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He was denied his request to gather intelligence by aerial reconnaissance over China. Jane Fondas first impression of Americas involvement in Vietnam was that it was a just cause. NORTH: Irrefutable for the three things she did, and I defined for you the rule, the actual constitutional language defining treason. And number three: you've got the propaganda broadcasts themselves, where she substitutes for Hanoi Hannah, who broadcasts to the American troops all the time. How Jane Fondas 1972 trip to North Vietnam earned her the nickname Hanoi Jane, The 27 best things to do in D.C. this weekend and next week, Tom Wilson gives Capitals a boost on an otherwise painful night in Anaheim, Corey Dickerson aims to lead and have a bounce-back year with Nats. In 1972, actress Jane Fonda traveled to North Vietnam on an anti-war mission. but not for the rest of it. False. Dr. Rockefeller certainly did not defend Communism as a "Jewish" system, since it is the Hebrew Bible that was the basis of our Common Law, and hence much of our Constitutional Order. But Bates. We now see a pattern of sedition/treason. The POWs are beaten. In Hanoi, Fonda also met with seven American POWs and later said they asked her to tell their friends and family to support presidential candidate George McGovern; they feared theyd never be freed during a Richard Nixon administration. 1990) Pages 121-123. CNN anchorChris Wallace grilled Hollywood legend and activist Jane Fonda over her controversial visit to North Vietnam that caused millions to dub her Hanoi Jane, and got a full spectrum response on the subject. The other stories allege a far more direct participation in war crimes on the part of Fonda. North Vietnam, 1972,: Jane Fonda is in the midst of her visit when an N.V.A. HANNITY: That's quite often in my case, by the way. . In fact, when the Tet Offensive broke, Jane Fonda was the featured pinup girl in that months issue of Leatherneck , the official publication of the Marines.. And, as she does, each POW palms her a scrap of paper with his Social Security number written on it. For a great many people, its not enough that Jane Fonda went to North Vietnam, offered encouragement to an army that was daily killing her countrymen, climbed up on that anti-aircraft gun, insisted that all American prisoners were well treated, and so on. When Jane Fonda Rocked the U.S. Army A newly exhumed documentary delves into the actresss anti-Vietnam vaudeville tour of American military bases in 1972. But newly discovered tapes tell a very, very different story. Each of them suggested that they had done at least one interview with Fonda, and individually they were looking into the historical accuracy behind the claims made about Fonda and why she became such a lighting rod for controversy. Its something very like the worst sort of lovers betrayal, the deep wound that time itself often is powerless to heal. Jane Fonda came clean in an interview with Chris Wallace about her Hanoi Jane days and her failure as a mother. Megyn Kelly ended her 12-year run with Fox News in early 2017 in exchange for a weekday show at NBC. I am trying to show up now.. The Bushes have a long-standing relationship with Red China, one that has hardmed our national security, yet few attack them as vociferously as Fonda was attacked. JANE FONDA: It was a terrible mistake. And the question I have is 50 years later, how do you look back on that particular chapter? I believe Jane Fonda has talked to at least two historians. "Because of this," the narrative continues, "I spent three days on a rocky floor on my knees with outstretched arms with a piece of steel placed on my hands, and beaten with a bamboo cane every time my arms dipped." I feel sorry for NORTH: She didn't apologize, Alan. The cover called her Ms. Screw you. Andrea Tantaros, former co-host of "The Five," filed a lawsuit saying that Fox News operated like a "sex-fueled, Playboy-Mansion-like cult.". I sang a song. [3] She praised the USSR for their support of the Viet Cong. officer gets an idea. Thats all the ground troops were The cover called her Ms. All of the facts, in retrospect, lead to the conclusion that the U.S. government's purpose in dragging America into Korea was not to defeat communism but to kill as many Americans as possible in an ignoble defeat, get rid of the hero MacArthur as a possible presidential nominee, and lure a disillusioned America into acceptance of one world government. How unfair! COLMES: Many of us forgive many of us forgive George W. Bush (search) for being young and irresponsible, and maybe we can also forgive Jane Fonda. Im not you know, they all went to jail. One showed her applauding North Vietnamese anti-aircraft gunners. The media heaped calumny on U.S. military leadership; presented biased, horrifying scenes depicting "the wanton killing of Vietnamese civilians", and the "degeneracy" of our fighting men and women. mode: 'thumbnails-b', They realized that the war was wrong, that we werent wanted there. It is nothing more and nothing less than the full culmination of Greco-Roman Humanism as it has defined itself throughout the thousands of years. I'm not going to tell you anything of the sort. His alliance with the Reds made sense, since both upheld elite control of the world. Fonda wasnt deterred. Respected online resources such as Snopes, Truth Miners, and Urban Legends have all cited key persons in the infamous email as having refuted its claims. Her book just may not make the bestseller Fonda traveled to Hanoi, Vietnam, to protest the Vietnam War, but she did not do most of the things the post claims. Sheturned down a four-year, $100 million offer to stay with Fox News saying that one of the reasonsfor her departure was to spend more time with her kids. Powered and implemented by FactSet Digital Solutions. I mean, the fact is, there's no statute on treason, by the way. The answer, of course, is that they won't. ED GRUMMETT, USMC: The night before we made the landing at Chu Yuan (ph) we were listening to Hanoi Hannah and how they were going to annihilate us on the beach. The U.S. government secretly abets communism around the globe, then sends in the American military to "contain the communist menace". Why has no one been hanged for high treason? Many Americans traveled to Vietnam on peace delegations to end the war, yet it was Jane Fonda who was captured as a timeless image when she was photographed looking through a Viet Cong anti-aircraft gun. I spent many years its when I made coming home talking to American soldiers, who had been in Vietnam and the things they told me were heartbreaking. I mean again, I'm not trying to be pedantic about it, but an apology is, "I'm sorry for what I said. (Later, after 58,152 American dead were just names on a wall, declassified US Navy logs revealed there had been no torpedo attack!). America. The Ms. , we thought, would signal a bit of ironic distance from the broad, ingenu- ous affection contained in Miss America., It evidently didnt. And you know, maybe I was set up but I was an adult, its Im gonna take responsibility for it. It was my mistake and I have paid and continue to pay a heavy price for it.. CHRIS They hadnt been able to vote on the virtues of the conflict, and they found themselves in mortal peril in the midst of an ugly, painful ordeal that a lot of vocal people back home thought was a criminal enterprise. target_type: 'mix' As in Korea, communist spies within the U.S. government released vital information to the enemy. I mean, that's like the bank robber saying, "I'm sorry I got caught.". Ms. Fonda's actions, however, directly affected helpless individual captives and their families. Lee said she still loves being a journalist and thatshehas"some really big ideas on how to better serve you in that particular arena" without Fox News. Deprived of American assistance, his army bereft of supplies, Chiang Kai-Shek retreated to the island sanctuary of Formosa and dug in. His replacement, General Ridgway, said after the war: "The reason we didn't win is because I was under orders not to win". But it wasnt untilshe traveled to Hanoi in July 1972 that she really enraged criticsand fundamentally altered how the world viewed her for decades to come. And I didnt even think and they sang me a song and Im made me laugh. I mean, the reality is, there were 24,000 American troops on the ground in South Vietnam. By denying their mistreatment or not investigating their treatment,in an effort to sway public opinion to her own perceived vision of the national interest, she did harm to her countrymen in captivity. Greta Van Susteren -- who had been one of Ailes' most stalwart defenders -- left in early September 2016 after saying that Fox had "not felt like a home" for years. Now, aid and comfort can be measured a lot of ways. 2023 FOX News Network, LLC. Fonda may have regrets about those photos in particular, but shes never regretted her political activism. Fondas transformation from actress to activist began several years earlier. Screw you. JANE FONDA: Well, I didnt like it. If a prisoner tried to escape, it is quite understandable that he would probably be beaten and tortured.. Thats what made me laugh. There is no doubt these treasonous no-win US wars were meant to disillusion the American nation into accepting loss of sovereignty and one world government." No, after the Left's "victory" in the United State's withdrawal from Southeast Asia, the matter of consequences was conveniently dropped from the discussion. I mean, you know, of all manner of slings and arrows were thrown my way. I did not know then. We have no right to bomb military targets in Vietnam. The journey of Jane Fonda: Ive always been curious. There is certainly no doubt that the country was basically split down the middle on the idea of our military presence in SE Asia, and as Americans we were all free to protest the war to our hearts' content. It never happened. Why? In no sense am I a Fonda apologist. I mean, it depends on what you want to know. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, Switch to the light mode that's kinder on your eyes at day time. She was reportedly also an aspirant for a role on "Fox & Friends," the network's morning show. Mr. Nolan wrote something that helped me better understand the fury of this sort of reaction. And I was I was like a limp noodle what I had experienced and what I had seen, I just I wasnt able to resist, they said were gonna take you out here today. These men were bombing and strafing and napalming the country, she said, according to an Associated Press report in April 1973, which quoted an interview she gave to KNBC-TV in Los Angeles. . By July 1972, when Fonda accepted an invitation to visit North Vietnam, America had been at war overseas and with itself for years. One of the times it did, Im happy to say, was with Keith Nolan, the author of several books on the war, most recently Ripcord , a superb account of the 101st Airborne in the conflicts last great battle. This weekend's special I mean, this is very moving. I spent many years its when I made coming home talking to American soldiers, who had been in Vietnam and the things they told me were heartbreaking. Fox News has enhanced the careers of numerous women who have served as hosts. If I was Vietnamese, I probably would have tried to do the same thing, you know, but I should not have gone. I mean, that's what you and I do with our wives when we say something that we shouldn't have said. No license is granted to the user of this material except for the user's personal or internal use and, in such case, only one copy may be printed, nor shall user use any material for commercial purposes or in any fashion that may infringe upon Fox News Network, L.L.C. quote: Fonda was a political activist in the counterculture era during the Vietnam War. [2] While criticizing America, she made laudatory comments about the Soviet Union. America. The Ms. , we thought, would signal a bit of ironic distance from the broad, ingenu- ous affection contained in Miss America. Its something very like the worst sort of lovers betrayal, the deep wound that time itself often is powerless to heal. "Claim: POWs were beaten for refusing to cooperate or meet with Fonda during her visit. CHRIS WALLACE: Your most famous protest was 50 years ago when you went to North Vietnam at the height of the war there. In 1972, the Academy Award-winning actress and activist traveled to North Vietnam and was photographed laughing and clapping along with Vietnamese soldiers. We have no right to attack that country. Shewas arrested before she got the chance, just as she had been at Fort Lewis, Wash., Fort Hood, Tex., and Fort Bragg, N.C. Fonda told The Post shed made talking to GIs herfull-time job. After all, she is an American; surely shell carry the message home to the families that their husband or son is alive. To begin with, the title is deliberately misleading: his real point has nothing to do with Jane Fonda. She posed on an anti-aircraft gun used to shoot down our American pilots. But now, very quickly, treason is the only crime defined in our Constitution. Fonda moves down the line, greeting each man with encouragements like Arent you ashamed you killed babies? as she shakes his hand. FONDA: I'm charging the government with genocide, with genocide. We're going to take them out. An analogy: I'm more upset by somebody coming into my house and stealing from me than I am by a tax increase, or even by government malfeasance. He collects a group of American POWs from their septic dungeons, cleans them up, and has them mustered on parade to show his guest how well his embattled nation treats its prisoners. Nevertheless, there are Vietnam veterans out there who served in the war zone before 1969 who are convinced that Jane Fonda was in cahoots with the Commies during their own tours. Outside of herself, she was manipulated by the experts in the Communist government who are masters in the art of propaganda. Otherwise, she wouldn't touch a weapon if she was genuinely anti-war. The reason Jane Fonda went to Vietnam was not wrong as Mr. Sollinger put it but the way she behaved while in Vietnam was unappropriate. Hundreds of Americans had gone to North Vietnam, journalists diplomats, our Secretary of State Ramsey Clark, Vietnam veterans, but I said but a movie star hasnt gone and maybe if I go it will draw more attention, and thats what it did. I dug in my heels. Please, you cant let them be published. In July of 1972, she made two trips to Hanoi which earned her the nickname Hanoi Jane. Was Jane Fonda's sitting on a North Vietnamese anti-aircraft gun that was used to shoot at and kill Americans, and launching an anti-American PR campaign with the North Vietnamese giving aid and comfort? Troop D, 1st squadron, 4th Cavalry, RVN, 1966-7 re: Jane Fonda visiting BR this weekend Posted on 3/3/23 at 9:43 am to Chipand2Putts. Ms. Fonda only met with those POW's who had sold out their fellow POW's, who willingly (without torture) made propaganda statements for their captors, and who enjoyed privileges of medical care, food, and even night-time excursions into Hanoi to watch movies in return. Peter Braunsteins article speculated that Jane Fonda had this ability to a degree unique in modern times. She has to be a murderess too.