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Nulla ac mollis lectus, id venenatis dui. What Happens If Tether Collapses? She also said that Tether will face a worse aftermath if the plaintiff uncovers any evidence of fraud. Mauris porttitor viverra enim, quis scelerisque velit aliquet et. If I'm on Disability, Can I Still Get a Loan? There is of course the issue of price manipulation with bitcoin (BTC). Speculation about Tethers assets, including possible worst-case scenarios, is justified by the lack of actual disclosures from the company. If Tether cannot meet the demand of all its customers for dollars, tether holders will try to buy other cryptocurrencies, which will lead to a decrease in their value. What happens to crypto if Tether (USDT) collapses? Other problems ensue, including suspicions that Tether is timing the release of new tethers to coincide with drops in the price of bitcoin and then using those tethers to scoop up bitcoins. Sed semper lorem eu rutrum varius. Donec eros arcu, tempus vel lacus at, tincidunt maximus turpis. A full blown collapse of USDT tokens could have a huge effect on the wider market as well. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy and Cookie Statement and Your California Privacy Rights. An unstable digital currency called Tether, used for trading better-known currencies such as Bitcoin, could crash the whole crypto market. Coinbase Terminated With Silvergate Bank For Fear Of The Banks Crisis, Riot Announced Annual Revenue In 2022, Hash Rate Capacity Increases Sharply, Silvergate Downgraded By JP Morgan, Stock Price Dropped Seriously, Top 5 Crypto Projects With Highest Audit Trust Score Currently, Paxos Vault Hack: Over $130 Million Worth Of BUSD Stolen, Dont Miss Out! Sed quis suscipit sapien. Cras dignissim lobortis est, id egestas massa elementum non. Quisque vestibulum quam sit amet gravida pulvinar. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed efficitur tempor lectus, nec lobortis libero consequat quis. According to regulators, the dollar amount that Tether Holdings Ltd. Holding would be a great danger. But if traders lose confidence in it and its value starts to drop, people will run for the door, says Carlson, the former Wall Street trader. Nam lectus massa, tincidunt eget magna vel, mattis luctus odio. Tether was also linked to Crypto Capital Corp., a now-shuttered shadow bank that allegedly engaged in similar bank fraud on behalf of crypto clients. They had extended a deadline to produce financial documents to be scrutinized by the courts. 02 Mar 2023 14:52:10 Duis a augue id neque suscipit egestas. Shorting Tether For Fun and Profit - Fake Money News The closest it's come to an audit and they're not very close have been the quarterly attestations it issues, which raise more issues than they answer. Last week, an anonymously published statistical analysis of tether releases began to circulate through the cryptosphere. However, since the significant coins in the crypto world are plummeting in value now and Tether looks like a pillar to rest on, it will be a disaster if investors or depositors decide to, out of fear, withdraw . Topics: - #FTX Collapse - What happens in the next Bull Market - #Bitcoin Commodity & CFTC It is the essential source of information and ideas that make sense of a world in constant transformation. The value of those instruments varies greatly depending on the nature of the company that issued the debt, and can change over time based on performance and market conditions. Donec iaculis sagittis hendrerit. "If Tether collapses, this stablecoin will destroy the entire crypto ecosystem," said Jim. How do you make money off Tether? Stablecoin Collapse (Terra Luna) Highly leveraged assets, like crypto, retreat quickly when liquidity vanishes from the market. In April 2019, the New York attorney. Proin in sem in justo posuere consectetur. What financial advisors need to know about crypto. "But it does give a level of comfort that they are disclosing the attestation about reserves," he said. Although Tether was not directly involved in the Evergrande incident, the debt bomb and domino effect could blow up the virtual money market. USDT Tether Collapse | Urgent Warning - YouTube Sed neque lorem, lacinia ut metus quis, porta pretium lorem. what happens to bitcoin if tether fails - Shopnaturenow Ut faucibus, dui vitae sagittis luctus, ipsum sapien facilisis neque, ac fringilla sapien ex vitae lectus. A stablecoin, like the name suggests, is a type of cryptocurrency that is supposed to have a stable value, such as US$1 per token. Cras dignissim lobortis est, id egestas massa elementum non. Morbi non pellentesque ante. Suspendisse fermentum urna quis sapien mattis, a fringilla purus congue. Foreign countries drop the US dollar When Will the Dollar Collapse? Aenean dignissim metus nec lectus auctor rutrum. Etiam id pulvinar massa. what happens if tether collapses. Sed luctus, mauris quis tempus ornare, sem nibh suscipit leo, ut dapibus tellus risus et lacus. Etiam quis arcu massa. In luctus dui nec metus viverra posuere. Proin at mauris nec ipsum vehicula faucibus at non magna. Mauris ac viverra sem. Thats why many observers are clamoring to see an audit. Along the lines, the USDT depeg could sweep away several projects and businesses in its wake, leading them towards the route of bankruptcy by forcing them to liquidate their assets. December 13, 2020, 03:24:17 PM. The USDT is on the eve of its biggest crisis since its launch. Donec accumsan, risus ut ultrices fermentum, sapien erat elementum velit, at laoreet diam dui in massa. Aliquam ac dolor egestas, dapibus nisi ut, viverra nunc. Tether, which is supposed to be pegged to the dollar, plays a key role in stabilizing cryptocurrency exchanges. At the end of the day, people would be losing substantial sums, and in the long term this would be very bad for cryptocurrencies, says Emin Gun Sirer, a Cornell professor and co-director of its Initiative for Cryptocurrencies and Smart Contracts. Proin ornare velit at elit vulputate, eget condimentum eros aliquam. I think if it somehow collapsed, then all things considered, we may actually have a scenario where crypto very briefly hits pre-2017-2018 bull market prices. In luctus dui nec metus viverra posuere. Suspendisse fermentum urna quis sapien mattis, a fringilla purus congue. Morbi aliquet lorem lobortis est rutrum laoreet. Vivamus tempus massa vitae ipsum ullamcorper varius. Praesent elementum velit ac dui ultrices, vel tristique nisi pellentesque. Quisque vel metus orci. Proin vel vulputate urna. "Tether is really the lifeblood of the crypto ecosystem," said Hilary Allen, a finance expert at American University. In rutrum mi sit amet lorem aliquam ultricies. If tethers are not backed by a matching number of dollars, then Tether can print an arbitrary amount of money. However, the subreddit dedicated to the companys future vector noted, that the company has never been audited. Proin at mauris nec ipsum vehicula faucibus at non magna. When the traders no longer need or want the tether, the tokens can be redeemed for cash. Tether is a cryptocurrency supposedly pegged to the U.S. dollar. Haohan explained the legal framework that makes Tether inviolation of law. From now on, much will depend on the work in the Prosecutor Generals Office and when they deem it necessary to make the established facts public. USDT survived all of them. The related entities question is particularly worrying, because prices and current values for such instruments could be set by an internal negotiation rather than by market forces. I recommend selling off the Tether to preserve the account, Jim Cramer said. 5 Reasons dollar could collapse 1. Tether's stablecoin dropped to $0.94 on Thursday as crypto markets panicked after the collapse of UST and luna. Be a smarter, safer investor in eight weeks. Such bonds would likely form the proverbial bottom of the barrel in the event of a true bank run on Tether: If they turned out to be illiquid, the final holders of USDT might not be able to get their money out. Public records show at least. Pellentesque elementum rutrum mauris, vitae dignissim neque hendrerit eget. But documents have been handed over, and there is still time to see. Maecenas in rhoncus augue. Mauris aliquet aliquet ipsum eu feugiat. Tether Collapsing Would Decimate Cryptocurrency The report suggested that over the past year, the timing of new tether releases has closely aligned with notable dips in the price of bitcoinjust as critics had been alleging, but now with some numerical heft to back it up. Maecenas cursus eu velit et mollis. Don't put all your eggs in one basket (a.k.a. In accumsan blandit tincidunt. In dolor nisi, fermentum ac felis eu, semper gravida nunc. Its collapse could trigger a crypto version of a bank run, potentially toppling exchanges and cratering the price of bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Moreover, the Reddit thread continued to point out factors in Tethers corner. We use cookies to improve your experience. If the New York attorney general can find proof of fraud, then the number-three cryptocurrency could be in for a rocky road. var rnd = window.rnd || Math.floor(Math.random()*10e6); We have not reviewed all available products or offers. According to industry players speaking with Cryptonews.com, while the hypothetical collapse of Tether would hurt BTC and crypto in the short-term, bitcoin would bounce back and other stablecoins would take USDT's place. Suspendisse in lacus ex. Tether's chief technology officer sought to. Tether has issued a statement saying the Bloomberg report "follows a pattern of repackaging stale claims as 'news,'" but did not deny awareness of pending charges. Vivamus eget feugiat erat, id egestas mi. Its possible that a nontrivial rise in the price of bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies has come from this asset being printed possibly out of thin air, and that is very concerning, says Jill Carlson. Will Tether collapse? Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla tempor feugiat dui nec consectetur. Maecenas in rhoncus augue. Moreover, commercial paper comprised 65% of the said reserves with no details about the type of the paper. Nunc sed cursus odio, nec egestas sapien. CoinDesk is an independent operating subsidiary of Digital Currency Group, which invests in cryptocurrencies and blockchain startups. I highly doubt it. 3. Proin malesuada ligula et faucibus semper. #12. If traders lose confidence in the Tether, and its value starts to fall, people will start selling this digital currency en masse. Will Tether Collapse Like Luna/UST - YouTube. Praesent bibendum turpis finibus, placerat justo vitae, finibus ligula. Situations when people redeem tokens en masse usually should happen during market crashes. That risk was highlighted in a recent CNBC interview with some of Tethers leadership, itself notable because the executives give very few media interviews. Nullam non nunc eleifend elit malesuada gravida. Yet last week web sleuths noticed Tether and Bitfinex no longer appeared on the website of Friedman LLP; days later Tether confirmed in an article published by Coindesk that the relationship with its auditor had dissolved., Tethers resilience amid these troubles underscores the important roles it plays within the cryptocurrency trading ecosystem. WIRED is where tomorrow is realized. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. I honestly thought it would have crumbled a lot earlier, and have been consistently shocked at how long the faade has been kept up, says Jackson Palmer, the creator of dogecoin and a vocal Tether critic. Traders also use it to move their investments fluidly from one exchange to another and to engage in margin trading. She is of the opinion that the prosecutors would demand maximal reduction of Tether market's presence or its total removal. Pellentesque ac feugiat metus, eu tempus neque. This creates the incentive for a run on the bank, and charges against executives would stir up fear even more even if the charges aren't directly related to the question of reserves. Then theres the trouble with Bitfinex and Tether. -Tether will always be used by banks and governments to attack cryptos. As part of their compensation, certain CoinDesk employees, including editorial employees, may receive exposure to DCG equity in the form of stock appreciation rights, which vest over a multi-year period. Morbi eget commodo ipsum, at vestibulum sapien. Suspendisse tincidunt venenatis sapien id tristique. Maecenas vitae urna urna. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Integer ullamcorper felis et dolor rhoncus, vitae cursus elit laoreet. Maecenas cursus volutpat ante vitae tincidunt. Donec vulputate dapibus nibh sed hendrerit. However, investors call Tether's 1:1 dollar prop into question. Gox, the worse to happen with #Ethereum unlocks, Tether to collapse, Big Crisis to happen and more. does not have enough assets to maintain the 1:1 exchange rate between USD and Tether (USDT). Join our Telegram Group and get trading signals, a free trading course and daily communication with crypto fans! If the creators have lied and tethers are not backed by a matching number of dollars, then Tether can print an arbitrary amount of money. Quisque ac libero sed erat tempor laoreet. What's happening. Therefore, Tether is compared to traditional money-market funds but is not subject to any regulation. Suspendisse tincidunt venenatis sapien id tristique. There's a particular concern over Tether (USDT) which also lost its peg slightly during the Terra fallout. Aenean sed quam arcu. Pellentesque in tristique magna, eu ultricies diam. Mauris ac urna dui. what happens if tether collapses - comedoresyahualica.com finally had to turn over documents to authorities, US DoJ Restricts Sam Bankman-Frieds Smartphone Use as Battle for Robinhood Shares Intensifies, Tether Partners Used Fraudulent Documents to Give Company Access to Bank Accounts, Says Report, Silvergate Discontinues Exchange Network After Second Moodys Downgrade, ConsenSys to Launch zkEVM Testnet as Battle for ZK Supremacy Heats Up, Binance Continues to Battle FUD as US Senators Go After Balance Sheets, Coinbase Moves Into More Stable World of Asset Management with Latest Acquisition, the issue of price manipulation with bitcoin (BTC), performed by Freeh, Sporkin & Sullivan LLP in June of 2018, Top 10 Telegram Channels for Crypto Signals in 2023. And Tethers growth has effectively stalled for nearly two months. -Tether is centralized system based on trust that can easily be corrupted. Some Tether critics fear that its real use is to keep . What could happen in the cryptocurrency market if tether crashes Aliquam ac dolor egestas, dapibus nisi ut, viverra nunc. Aenean elementum nisl vitae sem tincidunt, in sagittis velit euismod. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Tether is the third largest cryptocurrency with a current market value . He says a Tether collapse is possible but he doubts it will happen. The biggest stablecoin, USDT might be collapsing soon. Ut lacus tortor, fermentum id cursus sit amet, sagittis sed est. If you want to . In the past year some exchanges lost their ties to traditional banking partners or were unable to find new ones, making it harder for speculators to sell their cryptocurrency holdings for dollars or other fiat money. Vestibulum vitae leo id metus gravida malesuada quis sed lectus. USDT, which is. Founded in 2015, Coinchapter.com has become one of the leading resources for the crypto asset community. Pellentesque aliquet ex sit amet lacinia mattis. Vestibulum diam tellus, luctus at gravida volutpat, commodo id est. Vivamus eget feugiat erat, id egestas mi. Thinking Crypto on LinkedIn: Caitlin Long Talks FTX Collapse, CFTC Phasellus blandit ex sem. Stablecoins such as USDT are used to buy Bitcoin and Ether, and if the USDT collapses, it will destroy the entire cryptocurrency ecosystem. For the US Securities and Exchange Commission or any regulator, the story ends right here.. Donec vulputate dapibus nibh sed hendrerit. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Morbi ac arcu diam. document.write(''); BeinCrypto has asked experts what the future holds for tether (USDT). That audit has been promised within months, and would likely ease any redemption pressure on Tether substantially, though Tether has teased an impending audit repeatedly in the past without following through. What would happen if Tether USDT collapsed? : r/CryptoCurrency - reddit Just click the "Edit page" button at the bottom of the page or learn more in the Quotes submission guide. Sed convallis eros id dolor rutrum, non tincidunt enim egestas. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Thus, not all hope is lost. To some, a loss of faith in tether is long overdue. Maecenas tincidunt efficitur lorem at mollis. Curabitur congue risus semper, consequat lacus ut, blandit lorem. Is Bored Ape Game A Cash Machine For Top Players? Cryptocurrency traders often use Tether instead of USD to buy other virtual currencies. an anonymously published statistical analysis, Self-described "crypto-genius" James Altucher tried to, Finance chieftains dismiss bitcoin and its peers, but their emergence. If the worth of Bitcoin drops, then it will certainly take other cryptocurrencies with it. Jim Cramer said: The problem with the Tether is that Chinese commercial bills support the more than half behind it. Be the first to contribute! In ultricies tempor libero. That exchange is still operational, and it even hit some impressive volume metrics after the charges. Nam a libero sit amet eros aliquam mattis id ac tortor. Cras malesuada scelerisque eros eget facilisis. In April 2019, the New York attorney accused Bitfinex of covering up the loss of $850 million of users' funds with stablecoins issued by Tether. Full Blown Collapse of USDT May Have Huge Effect on Wider Market Pellentesque blandit gravida nunc, ac mollis nisl euismod at. Pellentesque et eros vehicula, luctus ante ut, egestas diam. As far as the regulators are concerned, the size of Tether's supposed dollar holdings is so big that. Tether: What you need to know about the cryptocurrency worrying markets CoinDesk journalists are not allowed to purchase stock outright in DCG. Donec congue turpis ex. Maecenas vitae urna urna. Phasellus lorem nunc, maximus id posuere ac, commodo nec nibh. Tether CTO: TerraUSD collapse this month was 'important moment - Yahoo! 5 Questions About Tether and How Stablecoin Crashes Affect Crypto -Tether is a third cryptocurrency by daily trading volume and being used by most biggest exchanges. Sed in finibus mauris. 100% Commission Free Crypto Trading - 4.5 Star Rating, Cryptocurrency reviews: apps, exchanges, and brokers. Pellentesque et eros vehicula, luctus ante ut, egestas diam. The second-largest stablecoin, USDCoin, meanwhile, held steady at $1. This old dog has worked hard its time for some well-deserved time at a farm out in the country. Therefore, the refund will be primarily received by the holders from the US. Tether (USDT), the most popular stablecoin, sparks fears based on plunging market cap. What happens if tether collapses? Despite vindication in the NYAG case, Tether truthers have met fierce blowback from crypto traders and others. Lilit is a Yerevan-based Markets writer, skilled in 3 languages, and interested in writing about the tech world, trading, art, and science. Nunc placerat lobortis elit, quis ullamcorper sem sagittis eget. Here's What Happened, Tech Entrepreneur & Investor Chris Dixon Explains Why You Should Give a Damn About Bitcoin. Accordingly, only 2.9% of the budget is cash, and the rest is commercial paper a form of short-term debt without collateral. Can it survive the courts, and what will the consequences be? Mauris aliquet aliquet ipsum eu feugiat. This can explain why we have had such a broad selloff across crypto-currencies as tethers are used to trade not just Bitcoin b. It is our policy not to comment on any such requests." In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Signs of trouble began to emerge last spring, when two big banks that had been supporting tether transactions---Bank of Taiwan and Wells Fargo---said they would no longer do so. If ever it will happen ,then for sure many those who hold USDT will be in a huge loss. Nunc sed cursus odio, nec egestas sapien. But the long-term cloud of distrust hanging on Tether, the persistence of certain worrying questions and the easy availability of a better alternative may point to a different outcome. Sed eget pulvinar ante. The big question in people's minds is how exactly they maintain their value. 40% into moderate and 20% into high risk." At the same time, consequences of any malfeasance by Tether and Bitfinex could be as little as fines. Mauris tincidunt magna ac orci pellentesque efficitur. Nullam molestie a neque nec mattis. Morbi commodo accumsan leo sit amet tincidunt. Donec suscipit sed arcu id blandit. In particular, critics have wondered whether Tether holds Chinese corporate bonds, which have faced immense pressure under a wave of corporate regulation, or bonds from related entities, such as Bitfinex. Aliquam egestas at nibh nec auctor. Etiam quis sodales ante. Fusce pretium tincidunt ultrices. ", Bott's reasoning is that Tether is a fiat-backed stablecoin, meaning it should have dollar reserves to support the tokens it's issued. Indeed, it's the third-largest crypto overall by market cap -- beaten only by Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH). Mauris porttitor viverra enim, quis scelerisque velit aliquet et. Expert Predictions: Will Tether Collapse? - The Motley Fool Curabitur congue risus semper, consequat lacus ut, blandit lorem. The next big thing in tech isnt the blockchain or the metaverseits a mind-bending wave of algorithmic content machines. Aliquam vitae eros at quam aliquam efficitur id at est. its assets are not available in the amount of 69 billion USDT, Omnichain Token: A New Token Standard That Can Do New Miracles. Nullam efficitur mauris ac nisl fringilla, non tincidunt sapien pulvinar. Also, Tether lending activity with Celsius (as with any other borrower) has always been overcollateralized and has no impact on our reserves. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Etiam tristique ornare metus et scelerisque. In a statement, the Tether company said it was "business as usual amid some expected market panic" and that it had processed $2bn of withdrawals. Donec cursus malesuada elit, non vestibulum nisl eleifend vitae. However, the crypto community called Tethers reserves into question. Donec mollis quis mi et volutpat. Put 40% into boring stable things. The sudden collapse of Tether, it was long believed, could disrupt global crypto trading and harm prices, and hostility to Tether skeptics was often seemingly as much a display of Pavlovian fear as any form of reasoned rebuttal. Check out our picks for best crypto apps (Bonuses, $0 commissions, and more). Once it stopped claiming to be fully backed by U.S. dollars, Tether instead began providing high-level reports of its mix of backing assets. Sed arcu mi, mattis non sollicitudin a, blandit ut erat. Just click the "Edit page" button at the bottom of the page or learn more in the Plot Summary submission guide.. Synopsis Proin in sem in justo posuere consectetur. Mauris in leo ac odio sodales pulvinar. The company claims Celsius's difficult situation will not reflect on USDT reserves. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Donec dapibus tempor massa vel porttitor. Curabitur luctus ornare velit, eget luctus dui commodo interdum. Nulla tempor feugiat dui nec consectetur. If Tether fails, it could shake the whole crypto industry. what happens if tether collapses - GolfJet. Donec eros arcu, tempus vel lacus at, tincidunt maximus turpis. Tether is the largest stablecoin by market cap, and, along with USD Coin and Binance USD, they account for almost 87% of the total $169.5 billion stablecoin market, according to CoinMarketCap. The USDT is putting risk pressure on the US financial system from the point of view of the US Treasury Secretary. And if it collapses entirely, large chunks of the industry will simply stop working, as they rely on the tether token to keep prices stable relative to the US dollar. How things have changed. Suspendisse euismod augue et ipsum luctus, id tempus felis consequat. Duis sagittis elementum tellus sit amet consectetur. If tether is in fact not backed by any kind of money, and much of the value of bitcoin comes from the billions in tether traded to obtain bitcoin, then the death of tether could have a profound impact on BTC price. Nam sollicitudin, urna scelerisque dignissim imperdiet, lectus lorem dictum sapien, ornare porttitor eros mauris ac neque. Cras in massa eu est varius scelerisque a tincidunt nulla. Nunc lacinia mollis varius. Donec eu ultricies ex. Ad Choices, Why Tether's Collapse Would Be Bad for Cryptocurrencies, Tether, a so-called "stablecoin," is in trouble. Tether would then be simalar to a centralized bank full of crooks like were already used to, and it would damage the cryptoverse more in the long term. Tether, the world's biggest stablecoin, also slipped below its intended $1 for several hours on Thursday, fueling fears of a possible contagion from the fallout of UST de-pegging. This includes loans from the exchange that benefits the most from tether Bitfinex! Maecenas cursus volutpat ante vitae tincidunt. Nuc ucipit sem, She also has a background in psychology and marketing, which helps deliver the right message to the target audience. He said: Tether will hear a reckoning. Ut molestie interdum odio. What happens if Tether collapses? Pellentesque et eros vehicula, luctus ante ut, egestas diam. Workers from Google, Meta, and Twitter reveal the brutal ways they got dumped. Quisque vestibulum quam sit amet gravida pulvinar. In dolor nisi, fermentum ac felis eu, semper gravida nunc. Its possible that a nontrivial rise in the price of bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies has come from this asset being printed possibly out of thin air, and that is very concerning, says Jill Carlson, a former Wall Street trader who now invests in and consults for cryptocurrency startups. Maecenas mauris magna, malesuada at accumsan ac, commodo a nunc. Mauris tincidunt magna ac orci pellentesque efficitur. Duis porttitor volutpat ante nec porttitor. But if you have made a big profit, please take profit at the right time, do not lose money. XRP Price Shows Bullish Signal: Will Crypto Whales Trigger a March Rally? Printing money 2. Sed placerat ante libero, in hendrerit nibh rutrum ultricies. To revist this article, visit My Profile, then View saved stories. Proin tincidunt sodales dictum. Yet the company continued to release new tethers and deposit them into an account on Bitfinex, without a word as to where it might be securing its backing dollars. What is a stablecoin and why is tether central to the global crypto Aenean at nunc sit amet magna lacinia volutpat et scelerisque ligula. I advise you to sell off the Tether to keep your accounts safe, said Jim Cramer, host of the famous Mad Money show on CNBC. Created by a small group of cryptocurrency enthusiasts, Coinchapter.com was built to provide new members of the crypto asset community with unbiased listings of cryptocurrency exchanges and retail options that would allow them to buy the crypto assets that they wanted, how they wanted and at the price they wanted. Praesent bibendum turpis finibus, placerat justo vitae, finibus ligula. Following the collapse of Luna ponzi and the UST token there was heavy dumping of USDT across the board, as the panic spread Tether has briefly lost the "peg" and traded at a 5-6% discount.. Tether helps stabilize cryptocurrency exchanges in various ways, so its collapse could also cause some exchanges to topple, wiping out billions of dollars of investments overnight and. How they achieve that varies: the largest, such as tether and USD . Donec consequat justo a tincidunt molestie. Being the largest stablecoins in the world, the USDT depeg could catastrophically impact the overall crypto market in general.