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What category does each of the following behaviors on the list belong to? Individuals should seek the advice of an attorney before reporting illegal conduct to law enforcement authorities or any outside party. What do people seek above all else, according to Aristotle? Aristotle says you need a little luck to be happy. Explanation. Natasha agreed that if she were in that situation, that outcome would greatly please her. True or false? Grammar Quiz: Test Your Grammar Knowledge With Questions. Block 9 Vaccines Abx Infxn Cntrl And Ethics MCQ's, AODA Quiz: Accessibility For Ontarians With Disabilities Act Trivia Questions, Adi Shankaracharya Quiz Questions And Answers. The National Association of Social Work (NASW) is the source for the code of ethics for professional social workers. Suppose Katrina is a rule-utilitarian and is trying to decide whether generally following the rule "Young women under the age of eighteen should not be permitted to have abortions without notifying a parent or guardian" would maximize happiness. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like _____ is ethical behavior that persists long after the latest public scandal or the latest management buzzword., A company's commitment to ethical behavior affects:, Which of the following statements is true of sustainable ethics? One of the primary reasons that students plagiarize is because they do not allow enough time to complete the assignment on their own. What is the most likely explanation for the conclusion that Alexei has drawn? Philosophy defends what is traditional in society. One day, Frank asks Mary what she thinks of a hat he has recently purchased. 16. Are character traits that dispose their possessor, the agent, to act according to their dictates Tell why it is foolish to spend inordinate amounts of time on picayune matters. A person of integrity has knowledge about what morally constitutes the right things to do. Aristotle thinks the following about moral virtue: A. Virtue is a mean between two behavioral extremes A. At bottom, says the only thing you can control is your will Social workers have some code of ethics that dictate their work. Standing up for what you believe in by speaking up and taking action. He asks his doctor to prescribe him a lethal dose of drugs, which she does. But they have access to it so long as no one is blocking their way into hospitals or doctors' offices. . Alexei asks her the following question: "If you had borrowed money from someone and promised to pay it back a week later, wouldn't you be thrilled if they came to you after that week and said that there was no need to pay the loan back?" What level of school-matured youngsters experience the ill effects of this disorder? Something can be both unethical and illegal. Aristotle's Virtue Ethics Quiz Questions And Answers, Enmgy E-00059-15-o Series1 Ethics - 1 Cpe Hour For A Score Of At Least 70%. Marquis argues that abortion is always immoral. Do you think you can do that? Conclusion: Therefore, abortion is wrong. That because the behavior is not criminal, the drugs causing it should not be criminalized either. Aristotle thinks happiness is a state of being. It means that moral judgments have a factual component that is capable of being true/false, and an irrational component that ultimately makes them neither true nor false. c.) The study of ethics combines psychology and philosophy. What is Aristotle's reason for thinking the way he does about the 'good' of humankind? Women in Oppressia are treated as second-class citizens and are often denied civil rights. Contrastivism has been applied to a wide range of philosophically important topics, including several topics in ethics. Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Which Stand Do You Have? It's not like the government should give me a large television, just as it's not the government's responsibility to provide health care to people who cannot afford it. A. Is universal and necessary B. Objectification is always morally wrong. Place a check ()(\mathscr{)}() in the blank in front of each sentence in which the subject and verb agree. normative ethical theories ultimately are grounded in reason. Suppose cultural relativism is true. Ethical norms b. aristotle's virtue ethics quiz questions and answers. a) running for congress b) writing about immigrants c) leading factor riots d) speaking against slavery. 8. Suppose that Judah wants to become a virtuous person but does not know where to begin. The concept of business ethics has come to mean various things to various people, but generally it's coming to know . Circle Countries that came under the rule of a fascist government and dictator before WWII began Answer these block 9 behave ethics questions in this quiz to test your knowledge and understanding of the same. The field of ethics, along with aesthetics, concerns matters of value; these fields comprise the branch of philosophy called axiology.. Ethics seeks to resolve questions of human morality by defining concepts such as good and evil, right and . Maladaptive Daydreaming Test: Am I A Maladaptive Daydreamer. XX Students devaluing their own education. Accountancy is the only discipline with a formal . Our moral experience provides general background knowledge about morality, while our considered moral judgments provide evaluations of specific actions as right or wrong. To show that abortion is NOT always unjust killing, what does Jarvis-Thomson do first? Believed the best pleasure was ataraxia, A. What is the length of the IPv6 datagram header? Ethics provides the principles on which all decision should be done because it develops the moral reasoning to use, and deem acceptable as punishment. Moral norms c. Nonmoral standards d. Standard . Premise 1: The unborn is an innocent person from conception. d.) Ethics seeks truths that must be determined by science. "No one can prove that a fetus is not a person from the moment of conception. Which of the following is a benefit of philosophy? Suppose that both honesty and kindness are genuine virtues. According to Marquis, why is it wrong to kill us? B. Incline their agents to behave rightly, thereby judging rightly how to proceed in a particular situation. To discourage you from action when placed in an ethical dilemma. Used by Michael Huemer in his defense of argument #3 to show that we have a right to use drugs. Are there companies you can name whose social responsibility actions you, Which of the following is not typically a characteristic of family rituals. I can't afford a 60-inch television, but no one is preventing me from buying one. Studies have shown that most young executives are not confronted by ethical business issues. if something is for the weak, then it is wrong. Hume thinks we maintain objectivity in moral discussions by taking the perspective of a judicious spectator. What makes ethics different from other subjects is that ethical claims do not need to be supported by logical arguments, while in other subjects logical arguments are always needed to support one's claims. If we say 'good' refers to a psychological state, then we'll never be able to settle debates about why we chose a particular psychological state as 'good', A thing is only good as a means to some other good end, the view that the motive for all our actions is self-interest, Decisions are based on what is best for the individual making the decision. Describe how a company's ethical business practices affect its goodwill. Ethics and Contrastivism. B. Virtue accords with a rational principle and also has an affective dimension Codes of ethics are used to communicate to and formalize sets of values for groups of people. View ethics quiz 1 (1).docx from ETHC 101-B04 at Liberty University. According to the Greek system of logic introduced by Socrates, normative, Based on what you have learned in this unit, answer the following questions: How is the ancient concept of distributive justice understood in today's political debate? Ross thinks 'the right' is a different concept than 'the good' -- i.e. Which of the following is true about considering opposing views when arguing an ethical claim in conversations or essays about ethics? Do you think that sustainable developmentis possible? Quiz: Kantian Ethics and Engineering Ethics! It takes rules dictated by a normative theory and attempts to prescribe the right outcome for particular cases based on that theory. One day, she loans $100 to her friend Alexei and has him swear that he will pay her back in one week's time. Emotivism is an example of noncognitivism, which is the view that moral judgments are not statements that can be true or false. Ethics is about doing whatever it takes to get ahead. Is the study of the nature of morality and its origins Make sure to consider all stakeholders including: employees, shareholders, customers, vendors and unintended bystanders. Traditional theories often assume that the world consists of atomistic individuals with perfect rationality, Unlike Kant, who maintained that reason is all that is necessary for making moral decisions, feminist ethicists insist that emotion should play a role too, The ethics of care might be thought of as an essential element of virtue ethics, Carol Gilligan calls the approach to ethics that focuses on being aware of people's feelings, needs, and viewpoints, The principle of impartiality, which says that from the moral point of view all persons are considered equal and should be treated accordingly, is, alled into question by feminist ethicists, Judith Jarvis Thomson claims that her moderate argument regarding abortion, does not have the implication that a woman has a right to secure the death of the unborn child, With the violinist scenario, Judith Jarvis Thomson tries to show that, the mother has a right to defend herself against the unborn's use of her body against her will (a right to have an abortion), Mary Anne Warren suggests that being genetically human is the same thing as being a person in the moral sense. Ethics governs not just the treatment provided to the research participants but also to the researchers. 1.01 Commitment to Clients. It is a mechanism that may be used to thoroughly think through an issue and evaluate the consequences of an action. Premise 2: It is wrong to kill an innocent person. Moral values are knowing right from wrong. According to Singer's rationale, if a person says it is wrong to eat humans because they are rational creatures, that person must also admit it might be right to eat humans who have rational capacities that are on the same level as animals (e.g. The case of Smith/Jones is meant to show us that active euthanasia is more preferable than passive euthanasia. Any researcher who contributes substantially to a research project or paper needs to get credit. You are having a briefing meeting with a new client and want to be sure to capture all of their comments, so you bring a tape recorder to the meeting. Morality is the knowledge of right verses wrong, or being able to determine the difference between the two. What is corporate social responsibility (CSR)? ", According to critics of virtue ethics, one may be virtuous (kind, just, and honest) and still not know, which actions are right and which are wrong, According to Aristotle, the greatest good for humans is, Contemporary virtue ethicists argue that if virtues were eliminated entirely from morality, leaving only principles or rules of justice, the moral life would appear, It seems that a person can be benevolent, honest, and loyal but still treat a stranger unjustly. Act with integrity, behave in a trustworthy manner, elevate service to others above self-interest, and promote high standards of practice in every setting. Oppositional defiant disorder depicts youngsters with serious practices that are uncooperative and threatening toward power figures. Which of the following is not one of the classes in Plato's state? Which of the following is an area indicative of ethical behavior? The view that tolerance is objectively good contradicts the central principle of cultural relativism. Ethics or moral philosophy is a branch of philosophy that "involves systematizing, defending, and recommending concepts of right and wrong behavior". The quiz is not only a way for you to test your understanding of ethics, but it will Quiz: Can you pass this ethics and morality test? Which of the following best describes how evidence gathered from our considered moral judgments and our moral experiences helps us evaluate moral theories? One way we might reject Gay-Williams' argument from nature is by showing that not everything that sets us against our natural inclinations is wrong (like brushing our teeth). Prescriptive statements, also known as normative statements, are meant to express truth claims about the way things are. The Social Responsibility School b. While they are sometimes used interchangeably, they are different: ethics refer to rules provided by an external source, e.g., codes of conduct in workplaces or principles in religions. Such a utilitarian move would conflict with. This argument is valid. True or false? This would be an instance of nonvoluntary euthanasia, In his book A Theory of Justice,the philosopher John Rawls argues that people are entitled not to equal shares of the basic goods of society but rather to an equal chance to acquire them. C. Exemplified by picking up strangers at a bar/club, B. C. Implies that if we think God gives us a moral law because it is good, then (presumably) we should be able to figure it out without reference to God by figuring out what is good for us. Assuming this is an accurate account of Admiral Nimitz's motivations, to what moral principle did he appeal to justify taking his own life? The issue is regularly seen at home and school, influencing a kid's family, social, and scholastic life. B. Ethics is about determining what is moral and what is immoral. 4.Solved Which of the following statements about ethics |; 5.Which of the following statements about ethics training is true? Applied Ethics is mainly about figuring out the content of moral theories. x contracting officers representative x contracting officer All of the following statements are correct about COR inspection EXCEPT: . A common reply to this argument from defenders of active euthanasia is that, although it is possible to manage even severe pain well, too often pain is not well managed, A key premise in the argument for active euthanasia is that the right of self-determination includes the right of competent persons to decide the manner of their dying. True. Who said "reason is the slave of the passions"? If it were true, noncognitivism is correct. Harassment starts with someone who often fails to consider how his or her actions and words may impact others. The statement regarding ethical training is" It is formal training for creating awareness of non-appropriate behavior & for practicing the appropriate responses.. Which of the following statements is true of ethics? Which of the following is NOT true about plagiarism? Reread the Background on page 80 , and then think about the relevance of the time frame. In the Allegory of the Cave, a prisoner escapes the cave and ascends to the outside world. The private sector proposed the Sarbanes-Oxley Act as a way to regulate competition within industries. C. Ethics are the principles or conditions that customarily govern. The difference between morals and ethics is that ethics is more of a social term depending on the group involved. Natasha uses the Golden Rule ("Do unto others as you would have them do unto you") for all her moral decisions. According to Jarvis-Thomson, a pro-lifer probably thinks abortion is unjust killing (violates the fetus's negative right to life). This holds true even if the researcher is a student. 4. a. The ethics quiz is a fast and engaging way of prompting you to think better about the choices you make and whether those choices are the best possible ones. Philosophy is useful as a tool to justify personal opinions. She fears that a lack of health care is likely to worsen the situation of these immigrants, who may have escaped from horrendous economic and political conditions in their native country. It is only a part of formal institutions. Singer would agree with which of the following: If it is permissible to use animals for harmful medical research, then it is permissible to use newborn children for harmful medical research. B. or Claims subjectivism is true and moral judgments are not true or false. Organizer of family life b. The goal of ethics is to search for truths in order to be a better person . Ethics are the values, which have developed throughout our lives and influence our moral behavior. Ethics is a practical science for it deals mainly with theories and principles. Philosophy maintains society's collective memory. Which of the following is true with regard to how bad decisions happen to good people? According to Kant, the categorical imperative implies: A. b.) He considers the cases of incurable throat cancer and severely-impaired babies. (There is only one option):, Why does Moore think the naturalistic fallacy is a . 2. Which of the following features of principlism is most relevant to solving this problem? C. An activity that accords with virtue. Who would agree without qualification? It usually administered by the computer. B. Deals with the practical application of the content of moral theories What factors would you consider on whether or not to take certain photos from a gruesome scene of a crime or accident? Because vaccinating those most responsible for the transmission of COVID-19 may save more lives than vaccinating those who are most likely to benefit from the vaccination, The following is overheard in a coffee shop: Explain why ethical responsibilities go beyond legal compliance. Which of the following is NOT true about citations? A code of ethics document may outline the mission and values . container homes for sale in puerto rico; can chickens eat loquats; cook county, illinois genealogy trails; tony gwynn vs greg maddux Ethical Theories Quiz Questions And Answers. Which of the following is the correct definition of passive euthanasia? A 6.Which of the following statements about ethics training is true A The 7.BAM 101 chapter 2 test.docx - Course Hero; 8. Psychology questions and answers. Which of the following is NOT true with respect to conceptual foundations of values or ethics? Some statements are neither true nor false. So it is necessary to constantly examine one's standards to ensure that they are reasonable and well-founded. Which of these concepts relates to utilitarianism? The surgeon forgets to order deep venous thrombosis prophylaxis for the patient, which is standard for all knee replacements. Which of the following best describes the criteria by which we judge manners and rules of behavior? What are the grounds on which this challenge has been made? Ethics are moral philosophy that governs an individual's behavior in the long run. The case of Smith/Jones is meant to show us that killing, in itself, is morally different that letting die. Ethics or moral We sincerely welcome you to our ethics practice quiz questions and answers. Which of the following statements about the practice of "doing ethics" is true? B. B. Which statement best describes the relationship between religion and morality? a) helping the poor b) writing about slavery c) her Abolitionist newspaper d) running the underground railroad, what was fredrick dounglass best known for? Are your knowledge of ethics and moral principles good? taking direct action to kill a terminally ill patient, According to our notes on Rachels, we usually think it is wrong to kill someone intentionally (except for self-defense or in war), whereas we usually think it is acceptable to let someone die of natural causes (except when we know we can save them without sacrificing anything too important ourselves).