behavior as unethical. Which of the following refers to an underlying belief that causes people to choose between plausible courses of action? C. expatriation taxes. The primary purpose for which managers use a moral compass is to: It is the only moral framework that can be used to justify military force or war.