Dont censor yourself and write about what you believe the meaning of life is. Write about how a half-eaten apple flies through the air and smacks your character on the head. One day, they see that very bike leaning up against their house but this time, they dont blackout. 2. Your character and their brother have always been best friends. Until tragedy strikes that stranger. Your main character despises what they were created for. Looking for the light in life instead of succumbing to darkness. Write a story about how in order to marry in your characters society, suitors have to fight a persons entire family for their hand. Your characters new goal? Her brothers friends are off limits. An internal struggle of yours and how you were able to solve it. While at summer camp over a decade ago, five teenagers' lives became irrevocably intertwined. 4. On the same day your character challenges their loves family of 8, someone else challenges theirs a family of only 3. It just so happens the place they end up stuck is one of dreams. Now, with the population dwindling due to suffocation and disease, your main character has to find a way off the dying planet without attracting too much attention from the Keeps, also known as the highly deadly enforcement force tasked with making sure only certain individuals leave. Human curiosity is what makes this genre so incredibly popular. Write a book about a city thats the first to implement an entirely technological government. Their memory is foggy but clearing up, and they have some sort of technical device securing their hands together. Top 50 Fiction Writing Prompts Here are 50 fantastic fiction writing prompts that will help you start your next story. Urban fiction or "street lit" is a popular genre -- usually self-published -- that deals with the harshest social-economic realities of inner city life: poverty, crime, gaudy sex, fast romance, graphic violence, verbal abuse and domestic violence. The 300 years it took to destroy society was completely planned. After some digging, they realize its filled with scrolls they can hardly make out. Write a story about a hidden temple is the only thing standing in the way of your character becoming the next ruler of a post-apocalyptic, off-the-grid society. Falling in love is never easy. Unfortunately, your character discovers a superstorm developing, Your character develops a new device you implant in your ear that reads the minds of those they focus on. Their partner someone theyve known their whole life is already chosen and its time to secure the bond. Kidnapping and worse await her if anyone finds out that she can reproduce, and will soon have a child up for grabs. In order to save herself and her child she must confess her pregnancy to the father, a very wealthy man in politics. Write about morals that have inadvertently negative impacts. Your main character has seen the same person at the bus stop every day for what seems like over a year. The possibilities with a fantasy world are nearly endless. 6. Video footage of them at the scene during the murder shows that clearly. They throw on their white coat and enter the building. What you can gain from being open-minded in every aspect of life. Benefits of Using Journaling Prompts. Love doesnt even exist in your characters world. Write a story about a main character whos read all about the warning signs of a solar flare and the flipping of the Earths magnetic field. Here are some big name urban fantasy novels for inspiration: City of Bones, Moon Called, and Magic Bites. By Moriah Richard Nov 29, 2022 Writing Prompts Just . Write a book about how the world used to be plagued with war and famine and inhumanity. The pollution in your hero's city. 30 Short Story Writing Prompts. With books like The Handmaids Tale stirring more post-apocalyptic stories, its easy to get stuck in the same mindset as many other dystopian novelists. Sign In Sign Up Sign Up Search for: Career Documentation Technical Writing Novel Book Screenplay Knowledge Publishing Writing Content Design Software Certifications Courses Your main character has worked their entire life to make their dreams of curing cancer a reality. Your characters best friend just got back from some intense rehab. Or maybe youre the type who has tons of ideas but arent sure if theyre worth pursuing. Write about a character who, every weekend, wakes up as a different historical figure in their time period. But they work there now and will have to get used to it. By Moriah Richard Dec 6, 2022 Writing Prompts The Fae Every writer needs a little inspiration once in a while. Write about what it truly means to have complete confidence in yourself. Write about how your main character is a key witness for a murder case. But when your character can hear every single thought someone has about them, it quickly reduces their chances at finding love. Write about a trial being the only way your character can ever hope to rise above their current abysmal ranking. Your worlds current society is one bred for advancement. How self-doubt can affect your search for love. Write about hot time altering is possible, but fatally illegal. Write a story about A character with an addiction who discovers that they're someone else's addiction. Your main character befriends an orphaned child and learns more from them than they realized was possible. 7. So they decide to ask about them. When a newcomer ventures into their land, their chance of finding the temple becomes dangerousmaybe even impossible. Here are 30 Sci-Fi Creative Writing Prompts: Write about a character who wakes up in a space pod alonenext to a ship so massive it's actually carrying a planet beneath it. The following fantasy story plot ideas can help you get into your characters' heads. A child wishes that a family member will return from the dead, and it works. Write about how to conquer toxic desires. Survival isnt guaranteed and strangers could have been your best friend or more only yesterday. The importance of matching morals and values in relationships. Write about how after a devastating illness that rocked, Write a book about how after a devastating storm that encompassed the. Write about a character who wants to do everything on their bucket list. But when theyre kidnapped and shipped off to the unknown, theres only one thing left on their list: survive. Who killed him? But when they come forward with these details, they become the new main suspect. What youve gained from networking throughout your life. Acknowledgement Page, Copyright Page, & More! Create a book about the importance of mental health and wellness. A time when you had to overcome super unhealthy ways. And thats exactly what were here to help you with, whether youre writing as a hobby or looking to publish a novel thats destined to be included on every bibliophiles gift wish list. Witnessing someones descent into madness is something your character never thought theyd experience. It's about an architect and should include a ship. BuzzFeed Staff, UK. But they soon realize that nobody remembers who they are day after day, despite making very clear and memorable introductions. Nobody knows where theyre coming from and theres not a single personal item in them. In the world your character lives in, holding on to your own sanity is the difference between destruction and thriving. How you learned to love yourself through your faith. Alternative methods one can use to gain confidence. Here are 3 ideas you can use to create fictional characters and stories: Write about a character who pretends to be cool and tough, but is actually shy and sensitive. The lessons you didnt realize you learned as a child. novel. Write about a character who wakes up in a dark, hot room dressed in hardly anything. How using certain essential oils daily can help with your mood and self-esteem. Write a fantasy story about a character who wakes up every day feeling the same thing: that something in their life is just. They just cant seem to stop killing people. Write a story about Gods over a specific element like water, fire, etc. Write about how oceanic cities have been built for the rich. There, they discover real. Its a day of celebration. We always want to figure out what happened. Welcome to the Writing Tips Oasis guide on writing urban fantasy. Write about a character who goes looking for magic out of curiosity. I've also included ten non-fiction prompts. The lure of a mysterious person will never get old. Bad romance novels play host to an abundance of problematic and tedious characters the meek virgin, the reformed jerk, the conflicted step-brother. Daily habits that will lead to overall confidence. Prompts are useful, and if invested in correctly, can give an author the perfect amount of inspiration to develop a fresh, bestselling story. The biggest life lessons one can learn through finding happiness. This is why fantasy is my preferred genre to write in. Two strangers are caught at the top of a broken roller coaster. When one kid proves to be way more than expected, they have to help them understand exactly what they can do and stop them from doing something that could be dangerous. So much so that children are now worth millions. After an injury leaves them exposed, an unlikely ally of a rivaling clan saves their life. When your character gets abducted after being out past the towns new curfew, they have only 48 hours to discover why this is happening and how to get freeall while being tortured by the murderer. How toxic relationships can alter your self-esteem for the worse. What they didnt anticipate was the massive super virus 100% resistant to the drug. A good prompt can give you the inspiration you need to craft a paragraph, a book, or an entire series. Write about a species of magical people who can conjure fire, control it, and thrive in it. This has never happened before. When working to writing prompts the goal is to get some words out, create some new ideas, and make new connections in your mind that will help you build new stories. Its under strict surveillance from the outside in order to determine if this is the future of your countryand the world. Upon further inspection, your character finds a bottle in one of the baskets and in that bottle, a letter. Cyber information is being used to frame innocents in extreme crime cases. These urban fantasies often blend the lines between humans and paranormal beings or mythical creatures. Write a story about how many memories of love and loss come to your characters mind when theyre invited to an all-adult summer camp. Everything has to be realistic in todays society. They attempt to return the letter to its owner to find someone else entirely. The journey of parenting and what its taught you about yourself. Write a book about a character who is fortunate to have been born into a powerful family after the downfall of the world. Write about how your character receives a number of letters in the mail to a name they dont recognize. Write a story about how your character sees balloons hundreds of them floating toward the sky from miles away. When someone new finally learns the truth, reality becomesconfusing. So what's so different, so much more problematic, about writing the "kingpin" or the "reformed drug dealer"? They learn thats far from the truth. What youve learned about yourself through pursuing wellness. This list is the matchbox with which you can strike your match. A girl on the swim team transforms into a part-time mermaid. How finding love has changed the way you care for others. Prompt. When theyre forced to leave their home to rush to the aid of someone struggling outside, they learn that those natural disasters are completely fabricated. But that can be difficult to create from nothing. Then they come across a town that seems unchanged, inhabiting seemingly normal people. Your character is among the many determined to find a way to fix it. Your characters significant other has always talked in their sleep; its nothing new. Write about a dare. Then it happens again the next day. Sharing a treehouse with the weirdo might just be the best thing theyve ever done. Compare and the difference between a value and a moral. Disclosure: Some of the links above may contain affiliate partnerships, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Self-Publishing School may earn a commission if you click through to make a purchase. A world where dragons are forced to fight each other, fight club style. Unnatural. Your journey through sports and how they shaped you. Decide if the story will take place in this world or a completely unique one, Create realistic advanced technology that your characters would actually use, Avoid modern-day slang unless the story takes place here, Paint a very clear picture of everyday life for your character from the very first page, Get creative with the laws, culture, and customs. Create a conflict many can relate to or sympathize with, Spend a lot of time on the character arc as many contemporary novels are primarily character-driven, NEVER romanticize abuse as love (AKA, a jealous boyfriend should never be praised for loving your character more because this is harmful to readers), Create real chemistry by giving your characters qualities that would, Avoid insta-love by giving your characters time to bond and get to know each other, Look out for serious romance cliches and overused plot lines like love triangles, forbidden romances (these can be great, Continuously up the stakes whenever the reader gets comfortable with the relationship. She just has no idea who she is, where shes from, or how she got there. Then their dates sibling calledto tell them they had died. Write about how a package is mailed to your main character. Its filled with what seems like hundreds of letters all to a single person. Your character is of a very noble household and can barely sleep each night. Your character is one of the lucky few who are chosen to be among the first to inhabit the planet. Write about a character who is obsessed with certain colors. Begin writing and allow your ideas to flow and lead your writing wherever it might go. Itll be fun, they said. Write about your idea of the best combination of morals and values. We have over 400 original writing prompts you can use across several different genres. The only problem is that your main character was born the natural waywith every emotion intact. The Ghost Cat, Totem #5 by Christine Rains is a paranormal, shifter urban fantasy set in Alaska and is the fifth book in a series about three polar . Your vision as a child and whether or not you lived up to it. The Internet suddenly shuts down, and no one knows why or how to get it back running again. Write a story about how natural farming doesnt exist anymore. We always want to figure out what happened. Write about what the definition of family truly means to you. After growing increasingly desperate, they answer an ad for a personal assistant position. Write about how to find what you value in life. Use these to craft your next story, or as a writing exercise. Write about a moment in your life that changed the way you saw the world. Now they can finally compete to rule over their settlement. 2. The only thing stopping them is a past thats sprinting to catch up to them. Your character has always believed magic exists. Your characters identity is stolen, racking up thousands of dollars in debt. Its everything your character could wantand then they meet the person who pays thousands for their portrait. In fact, nobody marries for love. Write about how your main character wakes up every morning feeling as though they didnt get more than a couple of hours of sleep. As all aspiring authors know, this is the #1 challenge . But when a glitch alters the mechanisms, what was once pleasure becomes pain and the user gets trapped in a VR state. Here are 25 writing prompts about personal journey: Grab a copy of Published. Then, out of nowhere, he hands your character a gun, takes a few steps back, and fires a couple of rounds into the ceiling. All they can remember is feeling scared and a distinct song that gets stuck in their head from time to time. A gentleman in a grey suit with white hair greets them and engages in some small talk. In fact, using writing prompts can help you free your mind from its current constraints so you can explore ideas you might not have otherwise thought of yourself in addition to a number of other benefits. A tragedy you, unfortunately, lived through and how it has shaped you. #10 Youre a man/woman happily married with kids but in severe financial difficulty. Becoming open-minded in your pursuit of love. Your characters job is to lead the mission of colonizing new planets even if theres life present. But why? A message to anybody who doesnt think they have something to believe in. The negative impact toxic friends/family have on your self-esteem. Whether or not your family can truly impact who you are as an adult. Write a story about how a little boy is running toward your main character, a look of absolute joy lighting up their face. That settlement doesnt actually exist. If youre writing a nonfiction book, we have great ideas for you to focus on. The impact of who you surround yourself with on your mental health. The father is already non existent so go ahead and make the mother a crack head child abuser. Tagged, chipped, and shuffled into line. Conflict arising from out a time when you had to debate morals and values. How your faith can steer your career and life. Write about how to make your own family when you cant rely on your own. Your characters people believe a certain boulder is sacred. Scholarships for Women 2021/2022: See Top 15 you can Choose from. 1. Also use the sentence 'Aren't you afraid?' They decide to go for it and spend 6 weeks in paradise with complete strangers. Your character lines up at the bank very early in the morning, dreading another day of mind-numbing work ahead at their corporate job. Just sit down, read through these, and let your pencil fly! Ready? A bounty hunter has to track down a target and bring him back to his employer alive. There are countless fantasy worlds out there and that means you really have to focus on being unique within your world. Her dads friends are off limits. Aside from English, I am a certified second degree black belt with fifteen years of experience in Hapkido. But when someone your character has never met before steps up to challenge your supposed-to-be life partner, theyre forced to be with a stranger. Writing fiction is an excellent way to encourage children explore their imaginations and express themselves creatively. Fantasy Writing Prompts What seemed like a perfect evening mustve not been all that great for them. Copyright Self Publishing SchoolAll Rights Reserved. Its the heart of their civilization and religion. Write about how its rare to find true love as a child. Story Ideas about Space - Space Travel, Aliens, and the Universe. When a deceased human hand with a sinister note attached to it is the only thing in the capsule, questions start to buzz. Alien Town. But if youre ready to start right now, here are a few to set the creative wheel of your imagination in motion so you can find your writing style and master your craft. The hidden camera on the basement stairs doesnt help with that. Write about a character who accidentally created a virtual reality software that taps into the users psyche and creates their ultimate dream reality. actually what their specific relationship can benefit from. He decides to take Darwinism into his own hands. Urban Fantasy Writing Prompts Urban fantasy is a subgenre of fantasy that takes place in an urban setting. While they make a seemingly full recovery, something has just been. Live Customer Service | M-F 10am-6pm Eastern: 864-729-3997. In fact, they just want to escape from their own life for a little bit but prefer to read something realistic, something they can relate to. Your character ends up in their clutches, forced to do their bidding. In this world, characters can bend, pause, rewind, and even fast forward timebut at the risk of their lives. Here are 26 Writing Prompts about Happiness: No matter who you are, youll experience moments of self-doubt and a lack of confidence. Non-fiction. Scientists have created a man-made atmosphere around the planet of Mars in order to make it completely livable. The point is, writing about a lack of self-esteem and how to gain it is something everyone has experienced and therefore, everyone can relate to. Learning to live with something difficult or painful every day. Release Date: December 21, 2021. The biggest problem in todays society revolving around happiness. Use our fun Story Ideas Kit to create mix-and-match story plots. These are the first fifty. Theres been no war or poverty or famine in centuries. Write a romance story about how you dont know unconditional love until youve ever felt it at your core. Choose a song or album that you have a visceral response to. Use this Writing Prompt Generator to find countless random writing prompts for your next gaming adventure, story or any other kind of project. Write about how, while on a hike with friends, your main character discovers a small tower buried beneath the ground. So they decide to find out who is responsible. With new laws, new standards, and new rulers in place, their life obtains a whole new purpose. But when it seems like a cure is within reach, a suspicious fire burns all of their researchor so it seemed. They have no idea where they are, how they go there, or who the strange man in the corner of the room watching them is. Oh, and they have a debilitating medical condition to look after, too. That is, until one is discovered with a freshly removed human scalp on the dashboard. Write a story about how, as an artist, your main character has it well. Write about how morals and values differ within different cultures and regions. Write about how, to make some extra money, your character puts their spare room on Airbnb. Write a book about how after an accident that killed your characters father, they uncover secrets they cant even understand. Never assume every single person loves and wants love the same way, Tell personal, real-life stories to build relatability, Keep your advice open-ended and always encourage communication. Your character is the one who was supposed to keep it safe. These are some of our tips for writing a mystery novel: Reddit is home to many different thingsincluding writing prompts that youd never find anywhere else. Since both occurred within the same year over a century ago, theyre stuck to live in the aftermath.