Topics: Democracy In America. ", 174. ~ Akan (Ghana, Ivory Coast) proverb, When brothers fight to the death, a stranger inherits their fathers estate. "A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words." - Kenyan Proverb. "Unity is strength, division is weakness." - Swahili Proverb. Cf. "The African mind has a lot to contribute, not only to world understanding of the arts, but to an understanding of spiritualism. A Collection of 40 Wise Swahili Phrases and Sayings. "It is only a stupid cow that rejoices at the prospect of being taken to a beautiful abattoir. Check your inbox for your latest news from us. To run is not necessarily to arrive. Shida ya ndugu humalizwa na ndugu. If cups are [put] in one place, they are bound to clatter - F. The use of this proverb is quite common in East Africa. ", 89. "Unity is a strength, a division is a weakness . "Rain beats the leopard's skin but it does not wash out the spots. None but a fool denies his family. Moumita is a multilingual content writer and editor. "Do not blame God for creating the tiger, just thank Him for not giving it wings. Two people in accord are stronger than eight who disagree. ", 108. It is what you will, and it withstands all interpretations. ~African proverb, Many hands make light work. Sticks in a bundle are unbreakable. Afya ni bora kuliko mali - Health is better than wealth. Swahili proverbs address subjects such as unity and cooperation, responsibility, conflict, obedience and disobedience, good, evil, and acting foolishly. Everyone who knocks at the door gets an answer. 195. This Swahili quote about life means that if you sort out a problem immediately, it may save you a lot of extra work later. The one who refuses to join in an enterprise is a witch. The refusal of the earthen cooking pot is that it leaks. ", 185. "If you see that a town respects a calf, then cut the grass and feed it. "Adui wa mtu, ni mtu - The enemy of man is man.". ", 142. Nyonya, suck milk; live off somebody else. NGU. ~ African proverb 1283-85. "By the time a fool has learned the game, the players have dispersed. This famous Swahili proverb is similar to the English version dont judge a book by its cover. Kwenye makaa bila moto hakukauki nyama. A log cannot be pushed along except by another log. This proverb is used to bring people to cooperate. One needs capital, know how, friends. Those who have become successful and have collected much prefer to hold on to that position, but those who have little prefer co-operating in fighting against the environment which has made their situation so low, with the hope that it will improve not for some individuals only, but for the whole group - EM. If you want to go far, go together. Ghana, Wisdom is not like money to be tied up and hidden. Akan, Show me your friend and I will show you your character. African proverb, If your cornfield is far from your house, the birds will eat your corn. Congo, Do not let what you cannot do tear from your hands what you can. Ashanti, If ten cents does not go out, it does not bring in one thousand dollars. Ghana, Return to old watering holes for more than water; friends and dreams are there to meet you. African proverb, Dogs do not actually prefer bones to meat; it is just that no one ever gives them meat. Akan, There is no one who became rich because he broke a holiday, no one became fat because he broke a fast. Ethiopia, Lack of money is lack of friends; if you have money at your disposal, every dog and goat will claim to be related to you. Yoruba, Beautiful from behind, ugly in front. Uganda Proverb, A beautiful one hurts the heart. African Proverb, A beautiful thing is never perfect. Egyptian Proverb, Youth is beauty, even in cattle. Egyptian Proverb, Beauty is not sold and eaten. Nigerian Proverb, You are beautiful because of your possessions. Baguirmi Proverb, Every woman is beautiful until she speaks. Zimbabwean Proverb, A pretty basket does not prevent worries. Congolese Proverb, He who marries a beauty marries trouble. Nigerian Proverb, Roosters tail feathers: pretty but always behind. Malagasy Proverb, Patience is the mother of a beautiful child. Bantu Proverb, The most beautiful fig may contain a worm. Zulu Proverb, Beautiful words dont put porridge in the pot. Botswana Proverb, A womans polite devotion is her greatest beauty. African Proverb, Ugliness with a good character is better than beauty. Nigerian Proverb, Having beauty doesnt mean understanding the perseverance of marriage. African Proverb, There is no beauty but the beauty of action. Moroccan Proverb, She is like a road pretty, but crooked. Cameroonian Proverb, A pretty face and fine clothes do not make character. Congolese Proverb, The cook does not have to be a beautiful woman. Shona Proverb, Dress up a stick and itll be a beautiful bride. Egyptian Proverb, Greatness and beauty do not belong to the gods alone. Nigerian Proverb, The skin of the leopard is beautiful, but not his heart. Baluba proverb, Its those ugly caterpillars that turn into beautiful butterflies after seasons. African Proverb, A chicken with beautiful plumage does not sit in a corner. African Proverb, There is always a winner even in a monkeys beauty contest. African Proverb, Even the colors of a chameleon are for survival not beauty. African Proverb, A woman who pursues a man for sex loses her spiritual beauty. African Proverb, You are beautiful, but learn to work, for you cannot eat your beauty. Congolese Proverb, Three things cause sorrow to flee; water, green trees, and a beautiful face. Moroccan Proverb, Anyone who sees beauty and does not look at it will soon be poor. Yoruba Proverb, If there is character, ugliness becomes beauty; if there is none, beauty becomes ugliness. Nigerian Proverb, The one who loves an unsightly person is the one who makes him beautiful. Ganda Proverb, Why they like an ugly person takes long for a beautiful person to know. African Proverb, The surface of the water is beautiful, but it is no good to sleep on. Ghanaian Proverb, The beauty of a woman becomes useless if there is no one to admire it. African Proverb, If you find Miss This Year beautiful, then youll find Miss Next Year even more so. Nigerian Proverb, There are many colorful flowers on the path of life, but the prettiest have the sharpest thorns. African Proverb, Getting only a beautiful woman is like planting a vine on the roadside everyone feeds on it. African Proverb, It is only a stupid cow that rejoices at the prospect of being taken to a beautiful abattoir. African Proverb, An ugly child of your own is more to you than a beautiful one belonging to your neighbor. Ganda Proverb, Beautiful discourse is rarer than emerald. yet it can be found among the servant girls at the grindstones. Egyptian Proverb, One who plants grapes by the road side, and one who marries a pretty woman, share the same problem. Ethiopian Proverb, Despite the beauty of the moon, sun and the stars, the sky also has a threatening thunder and striking lightening. African Proverb, When a once-beautiful piece of cloth has turned into rags, no one remembers that it was woven by Ukwa master weavers. Igbo Proverb, She is beautiful; she has love, understands; she respects herself and others; everyone likes, loves and honors her; she is a goddess. African Proverb, Judge not your beauty by the number of people who look at you, but rather by the number of people who smile at you. African Proverb. "Unity without verity is no better than conspiracy."-John Trapp. REK. "Dine with a stranger but save your love for your family. ", 101. "When brothers fight to the death, a stranger inherits their fathers estate. It takes a village to raise a child. Your email address will not be published. gentle chair exercises for seniors; land for sale noble county, ohio; empire true blue level; induction motor applications; suspension zone offroad This famous quote in Swahili teaches people the importance of being patient and that good things will come to people who are patient. ", 124. "Anyone who urinates in a stream should be warned because any of his relatives may drink from the water. 1256. Nyerere, P resi dent of Tanzani a, proverbi al schol ar and st at esman. It all begins with the rubbing of the bride's entire body, when all the body hair is pulled out" - JKP. "Though the lion and the antelope happen to live in the same forest, the antelope still has time to grow up. Miami Shores Homeowner Shocked When Insurance Company Demands He Remove Vines, After Being Untraceable for 24 Years, A Rare Bird Reappears in Madagascar, 28-Year-Old Antoinette Paris-Hudson Becomes the Third Black Female Captain for PSA Airlines, Andrew Asamoah: This Man Quit His Lucrative Job With The UN To Build Ghanas First Shopping Mall, How My Husband Dumped Me For Another Lady After I Funded His Trip To The UK Ghanaian Woman Narrates, Dwyane Wades Daughter Zaya Granted Name Change and Legal Transition in Los Angeles Court, 10 Things You Should Know About Studying In Canada, Ghanas Football Star, Christian Atsu Was Battling Divorce Before His Demise Reports, Man United Star, Mason Greenwood Expecting Child With Harriet Robson, The Interesting And Varied History Of The Bantu People, 5 Nigerians Among Forbes 30 Most Promising Young African Entrepreneurs for 2016, Western Union Expands US Remittance Service to Cuba, VC4A Launches Learning Resource For African Startups, Sticks in a bundle are unbreakable. I enjoy photography, music and watching comedy videos. 1290. Talking to people, learning new experiences, sharing my knowledge through blogs, motivating others are things that I always look forward to. The App is specially designed to find the wisdom hidden in Swahili Proverbs and idioms. One hand cannot bring up a child. ~ Swahili proverb. 60. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up. 1288. 5 Swahili Proverbs That Sum Up the Current Political Scene in Africa. If the cockroach wants to rule over the chicken, then it must hire the fox as a body-guard. Mwenye kubebwa hujikaza. Please note that Kidadl is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon. "A family is like a forest, when you are outside it is dense, when you are inside you see that each tree has its place. Where there's a will there's a way. A friend is like a water source for a long journey. when there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved." -Mattie Stepanek - Baha'U'Llah. KB 343. Kama kusingwa ni huku, naradhiwa taka zangu. If you want to go far, go together.". "If love is a sickness, patience is the remedy." Cameroonian Proverb "The laughter of a child lights up the house." Swahili Proverb One who stops, comes to an end; 2. a kind of palm tree; 3. a leper; 4. one who Saving Money Quotes! 200+ Best African Proverbs And Wise Sayings - The Minds Journal "When a bitter woman takes over the house, the family she rules is doomed. 1269. In summary, African . creative tips and more. 63. Famous African Proverbs by Neva (Afritorial) - Bellafricana With more than 2 to 15 million native speakers, here are some great Swahili sayings to inspire you. "Anyone who sees beauty and does not look at it will soon be poor. "Counsel and advice him, if he refuses to listen, then let adversity teach him. EM w21. ", 8. Mkono mmoja hauchinji ng'ombe. Subscribe for virtual tools, STEM-inspired play, To many give it up or they will take it themselves. ~ African proverb, If relatives help each other, what evil can hurt them? ", 127. Try to cooperate and make helping you easier. ", 42. A barber does not shave himself. Nahodha wengi, chombo (or jahazi) huenda mrama. ~Ashanti Proverb. Why give yourself to death when you could be immortal. Unity is strength, division is weakness. So, you should not have a grudge against the hawk. swahili proverbs about unity If women say so, stay awake. ", 169. 200+ Powerful African Proverbs about Life, Love, and Wisdom ", 107. To many it is wise to yield. "Other people's wisdom prevents the king from being called a fool. 1318. Methali: DAMU NI NZITO KULIKO MAJI Unity is strength, separation weakness. Macho mawili huona zaidi kuliko jicho moja. Where there are many good men there no child will get sick. ", 24. If somebody is getting involved with something, it is clear that that person thinks it is worthwhile. 157. ", 134. Meaning: Even he who has not many troubles has a few. "The young bird does not crow until it hears the old ones. A person who has no helper, helps one self [to finish the job]. Kidadl is independent and to make our service free to you the reader we are supported by advertising. Firebrand on firebrand, then the fire burns. ~ Ibo proverb, Children are the reward of life. Cf. ~ Swahili proverb; Sticks in a bundle are unbreakable. ", 175. Unity is strength, division is weakness. ", 151. JGH. Ada ya mja hunena, muungwana ni kitendo - It is customary for man to talk, and gentlemen to act (actions speak louder than words). "The most beautiful fig may contain a worm. November 21, 2020 No Comments. A family tie is like a tree, it can bend, but it cannot break. 1256, 1281. ", 188. - African proverb. We all will share prior to our arrival at heaven. June 14, 2022 . By Pride Team on February 5, 2015 Proverbs. Bamba na waume. Swahili people, Kenya. Kukubali shingo upande. The oil palm has everything, except the strainer. "There are as many Africas as there are books about Africa -- and as many books about it as you could read in a leisurely lifetime. JKP. "Judge not your beauty by the number of people who look at you, but rather by the number of people who smile at you.". ", 20. "Madness does not govern a country; discussion does. "If your only tool is a hammer, you will see every problem as a nail. African Quotes on Unity and Community. Reading and writing is always a pleasure. LE3 227.17. "He who knows not one thing knows another. AL 1482. . A world of love ensuring the unity and the peace. 1254. "Make some money but dont let money make you. 30+ Best Swahili Quotes and Sayings About Life 2022 They just go and do what they promised. 71. But a wise man respects them.". Unity is strength, when there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved. ~ Haya (Tanzania) proverb. Bamba la warume, si bamba na maguvu. swahili proverbs about unity ", 76. 1282. Published January 20, 2023, Top 10 Largest Cities In The World (By Land Area) 2022, Indian Institute of Hardware Technology (IIHT) Application Form 2023, Top 30 Best Private Primary Schools In Nairobi and Their Locations, Best Music Producers In Tanzania (2022 Top List). 91. Practicing Buddhism, I believe in the law of cause and effect. 181. But, as the saying goes, 'Knowledge without wisdom is like water in the sand'. Kukataa kwa chungu ni kuvuja. It follows its nature. This Swahili proverb teaches us to be proactive. ~ Swahili proverb. Our proverb of the day: Quote Message: He who depends on his relatives' wealth, dies poor." from A Swahili proverb sent by Sylvester Maganga in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. 1301. Unity is strength, division is weakness. When you buy through the links on our site we may earn a commission. Swahili speakers use a lot of sayings and expressions in daily life which offer advice and even sometimes have hidden meanings. "There is no beauty but the beauty of action. Unity is strength, the division is weakness. If many people try to solve a problem without using skill and brains they will usually make a mess of it. F 31.115; H 79; MS 45.21; B 3.39; T 325; "Not everyone who chased the zebra caught it, but he who caught it chased it. "Examine . Kidadl is supported by you, the reader. 141. . A friend is someone who walks by your side. "No matter how much the world changes, cats will never lay eggs. ", 98. "A leader in the community without a pot belly is a stingy man. ", 58. Kenyan Proverbs - The Library of Proverbial Wisdom ", 15. "When the roots of a majestic tree begin to decay, it spreads death to the branches. 1328. Famous Swahili Proverbs & Swahili Sayings, Beautiful Swahili Quotes & More Swahili Proverbs, Best Swahili Idioms & Swahili Expressions, How To Say I Love You In Swahili + Other Romantic Phrases, How To Say How Are You? In Swahili & Common Responses, 17 Tongan Proverbs, Quotes & Sayings + Their Meanings. When you row your friend across, you also cross. ", 117. RECH 190; ZO p.243; KS kilo. "Love, like rain, does not choose the grass on which it falls. Ukitemewa mate na wengi utaloana. espys 2022 nominations / hailey bieber fall nails / swahili proverbs about unity. - Ben Okri, 'Magical Ben Okri casts a spell on his readers,' Interview with Nima Elbagir, CNN, 2011. Access a variety of Swahili proverbs and riddles and their meanings explained. [You need not only] a wall [but] also men [to help you defend a town] - JKP. "Unity is strength, the division is weakness." -Swahili Proverb "Unity is strength. 1293. EM p.18. "A town can only The two hands wash each other. "You do not teach the paths of the forest to an old gorilla. "Instruction in youth is like engraving in stone.". Pithy statements are used to teach values and to make astute observations about everything from human nature to wise living to the role of women in society. "Even the best dancer on the stage must retire sometime. Adhabu ya kaburi aijua maiti - The touture of the grave is only known by the corpse. Wengi wape au watajichukulia. One who is carried [on the back] must cling on. The Top Bible Verses about Teamwork in Scripture - Bible Study Tools Asiye mkoma hujikoma mwenyewe. 1315. KA; MARA 2; SM;T 446. ", 27. ", 102. African quotes about love and African proverbs on love might just be what you need. 1327. A bad brother is far better than no brother. Kidole kimoja hakivunji (or hakiui) chawa. Foolishness precedes cleverness, cleverness follows. ", 183. Kiraka cha jamvi ni kanda. You are at: Home Health Proverbs Swahili Proverb on Unity. ", 123. KA; SM; MARA. Unknown. SACL 101; V beba; KA; NGU; K seleke;AL mtoto; SPK. Meaning: Clouds are the sign of rain. Cross the river in a crowd and the crocodile won't eat you African proverb. 1260. ", 68. "One does not love if one does not accept from others. Application: It is important to keep family ties/family ties last forever. An African . Cf. "A healthy person who keeps begging for food is an insult to a generous farmer. "When the right-hand washes the left-hand and the left-hand washes the right-hand, both hands become clean. ", 80. It is one of the Swahili proverbs about patience.Haraka is the Arabic terminology for movement, while Swahili uses the term to denote speed, hurry, or quickly. Ahadi ni deni. ~ African proverb. Cf. By trying often, the monkey learns to jump from the tree. African Proverbs About Life. She who ties a [broad strip of calico as a] waistbelt does not do so for nothing, she is [intent] on playing. Being thus all things to all authors, it follows, I suppose, that Africa must be all things to all readers.". Baha'U'Llah. EM v2. (DOC) Translation of Swahili Proverbs - This Swahili idiom literally means how can you be burned by a hot pepper that you havent eaten?. It is necessary to stamp out evil with adequate measures - SPK. "I dream of the realization of the unity of Africa, whereby its leaders combine in their efforts to solve the problems of this continent. Ukuti kukazana ni kumbi. If you love a pumpkin also love its flower. "Unity is strength, division is weakness. The support women's cooperatives provide each other is not just financial. A fool is like a wanderer lost on a path. "When the rhythm of the drumbeat changes, the dance steps must adapt. 1322. War among grasshoppers . "A womans polite devotion is her greatest beauty. 1287. Swahili Proverb. This famous Swahili saying means that you should not fight those who are stronger than you. ", 51. Nguvu ni kusaidiana. If the hours are long enough and the pay is short enough, someone will say it's women's work. Below Ive listed the most well-known Swahili idioms and expressions. JKP. This Swahili idiom literally means good birds, go and eat with the blind. No smoke without fire. 12 Beautiful Tanzanian Proverbs | Rough Guides Its similar to the English version dont judge a book by its cover. "Patience pulls (i.e. EM m18. ~ African proverb, There is no fool who is disowned by his family. One piece of wood does not burn brightly in the kitchen. . 1295. ", 94. states that proverbs are 'based on accumulated experience and transmitted . Later you will come and ask me a remedy for [your] child. With many captains the ship is at the mercy of the waves. "To be without a friend is to be poor indeed. ", 36. ", 136. Favorite Swahili Phrases You Should Learn SM. 193. Application: Determination pays/leads to success. Though there are many cats, they have allowed the rats to multiply. 1285. One builds nothing with one tree only. Miwili ndiyo pakamao.