Keep these people safe, General! And so, as tradition dictates, Raubahn Aldynn You have earned yourself a seat on the Syndicate! SoRaubahn says hes going to return to Uldahbut she isnt sure he wants to. ), Raubahn: A fine spot to contemplate the heavens The meeting is over. Nanamo Ul Namo: How swiftly you identify the weakness in my plan, just as I knew you would. Mayhap one of my old acquaintances can introduce me to a mercenary company or some such. Thancred: Yshtola and I can stand guard without. I take it you know of Theodorics paranoia and the public executions of his kinsmen? Itll be something of a history lesson, but Ill try to be brief. O, woe betide the poor man in a city of rich merchants, (A woman walks up with two dango treats and holds one out to Gosetsu. For me, it was that empty throne. Alphinaud: Indeed. We should leave the Flames to it. How do I defeat one of those? Wed appreciate the help. Well, I must away and attend to other business. How? Can we rely on the Scions? I do hope he was still there. Dont you dare patronize me! Its time! (The scene shifts. All things considered, I would say events have got off to a fine start. Id like to hear what Watt thinks of the idea before agreeing to anything. Shanti: We will do as you assskbut you will not have our weapons. Youre back! Thank you, General. In the end, she turned me out into the street, and I was left to haunt the alleyways of Ala Mhigo, a feral child who got what he needed through begging, cunning, or worse. Lakshmi: Do not your mortal bodies tire? Victory goes to the first adventurer to find the treasure! Marcechamp: Your Grace, you mustnt! Were all determined to finish what we started. Allow me a moment to change into something a touch less conspicuous, and I will join you outside. They need someone with the Echo, and by the gods, I wish I had it. I want you fresh for our little adventure. Arenvald: She means to enthrall everyoneWe have to stop her! Youre a fool, but youre not stupid. Yshtola: A primals servant is betrayed by his aura. (Lyse Limit-breaks all over Lakshmis face. Nanamo Ul Namo: You oppose my proposition? Thanks for the advice, Diana! We cant stay on the back foot forever No, dammit, if I think like that weve already lost. Let us make our way to the landing, and I will see that word is sent to the Gold Saucer. If youre to convince others to follow you, you must believe what youre telling them. Nanamo Ul Namo: I thank you for answering my summons in these most interesting times. And that is why I requested your company. Lyse: Then theyre going to be sorely disappointed. I thank you for your candor. &0000000000000004000000. Be fairly warned, friends: she will test you. Lyse: And I should be getting back to my own tasks. Nanamo Ul Namo: Nothing? I was offered work there as a royal servant once, but the mere thought of it left me in a cold sweat. We did not come here to fritter away the royal coin! Hmmm, you would have me dredge up some decidedly unsavory memories. * This code cannot . Alphinaud: Ah. Nanamo Ul Namo: From the moment I became sultana, I found myself thrust into an endless parade of document signing and ceremonies. Work with your brethren. To what purpose, however, I couldnt tell you. Godbert will be expecting us. But I must yield the floor to Raubahn. The reparations you paid in the wake of your earlier misdemeanors will be used to fund the endeavortogether with the fortune seized from the late Teledji Adeledjis estate. (The mob is getting uglier, pelting Fordolas father with stones and debris as he tries to shield Fordola from the attack.). Why are you so intent on finding this treasure? Dealt with those beasties then, did you? I shall see our guests to safety. (Upon defeating monsters in here, most of them transform back to Hyur), (After defeating Hrodric Poisontongue, a hole cracks open in the ceiling and Alphinaud and Arenvald tumble through. (We enter the building to speak with the prisoner.). That our own officers should be fooled by Eorzean misinformationSmall wonder the provinces have begun rising up in rebellion. Twould appear this place is yet inhabited by King Theodorics kinor what is left of them. Lyse: You can say that again. And long live Uldah! Ill try to stab it right between the eyes, then! FINAL FANTASY XIV . Raubahn! I could not have done it without you. You dont know a godsdamned thing about the life Ive led! &0000000000067966000000 67,966 &0000000000000070000000 70The Power to Protect. My parents are good people! The guilt must be unbearable. Come on, you dont mean that. Ala Gannha Ala Gannha Type Area Within The Last Forest " Situated in the Peaks' northern reaches, this village once flourished through its quarry, the beautiful stone sourced and cut here used to build the royal palace of Ala Mhigo. The Waking Sands X: 6.0 Y: 5.7 Data Requirements. I might need you to fill in the details. Would this better please Your Grace? (Raubahn Limit Breaks all the guards and Qualyana, but Lakshmi teleports in between the escapees and the door.). Well do whatever it takes to be free! Raubahn: Thank you, Your Grace. But we cannot condone the summoning of primals. Nanamo Ul Namo: Words cannot well express what that man means to me. Yotsuyu: These dango are delicious! But it is no concern of yours. Ill make sure my steel is worth the effort! Anyoneand I mean anyonesuspected of conspiring against the crown was flung from the top of those steps. Tell me whats happened. Raubahn: It is. Godbert: Exactly so! Come to have a good laugh, have you? There are 11 Gyr Abanian Sidequests in this location. I thought it was a myth! Godbert: Most emphatically. And I think Lyse should be the first. Lyse: If, he says! Shanti: Ah! But what of you, Diana? You should have heard him scream, Diana! Alphinaud: And this plan to revitalize the Saltery does make a lot of sense. Might I have your company for a brief adventure? Alphinaud: Quite. Arenvald: That he was. These people will need shelter and employment if they are to survive, and this time the Uldahn treasury shall provide! Lyse: Security was my responsibility, and I know how dangerous primals can be. Tattooed Troublemaker: Its true then! No shame in admitting it. They dont understand. Ala Ghiri Rebuild Lists Click here to see NPCs found at this location. Fordola: What in the? Raubahn: Hmph. We have not forgotten how you sssinned againssst the Lady of Blisssbut we did not come here to shed blood. From what we know of the period, the city was already deserted by the time the waters began to rise, having been all but destroyed by war. Arenvald: Wha I cant move! Your choice. As others have said, we were lucky to have our Echo-blessed champions nearby this time, but well need to keep a closer eye on the Qalyana. Situated along the highroad connecting Ala Mhigo to the rest of Aldenard, Ala Ghiri once served as a hub and vital waypoint for overland trade with the east. ve. Get some rest. Lets not waste any time, then! That bitch has spilt enough blood to fill a loch! Damn it all Its only a matter of time before we miss one, (Lakshmi unleashes a huge barrage of aether spheres, far too many for Arenvald and the Warrior of Light to intercept, (But the moment before the spheres strike, Fordola bursts into the room, her eye flashing red. Lyse: Thats not why were here, no. I shall dispatch representatives well-versed in the extraction of this white gold, and wring every last onze of profit from its production. Alphinaud: The news of Doma and Ala Mhigos liberation has kindled the flames of revolution in every corner of the Empire. I am newly returned from Uldah, with a message from the sultana. ), Alphinaud: Expertly done. Lakshmi: Why do you cling to your misery? Wiscar: Vulnerable under the head, are they? I will see you in the palace. Lyse: Naago! It is just possible, I suppose, that a corrupt official deliberately hid the fact of the troves discovery, hoping to enrich himselfbut I find it rather unlikely that so valuable a find would stay secret for long. * This code cannot be used when posting comments on the Eorzea Database. In-game description Other than that, Ala Ghiri was simply a waystation for trade with the Near East. Alphinaud: We can worry about the how of it later! Pipin: You may be getting on in years, Father, but youd struggle to find a band of sellswords who wouldnt snap your hand offyourremaining hand. Im noteducated. Nanamo Ul Namo: And it has served me well. (Sparkling light in the room coalesces into the form of the Primal, Lakshmi.). The guards were already turned! Lyse: Youre joking The mad kings trove!? Now, assuming you will travel as adventurers are wont to do, I shall await your report by the aetheryte in Uldah. Which of the settlements you visited would best provide a home for our refugees? (Off to the Ala Mhigan Quarter to question the locals!). Target a phoebad and inspect it with . A hub for those needing a rest while traveling between the shroud and ala mhigo. (Arenvald and Fordola pin Lakshmi in place.). I honestly doubted my own ears. Raubahn: What news? We should join General Aldynn inside, then. Arenvald: Nice work, Fordola! Lyse: You need more than three to best a primal! Mnaago: My parents will be relieved to hear that. Flame Scout: General Aldynn asked that you wait for him by the main gate in the Ala Mhigan Quarter. And I strongly doubt the Qalyana have suddenly broken free of Lakshmis will. Come. Some dialogue may be slightly different for your character. Arenvald: Ill get to the point: might you be interested in a spot of adventure? If youll have me. Lolorito: I know the Saltery and its products well. Coldhearth [] A small isolated village that is the hometown of Raubahn Aldynn. Thancred: I am not familiar with the Qalyana tribe myself, but Alisaies report suggested that they shunned contact with other races. Yet how can he freely make such a choice knowing how much I depend on him? Securing the Saltery. Imperial Pilus Prior: They would wage war with empty wordsLet them produce the viceroys remains, then! Regardless, she can suffer on for now. Depending on the nature of her consultation, this might be the perfect opportunity to inquire about the Generals future plans. Lyse: I dont know that we solved anything exactly, but weve given Fordola something to think about at least. Fordolas Father: There you go again with all your questionsLord Gaius is a great and honorable man who looks after all of Ala Mhigo. Shes wide-eyed and smiling.). Raging Resident: Aye! Speak with the blasphemy hunter in the Ala Mhigan Quarter. Forgive me! A fair journey to you, Dianaand a swift one, if you please. Please proceed. But I pledged my blade to Nanamo. Lyse: That would be a question for the Resistances newest recruita military commander with far more experience than me! Raubahn: Were it in your hands, how would you punish these men? Or do you mean to put me out of my misery? The citys mighty walls offer safety, but the streets overflow with people as it is. Is he nice? A traitor, sweetheart. Raubahn: Godsdammit! Watt: Id appreciate that, Wiscar, my lad, truly I would. Lyse: Come to see how were getting on? Lyse: Oh? Hmm If even one of your worldly experience is at a loss, it would seem I have no choice but to seek out someone more well-versed in monetary matters I wonder, are you acquainted with Godbert Manderville? Other than that, Ala Ghiri was simply a waystation for trade with the Near East. Alphinaud: Thank you, Arenvald, and I apologizethat cannot have been pleasant to recall. The resultingmonstrosities were then cast into the darkness below the palace. I daresay you remember Yuyuhase and Laurentiusthe fugitives who conspired with Captain Ilberd in the Crystal Braves betrayal. Wiscar: Inside its head, is it? Fordola Lupis: Quickly! Turned into monsters? How fared you? Resistance Fighter: A mobs gathered outside headquarters, and theyve started making demands. You who defy me shall ressst in death! Do you want to kill this thing or not? This apparent reversal in attitude is most curious. A scene from Fordolas past appears.). The surrounding pods are marked Supply Subject while this one bears the label Master Subject.). Lyse: Thank you, Alphinaud. ), Arenveld: Bugger it. Not that I mind, of course! So follow your heartplease. Guaranteed. Nanamo Ul Namo: I fear it will be many years before I feel comfortable taking part in such negotiations. (Fordola runs into a rough area. And this, believe it or not, was the site of the ancient city of Skalla, which rose and fell during the Fifth Astral Era. Raganfrid stops dead on seeing Fordola.). I am Lyse Hext, and I speak for the Resistance. I will meet with Lolorito. Hancock: Diana! (Raubahn cuts down Shanti as people run for the door. We know who youve got in there! Nanamo Ul Namo: I had heard descriptions of its splendor, yet I never dreamed it would be so bright and inviting N-No! Which means my work here is done. Seems things are looking up for Landebert down on Pearl Lane, as well as the rest of the refugees. (At the Unholy Heir, a huge tree east of Black Brush Station). Did I mention that I encountered the sultana in the palace? I will welcome him with open arms, of coursehe is my most trusted advisorand my dearest friend. My mother did not care for this taunting reminder of my heritage, and took up a knifeWar paint serves to cover the scar. 70) Widargelt - The Peaks - The Last Forest - Ala Gannha (x:22.5, y:5.7) 216,000 2,600. Tis an elegant solutionalbeit one lacking certain crucial details, specifically which industry and where. But maybe the time isnt right. The soldier who first spoke up in favor of the Qalyana keeping their weapons springs to mind. Youve earned it. Lakshmi: You cannot flee my radiance. Arenvald: Youre kind to include me, Lyse, but we both know who did most of the work. Hardly a night went by when we didnt hear bloodcurdling screams echoing from the inner chamberswhich, of course, we were under orders to ignore. So what say you: shall we call on Alphinaud and go adventuring? The unrepentant traitor, whose death will serve to unite the people? Far better to dwell in dream. Ill organize a squad to head down into the ruins, and then start preparing for the big meetingOh, send Nanamo my regards, Diana! Come, let us head directly to the lounge and ignore thesethesegaudy temptations! I was merely informing my companions. We have piqued Loloritos interest and secured his invaluable expertise. And you, Pipin, would do well not to laugh when the future may hold the same for you! ), (Fordolas mother runs up to a pair of nearby Imperial soldiers.). Humiliating. The liberation of Ala Mhigo will have far-reaching consequences, and there is a matter upon which I would seek your counsel. As promised, I scoured the imperial records for any mention of fantastic treasuresand found precisely none. Bartholomew: My lady! ), FFXIV Collect: Minions, Mounts, Titles, and more, RNGesus and You: Ponies, Pigeons, Polis, and Probabilities, How To: Free Company Buffs & Aetherial Wheels, Making Adaptive Hotbars with Macros (basic), Aurics Tips & Tricks for Heaven-On-High Clears. One of the palace guards, I was. You have made your point. Well, that concludes our business here, but there is more I would say. Lyse: Thanks for shielding us from Lakshmi, you two. Shanti: Lady of Bliss! Arenvald: Diana! Thus was born the legend of the mad kings trove.. Pipin: I shall be assuming my fathers duties.