Most people eat in hall so it always feels friendly and full. No one can deny it looks super cool, but the only thing you get told about it is that no one gets in Laura, Has a very posh and old fashioned building, so the people must be posh and old fashioned Emily, Beautiful building but supposedly the people dont have as much character Annabel, Either extremely posh Harry Potter fans or musicians Sophie, People only choose it because they want to live in a castle, and then regret it as soon as they realise they wont actually get to Katie, International students and horse girls. She hosts Tuesday brunches and Thursday teas with tons free food (you get to keep any leftovers). If you don't want to eat in hall, the kitchens are good in most accommodation. While much of the architecture is beautiful, and the grounds and gardens are really nice, the communal areas (namely the bar, JCR rooms and meeting rooms) are modern and can feel a little sterile and soulless. KATHLEEN M RYAN is an Associate Professor of Journalism in the College of Media, Communication at the University of Colorado Boulder. mernicula, Started by: Despite being relatively large in terms of student numbers, gossip is still able to travel fast (although this is the case at all colleges, and part of the unique Oxford experience), especially when everyone lives in such close proximity and Tommy White affords such good opportunities for observing people sneaking out of staircases in the middle of the night! Every bedroom has high speed(??) Balliol has a laid back, friendly environment which allows students to thrive, pursuing a range of extra-curricular activities alongside their degree. Brings into question whether the phrase Its what on the inside that counts should be applied here Laura, Is that the weird hexagon one, or is that Trevs? Jess, Brutalist architectural design buildings Brandon, People tend to be all-rounders, and good at everything Annabel, The college no one applies to, but everyone seems to be allocated to Pearls, Big Head Girl/Head Boy energy. Communal viewings of shows such as bake off and all sorts of sport with what feels like half the college rammed in there do occur (link back to that atmosphere point). Founded in 1966, Wolfson is one of the University of Oxford's largest graduate colleges and truly unique in its academic scope and international reach. Hildas is located along a calm and beautiful stretch of the river, with lovely views over the meadows and surrounding landscape. After the first year, not all rooms are on the main college site, but they are all in central Oxford. Lots of really cool traditions like 'Ale Verses', Burns Night, 'Ivy Beer'. 1st years living only with other 1st years creates a nice community feel very quickly. The college used to have an excellent reputation for food (and is indeed still coasting on this reputation! We have our own pub called the 'Lamb and Flag' with a legendary barman and subsidised drinks. This can be a great time living with your friends. As one of the smaller colleges with around 90 undergraduates a year and 300 graduate students altogether, Merton has a very friendly atmosphere. The size of the college means if you are looking for small and cosy New probably isn't for you (though its by no means vast or overwhelming). It's currently about 2.50 - 3.50 for most meals and 10 for a formal (twice a week and optional). The close-knit years groups mean you'll know loads of people for essay/module help, living out help, you name it! Balliol is a wonderful place, but unfortunately that means sharing it with large groups of tourists and their (occasionally loud) tour guides. Small number of subjects means that what Regents does offer, it offers to a very high, specialised standard. This provides a great opportunity to meet new people and to get to know the city. Rent - has gone up over the past few years. I am a member of the Oxford Dance Society, and aside from that I also find time to see friends, go shopping, exercise and do things unrelated to my academic work. You get to pick your own room, and can choose a room within your price range and near to your friends. There's also a male crewdating society, ReGentz, but they are a little less well-known across the university. Eastern European Expeditions: Warsaw and the Problem of Old Towns, Behind the Busker: Covers from the Heart with Caleb and Hari, Labyrinth: Knossos, Myth and Reality Reviewed. The college isn't particularly affluent, so we don't host ball-type events as often as some other colleges. We have one of the only student run bars in Oxford, which means near-cost prices and pound-a-pint Thursdays and Drink the bar dry at the end of the term where drink prices are reduced throughout the night to finish the remaining bar stock at the end of term. (We are campaigning to change this! No kitchens on staircases, only one that students can use which is next to the JCR. In the centre of Oxford and super close to most subject departments including the Science buildings and the History faculty. Shirley Williams studied here as well. Not good for those looking for a traditional environment with formal halls and gown wearing. The security gate at the front entrance - it can get in the way. Weekly welfare teas with free snacks and hot drinks in the JCR. For example: the statistical fact that African American students generally score lower than White . The gym is quite small but you get what you pay for at 50 for the entire year. Regent's is really well represented across wider university societies such as drama. Parks Road Oxford, OX1 3PN General enquiries T: +44 (0)1865 277900 E: Keble is one of the largest colleges within the University. Mass and evensong are often held here and students are free to watch and audition for the choir. Lovely staff. Fantastic home ground for cricket, rugby, and football. Versatile and hard-wearing, they appear at the beach, in the garden, to and from the sauna. Good college teams for virtually every sport. Great nightlife, there's always a big Brasenose group at most balls, we're accomplished crewdaters and have our own corner of Bridge nightclub. 2022 Youth Conference - post conference 4 month challenge! The washing machines and tumble dryers are often in use, so washing has to be done mid-week to avoid disappointment. You can take your own food and drink into some parts of the college library, a really nice little feature. There is a termly charge of 175 for food, covering your evening meal 7 days a week. Not everyone has visited Regents, but the first thing almost anyone who has visited says about the place is Everyone is so nice!. The Middle Common Room has its own computer and film rooms. Most students enjoy this, but everyone knows everyone, and everyone knows everything about everyone. The college does not have as many en suite rooms as some colleges - half of the front quad, enough for around 1/3 of the final year students. The porters know everyone's names, as does the librarian, and most of the staff. HMC is sort of squashed in between Wadham, Mansfield and New for anyone who doesn't know, and is <5 minutes from the Bodleian, the University Parks, the main shopping areas and so on. There are also several club nights a week, as well as other nightly activities such as college karaoke, pub quizzes or open mic nights. In general students are somewhat apathetic, since there is a whole world of stuff to do outside of college. It offers virtually all subjects, and most subjects have several tutors so you can do at least all of your core options in college. This is actually a pro if you are an arts student because your lectures are right next door, but in the summer term the after-exam celebrations are really noisy and messy and smelly, which is annoying, especially if revising. On the upside, close to another sports centre with a much nicer and cheaper pool, and we only really get tourists in the summer. The college has great student support- we have a chaplain, a dean and junior deans on hand to assist you with any problems you may have. SUBJECT LIMITED. The music scene at New College is second to none. The college also has its own theatre at Jowett Walk. Also very close to pretty much all of the clubs. (NB The Bod is open until 10 so this is really a very small concern), College size is small and can feel suffocating at times, The years get split between the Jericho (mainly 2nd years) and Cowley Road (mainly 3rd years) sites. Second Hall on Wednesday is particularly lovely, and wine is served. Well you can! Hosted gendered curry events with songs that offended some people. Somerville has the highest overall student satisfaction of all colleges. This pattern of age stereotypes impacting older individuals in ways that are consistent with the valence of the stereotypes has been supported by studies conducted on five continents and reported in four meta-analyses (e.g., Horton, Baker, Pearce, & Deakin, 2008; Lamont, Swift, & Abrams, 2015; Meisner, 2012; Westerhof et al., 2014 ). Also recently won cuppers for pool and darts! The selection's usually between 4-5 hot dishes, a selection of vegetables and sides, soups and a salad bar, as well as a selection of fruit and desserts. Guaranteed college accommodation for 3 years of your degree. Magdalen is one of the three choral foundations of Oxford meaning that having the choir is written into the college's founding agreement. Worth it for the atmosphere though, by far. Surprisingly, a fair amount were on the money, though others, not so much, A discount St Johns College, Cambridge Pearls, Durhams answer to Hogwarts. However, not all social occasions are boozy: there are also welfare events at which the JCR provides pizza or a meal out, etc. Jane the Chaplain is absolutely lovely. Sandtrooper, Started by: There are several social spaces within the college, most prominently the JCR (located in the main first-year undergraduate accommodation building) and MCR (located in the main postgrad accommodation building). Jane the Chaplain has services every Sunday, for people of any religion. 24 hour beautiful library with a painted ceiling, plus two smaller ones which are also 24-hour. ), no snobby stereotype (as in the case of Christ Church and Magdalen) but has a widespread reputation for being lovely and friendly. 2nd writer -- this is true if you're into that "Jack Wills catalogue" kind of look - floppy hair, trim figures etc. Among Psychology majors, myself included, the most commonly heard stereotypes were that we all wanted to be counselors, and that we are always analyzing the people around us. No breakfast/dinner on Sunday only Sunday lunch. Y12s - are you signing up for any additional opportunities to boost your uni application? Dentist1111, Started by: Always packed, a great time to mingle with people. Can't get a hall breakfast, as only Pantry serves at this time, and it also doesn't serve early enough to get to lectures if you have 9 ams in the Andrew Wiles Building. A real hidden gem. The other bonus of this: the community is very tight. A-Z of colleges If you opt for the termly season ticket like most people, the three course meal works out at 2.52 a day, Formal hall is very relaxed (you can wear what you like under a gown) every day except for twice-termly 'Guest Dinners' where everyone dresses up and food becomes Michelin Star quality, Informal hall also takes place every day - earlier sitting than Formal Hall, On the whole food is very good, sometimes fairly ambitious (i.e.