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what exactly happened that day. laughed Julia. Please consider turning it on! and slippery! said Chuckie. warden there is hurting her and the others badly, and is issuing sentence extensions he said as he started to take "I hate children "Bye everyone" she said. good to be back in the outside world. he told the other boys. This was written by request from a reader I have on by the name of SuperSonicBros123 as a follow-up to my earlier work, "Kiwi". ", Chazz said, "I just received a call from Kimi at Juvenile Hall -- the Robert sat behind the wheel and drove off, towards a luxury hotel where he Chuckie wasn't sure . "Mr. and Mrs. Finster, I called you here, because yesterday at the bus One was of Kimi and her friends when they were toddlers. demanded Robert. He was putting them into a jar with a star on it. Enclosed were three small photographs. My, my, what a filthy mind you have Kimberly" laughed 12-year-old Tommy Pickles woke up on September 6th, 2002 the sound of an alarm blaring. The video tape ", "Yeah right" said Dil. "Now get lost Julia! no affect on my actions, and when they call the police, I will deny all actions. "You are in so much trouble young lady!" cried Kimi. Afterward, Do you know why?". The next day, Robert came in with a girl, Kimi's age. several years ago. ", "Oh yeah?!" couldn't figure out what was going on. Kimi went into the bathroom to change into her nightshirt, then climbed into "I don't care about you, your friends, or your stupid country!" "Oh, that's what I said when I first came here," said Kimi. Nothing, but Julie stills finds fault in us. You have the right to an attorney. Finster!" she said. "We're trying to escape," Zachary explained, "See, I just When they had decided on the best ones the dark, we'll be OK, but if we don't, we'll have to hide and wait "Kimi's in big trouble now! here, but the mean things you didn't do! be able to follow our sent through town, because we are leaving as soon as soon ", "Disgusting" said Robert. her out of the room. ", "No. He let out an audible groan. Then, later, Tommy "accidentally" tripped her while she was walking Finally, it was time for everyone to leave. with Julia! "I'll have you know that I hate children, I wish more than anything to see you again. Angelica, she was spoiled and rotten, but even worse than Angelica. Pierre said, "An hour ago, this came crashing through our window, threatening Meanwhile at that very moment, at the hotel, in the penthouse suite, Robert Kimi took the two letters and the three photos, and put them in her pillowcase I'll have my men arrest her, while we work on rescuing After dismissing the officer who brought Kimi, he led Kimi to a large room tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson". The officer led Kimi down the steps out of the courthouse and to a van. Kimi couldn't wait until tomorrow, Friday, when her family When Skinner found out about the fight, you last night! to and told her that if she didn't sit down and be quiet, she'd add Kimi was nervous. "You'll be staying in here from now on!" Tommy tried to intercept but Lil passed it to Kimi. This is how Dil finally took his first steps. The Story Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. "Your name is Kimberly Watanabe Finster?" ", Chazz asked. The boys stopped what they were doing when Robert and Kimi came in. and one count of contempt of court. and her friends hostage! They had a barbeque plenty of people will have walked there, so the sent will be lost. "We'd better be on the lookout guys" said Kimi. lime green pants with blue strips. from school today for the next month.". "Well, you wouldn't want to know" said Benjamin. The reason? They were forced in, then the men climbed into the car. I've been here for five Harsh! Your parents will be so distraught and poor, there will be no reason to live! "The evidence we need to get even a year, then she'll be going to Shaft for a year, before coming back to Jim While Julia was eating her lunch (she got a new tray) she found a dead fly, She'll be here for the next month, unless Three men stepped out of the shadows and joined Robert's side. just because his sister wasn't an American, even though he was. to realize that you are gone and won't be back for a while. With me is Sergeant Joe Friday ", "Wait a minute Chazz" said Kira. guys!". He was shocked to hear the voice on the other line. "And this is for Hiroshima! It was Monday afternoon at Jim Jr. demanded Julia. way. What do you have?". "Mail for you!" or you'll get another week!". Tommy and Kimi have been aged up to eighteen in this fiction. "This is no time for puns Dil!" a suprise.". as I say, or it'll be curtains for your daughter, and I may come back for all "Rats, great," she thought, but then she heard voices. "Payback time for busting us!" We are going her inside. "Do you hear me Kimberly Finster?! Kimi was surprised to see that one of them was Zachary. days!". She even called me a dork and said Chuckie. she prepared to fight some more. "Office of the Clerk of Court, John A. MacDonald speaking. sent to the hospital for numerous bruises. the sit to which her name tag had been taped, and ate her food. Plot: Angelica decides to bully Kimi to get her to leave her alone. They had disguised their helicopter Rachel put up a show about how Julia had spilled Mystery Casserole Surprise That night, the Rugrats and their families celebrated at the Finsters. said Kimi. he shoplifted. "Now let me take you to meet the other children.". As Tommy and Chuckie explained to Kimi, and Phil and Lil since they weren't there at the time, Didi brought Dil outside. Kimberly and Britney The Rugrats gang is having a sleepover at Tommy and Dil's house and Taffy tells them a classic fairy tale (Rugrats Style that is). The paperwork is in the briefcase, along with the $100,000 cash. They're suing for their daughter's hospital bills, plus other miscellaneous Secondly, they to say? off in the night on her bicycle. "It's all that Kimberly Finster's fault!" | Romance Friendship Tommy Dil Kimi Chuckie Angelica Susie Lil Phil Student A young Japanese girl transported to a human world called "Earth" for her demise she is a immortal that means she cannot be killed or get hurt by any people who tried it. But this year was a special year, because Tommy was going to his first day of Middle school. Everyone gasped at Julia. She was happy to be home and in her comfy bed. "Guess what? at Juvenile Hall" said Ken. We figure that the dogs won't Meanwhile, Tommy, Jesse and Zack were happily playing on the jungle gym. "I don't want to go through this!" Silent tears rolled down Kimi's face. "Robert Benedict, you have been found guilty on six charges of kidnapping ", "You think just because you're so popular, you can whatever you please" She had about a dozen bruises and she was bandaged Suddenly, two police officers stood before him. ", "Little girl?! said Chuckie who was leading them. throw the brick into their window. said Kimi, "I don't got time to explain! Kimi who was still wearing her pink and yellow shirt, her green skirt, and her And there's Meanwhile, in the helicopter, Benedict cackled evilly as he opened the briefcase. Two!" last night. day, under the same judge.". Then we're going to run four mile into the woods "Thanks" said Kimi. "What you need to do is relax Kimi. When did He took out a photo album Everything was back to normal. Flash forward to ancient Babylonia -- ", Robert suddenly came into the room. demanded the prosecutor. ", "There you have it your honour" said the prosecutor. I swear I didn't do it! "Next! Robert's coming! Banks said, "Ma'am, my name is Banks, FBI. Kimi complained. and friends would come to visit her. Robert however was prepared. said Brittany. "We caught her on video! FBI!". ", "Kimi's actions were perfectly justified" said John. As a matter of fact, I'm having second thoughts about Brittany, you?". She started to open Chuckie's letter, but Robert ", Chazz said, "John is a good, reliable judge who has dealt with many juvenile Everyone rose as John Parker came into the room and sat at the desk. It said: I miss you more than anything and I hate that popular kid, um, Julie? And what's worse, is that I just got three more The five of them go on to explore their bodies in a passion-filled night, enjoying round after round with one another thanks to being without parental supervision. your rooms before he wakes up!". No Archive Warnings Apply; Chas Finster; Chuckie Finster; Didi Pickles; Tommy Pickles; Stu Pickles; Summary. off. "Thanks for the adviceagain!" Stu walks in, shocked when he sees Spike wearing the sweater.] for a very long time. said James pointing in a certain direction. "No buts!" And Fifi and Puppy even seem close to her. Julia screeched, "It's ", "Why should I even talk to her?!" ", He finished his bread. And put glue and gum on "This is the girl you beat up?". "Oh that's right!" put on the pajamas, picked up her regular clothes and walked back into the bedroom. Based on the "Naked Tommy" episode from 1994. all went home. "Let's all go home and celebrate tonight! But the hardest part Chuckie was furious. phone. corner of the room. (Dil giggled and nodded in agreement and Phil turned on the power to both tanks and climbed into Lil's diaper with Tommy, Chuckie, Kimi and Dil. laughed Robert. Meanwhile, at Juvenile Hall, the kids were still reading silently. stop, your daughter Kimi was involved in a fight with a girl named Julia Preston" And when they arrive in London, they'll soon be bound for even bigger adv. ", 'Hello, sir? But we'll keep on investigating.". She is the step-sister of Chuckie Finster and the confirmed love interest of Tommy Pickles. er, children! ", "Thanks Chuckie" said Kimi. Anita read it; it said: "Go back to France! ", "Kimberly" said Kimi, "although everyone calls me Kimi.". As a matter of fact, the way those I'm already an expert at shoplifting, as I've been doing it for some The parents of Benjamin, Kyle, Brittany, Travis, and Bobby came in. hammering rocks with the other prisoners, but it would soon be time for bed. The officers slowly made their way through the smoke. what is edgar xbrl validation errors and warnings. seeds and dandelion petals, which are edible, from the meadow behind the cabin, Tommy was eating his own supper right then, and had probablly offered some of it to his dog, Spike. Therefore, this is the sentence I impose on you. Rugrats & All Grown Up! for each visitor that comes here. Then he took out his cellphone and Rachel said, "I hate you Julia! "I miss the good old days" said Benjamin. We'll bring Ken too. She did already "And take care of Superthing, would "So we brought you this chocolate cream pie from Juanita's Bakery," She only hang out with other popular kids. all over her new purple silk, designer, custom made shirt and vegetable soup They Chazz answered. "Kimi, I got some good news" he said. "You cannot escape me, Robert Benedict!" You can't do this to the most popular girl in school!". with Julia. Hope you're doing well. and spilled his tray all over her new dress, shoes, haircut, manicure, and everything said Robert. you opened the briefcase, press play. Chuckie and Chazz were in black suits and ties while Kira was in a red dress. Rugrats/All Grown Up! ", "Why that no good awful man!" "I can't do that, Tommy!" Chuckie protested. unlike you!". As they explore the peak of their high school lives, one cannot imagine all the drama, twists, and romance they are about to endure and most importantly is how all these experiences will shape them to the best version of themselves. he said. The warden abused us, At the Finster's household, the Finster's and their friends were still watching When we get You even broke a few of my bones, just like I broke a window in your home and If you log in you can store your preference and never be asked again. "Weeeee!" went Kimi as Chuckie pushed her up and down on the swings. said Kimi. "The warden's got her!". "Ahhhhhhh!" So were the other Rugrats. ", Gannon said, "When we first arrested him, he was probaby going to get to the hospital and stay there! Ropes lashed out and grabbed Kimi by her arms and he hadn't heard her. He had grey hair for 50 years. As they did, Robert made Anything you say can Then, she started writing a letter to Chuckie: Things are doing, wellokay here at the joint. She even called Chuckie a "dork", in unmarked 10s and 20s; plus a written and videotaped statement, saying how Officer Gannon cuffed Robert and sent him to a waiting police car, while a Tommy had been on a topsy-turvy emotional roller coaster for the past few days. said Kimi. a warden, and contempt of court. more!". They started to lead him out of the room. Startled, they went to the broken window to pick up the brick. Kimi!" Then we have to be lucky "Kids! visit him today. so he was committed at a mental hospital for psychiatric evaluation before he said Chuckie. charges. said Ken proudly. "You're coming with me young lady!" "Julia Preston! "You're the first "I don't know what I would do without". There stood Walter, Samuel, and James, the three men whom she and her friend As the three men were cuffed, Banks said, "thanks for the advice. aidan keane grand designs. "These children always want jam!". this week is a holiday.". Benjamin and Britany were now crowded arounded her, looking at all to kidnapping. a fight with a couple of prisoners after they laughed behind his back. Just up ahead, was He wears red and white plaids shirt with a Hollister diem jeans and wearing a pair of converse. Thailand; India; China Case dismissed!". she said as she got into a fighting Another was Kimi playing with Superthing. ", asked Anita? ", Lionel said, "That's great. Julia's crowd laughed and cried tears of joy. "Come on" said Brittany, "let's go to sleep.". laughed Benedict. ", "Due to your terrible behavior, I am placing the following restrictions After breakfast, Robert put the kids to work peeling potatoes. defendant's mother had admitted her daughter's guilt.". "There will be no breakfast for the three of you tomorrow! The first officer (with Kimi and Brittney) whispered something said one of the officers as the two officers time. "Stu helped us rig it.". "So I wonder what the next thirty days will be like" said Kimi. bad parents we are. He stormed over where Kimi lay sprawled "Going somewhere Kimberly?" You'll pay for this, if it's the last ", Kira said, "I assure you, Kimi's in juvenile hall right now, so there's ", "Hi!" and climbed into the helicopter. a week. The next morning, Chuckie and the rest of the rugrats were all very excited he went back in time in her dream, to the day she was in court. a field. Among the kids was a new girl in their class. "Come on, let's go to our bunk," said Kimi. Dad!" Three months added to your stay!". said a voice. Her dream ended when she woke up in the middle of the night having to go to "In other news, Robert Benedict, the crazed former warden of juvenile I really miss you! "The foreigner is out. "John Parker" said Chazz, "the same judge who placed a restraining said Banks. cried Chuckie on the other end of the line. What's going on?!" All she had were the clothes Finally, Kimi was called before the judge, standing next to Julia. the police academy about 14 years ago, but was denied employment at the police I thought I got rid of you dorks!" Robert stood. Come on you despicable, little sleepy headed boys, He dragged Kimi and Britany to another room in the building and opened the "It was a good plan it's the same, I wake up to the same boring future. "In your face!" Chuckie a "geek", a fight broke out between Kimi and Julia. Kimi, Brittany, Kyle, Benjamin, Travis, and Bobby were shocked. She had only every seen Chuckie's before which wasn't nearly as big. Then he slammed ", "Or else what?!" laughed Julia. plus wild strawberries, blackberries, mulberries, raspberries, apples, and whatever If we don't respond, something bad's going to happen to for some sodas. boys have been released from Juvenile Hall the day after Kimi & Britney, ", "Questioning my authority?!" the covers over her. Tomijs8 34 4 Halloween Couple: Tommy and Kimi . Story. Then suddenly, Kimi had a thought. Then she opened the letter from Ken. Before I pass sentence, do you have anything So she quickly went into the bathroom to change into "Those books are filled with meaningless a sharp yell awoke her with a start. In an attempt to keep the peace, they decide to keep their relationship a secret from their friends.However, Tommy's vengeful ex girlfriend, Rachel, returns and will do anything to break them up.The rest of the rats must deal with all the drama and hormones high school brings. "You don't seem to care about her said Kimi. said one of the officers. "I know who," said Chazz. said Brittany. Friday said, "Yep, she did it alright. As she got closer, she could see several boys huddled in the And with all their love, the lovebirds came together for their first tender kiss of married life. I even know the history of shoplifting -- it began in ancient Phonecia. "That was for me and all the kids at juvenile hall!" ", "Wait a minute" said Brittany. No cash, just the Yellow Pages! Today was the first day of school. have proof. stopped her and handed her an envelope. door. nothing you can do about it! bad parents. girl to ever come to this Juvenile Hall. ", Angry, the judge said, "Listen, missy, if I see you in the court again, "Whoa, really? on my country in 1945!" "See you in She first appears in Rugrats In Paris, as one of the tritagonists, alongside her mother, Kira. "Oh, we just wanted to admire how you look," said Phil. "What are you guys talking abouts?" "Well, I just wanted to say that you ARE the best most popular girl," sweet potato sushi roll calories. Bobby's "Oh hi Kimi, are you on your way home right now? "I don't want Julia had been sent to the hospital for numerous bruises. "He he" snickered Kimi with a shy grin. In times like these we have got to keep an open mind. Benedict. The Rugrats left and rode their bikes home. An hour later, Anita and Pierre paid a visit to the Finster's house. The Rugrats rushed towards her, but Benedict stopped them. The Rugrats rushed upstairs with Kimi's juvenile friends. He and his wife Anita were in be in on Friday for a visit. "I'm here for one purpose only" laughed Robert. "Oh no!" Her breathe came out in rough pants. for it. "It's good to have you back Kimi" said Susie. door and the van drove off. that was Robert Benedict. us and our nationality. ", greeted Benjamin. Benedict opened the door, got the stuff, tipped the bellboy a quarter, and But, what's to come of this forbidden sleepover? I" Kimi shouted as she they would play real pranks on Julia, not just little easy ones. Tonight is for you Kimi.". beds, and Kimi ran to the bathroom. Outside Julia's home was a police car. One slip up and to a probation officer, who then starts leave for juvenile hall. Someday, you're gonna pay! car parked near the house. "Benedict took her" said Samuel. "If you want some respect, need much help with. months. like! Rugrats Fan Fiction: " Tommy's Change" Tommy's Change By Matt Hawthorne & Birch Griese 1. He had written: Hi! "Mr. Benedict," said the officer, "I am here to pick up Kimi anyway, but we've always got our backup plan.". ", "Hang in there Kimi. goes to trial next month.". "Get your hands off me!" knows that rivalry can lead to something like this. "Kimi's been watching too much wrestling" Kira said to herself. Filled with determination, Kimi grabbed the hand of the arm that Benedict clutched We'll take the video to the police tomorrow! Life was good. ", "Now I can make a quick phone call!" We know she did it, but we don't They both shrugged, clueless. covers! "And I don't have How are you doing? "We had a backup plan.". Meanwhile, The Rugrats were hanging out at the local candy shop, where popular and Ken hugged and kissed, and she and her friends talked and talked. Kimi's new metal-head style that she had evolved into from her new-found love of heavy metal music shouldn't interfere with her grades (even if she did have a lot of piercing on her ears, and wore mostly leather clothes, as well as boots, and it gave some people a scared vibe around her.) They tossed it on the floor. my chairs. ", Robert sternly turned to Kimi and said, "You took my job, you took my said Didi. She sat right next to Tommy who was also excited. can't play sports cause we're a player short. Tommy is excited to hang out with the girls and show them his brand new PlayStation, however, Angelica isn't amused in the slightest when Tommy shows up uninvited. "A baby poodle and a big pomaranian. the trial against Robert Benedict but anyway I went to the insane asylum to Will the hinted potential relationship between Tommy and Kimi finally come to fruition? "But after what you've all done to Then she dialed Kimi played the rift again while Tommy and Phil resumed their beat. The The helicopter lifted off the rooftop and flew off. "But there's no detention this time Kimi" said Jim. Kimi starred at him The officer opened the door inside the van and helped Kimi in. her against the wall. We apologise for being such throw a brick in Anita and Pierre's window that said, "Go back to France, on a wad of chewing gum, and found a cockroach in her hair. her with and bit it. Then, "Put me down, or ", "Out of the question!" to us. Chuckie misses you alot. ", "Oh no!" thanks to a decision by the new warden. You can ONLY buy it at Hallstrom's," So put another dime in the jukebox, baby" Kimi sang a tough smile on her face, Tommy backing her up, Chuckie rocking on his drums "I love rock n' roll, so come an' take your time, and dance-with-me!" "Ow!" she shouted. to act scared again and Fifi won't always eat her supper. And, upon your release, you will Was of Davy Jones are you talking about?" can't afford one, one will be provided to you without charge before questioning. he said. "Overruled" said John as he banged his gravel. Rugrats & All Grown Up! As they pick up the pieces and call police, Julia, with an evil grin, went The first officer took Kimi and Brittney back to their homes. foreigners!" Then, before Robert could Well, visiting hours were over all to soon. "Tonight's case is the Preston's vs the Finster's" said the Bailiff. else we can get our hands on that is edible. Kimi Watanabe Finster. The following day, Kimi met up with Travis, Benjamin, Bobby, and Kyle. We really have a lot in common! Chazz could not believe what he had heard. miss my family and friends to much. Tommy pulled off his boxers and Kimi stared at the 6-inch cock. Then, he instructed the inmates to turn out the lights, which they did Then But with kidnapping of several children, he might be find it. "Above the law?!" Finster and Britney Wilder, on emergency orders from the judge. her window-smashing on videotape.". Do you have a dog?" Julia was complaining about similar her clothes. Tommy's parents, Stu and Didi, also had a rule against feeding table food to a dog. out. ", "Great" said Susie. said Gannon. Benedict did so. Secondary School.". kids.". "We have We'll Instead, he has found employment at the maximum-security It was an accident!" at all! Rachel. ", "Suspension?!" Contents two officers, clutching Julia. If you get any mail, calls or visitors, you will get three more From the shadows, and into the light came a man. "Who does were going to use them to try to chip away at the stone. And whatever the judge has decided regarding your cases, I will Meanwhile, back at the Finster's household, everyone was still pondering what do all month if she can't go to school?! knocked off Robert's portrait from the wall. Lots of changes follow, including two friends fighting, and one character making a discovery about themself. The bills must be unmarked, untraceable, and coming directly "You kids are coming with me!". and a grey goatee around his chin. he called Chazz and Kira. laughed Robert. Bobby had red hair. Kimi and her friends were dragged outside to the black car outside the house. He was on his best behavior You don't care about anyone! The boy went on eating as if at least to showers a day for a long time to keep the dogs from smelling us cried Kimi. They recognized that voice! Julia had chocolate cream pie all over her new "You're the second girl to ever be here! A little later, the remaining Rugrats met in the backyard. "You're the first girl we've ever had here" said Kyle. Rugrats: Growing Up Too Fast 7K 90 5 At just 16 years old, Tommy Pickles and Kimi Finster have to put their entire lives on hold as they bring another life into the world. 'Wannabe' Finster can ruin it.". He grabbed the phone It is all He turned to Kimi. he said as he swiped the three photo albums. Sometimes we Kimi suspected they all over her hair and ruined her new perm. Stu dropped the ball between Tommy and Kimi who stood in the center. "Sorry, can't play no more" said Robert as he snatched the briefcase asked the judge. for rough behavior. said Robert. The the rest of the month. Okay, so maybe I did do it. Walter, Samuel, and James grabbed Kimi and her friends. order to stay away from all members of the Finster family. However, due to the circumstances, your stay will not be included "I know who else to call -- Clerk of Court -- they're the ones who keep "I believe Susie has a plan" said Chuckie. Meanwhile, at the police station, the other Rugrats, along with Ken, were Robert dished her a bowl of green pea soup and "Oh, and I have a new faux fur mini! There were many pictures. actions are justified by a form of anger. purple shoes. "How will you get food in the winter?" It said: They hurried outside to check the camcorder, and sure enough, they saw Julia After all the evidence was weighed, the jury suit, a red shirt underneath, a black tie, and black shoes. said Julia, "at least I don't come from a country laughed Robert as he slowly lifted the gun. He hammered another rock and wiped the sweat off his forehead. She judges books by their he muttered to himself. Curious, she When they thought they "Figures," said Julia. Kimiko "Kimi" Watanabe-Finister is a major character of the Rugrats. He was supposed to have a sleepover with the boys while Angelica had one for the girls. "You disgust us Julia!". Native Americans, of course, all our ancestors were once foreigners. Big trouble Mister! Brittney's cell. "Back to work tomorrow One was from Chuckie Spike whimpers as a pink and purple striped sweater is put on him. "I don't think so" said Robin. I'm in big To be honest, I don't think we are ever fit for parenthood. ", "Come on!" She wanted to be with her friends. "Let us welcome your new inmate, and the first girl ever to come to his During the Rugrats sophomore year of high school: Tommy and Kimi begin to fall for each other but realize their relationship might jeopardize Tommy's friendship with Chuckie. said Rachel from a nearby table, "The floor is wet "But How will they tell their friends and families? ", A SWAT team burst into the room, at the front, Banks said, "Freeze! a reason for the fight.". They put a rubber spider in her The boys headed towards the bedroom. With that creep Robert Benedict at the helm, I Four days in Juvenile Hall had been rough for Kimi so far, she only had another Then, they heard a voice from the other end of the phone. "That's three more months!" ", "Vacation?!" "Time for SSR! Kimi let out a groan of pleasure. At the Finster house Angelica is visiting Chuckie and Kimi. However, the sound on the camera isn't too great, so you might want to turn finally grabbed from behind by Walter. an evil cackle. While Benjamin, Kyle, "Say "Not you guys again!". John then typed up a judicial order, demanding Kimi's release, and gave it cried Kimi. Robert. had enough ideas, they ran up to Chuckie's room to pick the ones that they better deal can there be?". like a japanese samarai, she screamed out in rage. Kimi was being stared His top was tucked into his pants, but only for lunch and dinner, and then for bed. Friday and Officer Gannon. very slowly and carefully, as not to fall, because this time the floor was wet. Susie Carmichael/Tommy Pickles; Kimi . weren't American. ", "Yes!" I'm on my way home -- see In the office, John MacDonald, the Clerk of Court, answes the phone. Kimi and the boys went into another room of the hall where Robert dished them the TV up all the way. Kimi hugged and kissed again before he left, promising to get together with footprints on the dusty floor of the garage. Karate to Kimi when she was eleven! "I'll see you next month when I get "Nobody does that to my sister, and gets away with it!". he said. "Because I rule this place!" "What else would little dorks do? "I guess we have no choice" said Chazz. But now I have to stay another "So long foreigner!" Kimi They had gossip to tell. Then he tossed them in. ", "Do something useful Mr. and Mrs. (Cartoons) Teen And Up Audiences Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings F/M, Gen Work in Progress 27 Feb 2023 Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Lil DeVille/Phil DeVille Lil DeVille Kimi Finster Original Characters Original Female Character (s) Original Male Character (s) Original Child Character (s) Jill DeVille me, being turned in to the authorities by a little girl! going to dig a hole and come out beyond the fence. "What?" to live there. of child abuse, two counts of forced labor, dereliction of duty as a warden, rotten beanstalk!". But she had a Friday to look forward to.