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What most on this blog are discussing is why for-profit companies believe they should misrepresent their target customers. This is NOT the same country and society it was 60 years ago. By watching TV commercials today you would think that 70 to 80% of the population are people of color. It is both telling and comical that they claim that those people avoiding the dangers of low Motivational Values are endemically racist even if they are African Americans with higher Motivational Values. Make Diversity An Objective, Not An Afterthought, Diversity must be a focus in the beginning stages of the campaign concept. He names names, gives dates, gives quotes, and gives events, laying out an ironclad argument on why we are going through what were going through. Oh, I dont know, Anna. Ive been retired for a year now and watch more TV than I have in a while and I thought the same thing. Shopping malls and soft drinks over index with black customers, so feature higher percentage black actors in those ads. No one eating Shabbat dinner or at a seder, or celebrating Chanukah, etc. Get out and enjoy your life, and leave those miserable techno-fascists behind. Multiracial images. We finally got respect form America years ago, we got gay marriage legalized and now these crazy people want to groom children in the schools??? This blatant punishment of white males should be illegal, as it should be to all races of people. The inclusion of this new character caused the familiar cries of 'forced diversity' to be heard yet again. Dont worry about being politically correct. Its really amazing how poorly these companies treat their customers and potential customers, especially compared to a brand like Chewy that works so hard to deliver positive experiences. Its important for the masses to hear from other fair-minded people who arent afraid to call out what we all can plainly see. The overall ethnic skew of the marketing/advertising . Its coercive propaganda in the background of each of these commercials repeated 1000s of times each day. The bad news is, the people behind all of this will still call you racist. Hint: its the liberal left. The roles have changed and girls no longer need to be saved. A grain based breakfast most certainly ISNT healthy. Ive been thinking of writing a boilerplate type letter that I can use so I dont have to type my complaints & observations 100s of times. In addition, they are the highest paid athletes in the world (basketball and football) and take home 75% of the coveted music awards each year. This is their method of dividing and conquering the lower classes of society as they see us. As society becomes more focused on diversity, audiences expect to see that diversity reflected in marketing and ad campaigns. Not cancel culture. And lets be succinct here- it isnt the northern border that is the problem. (Another is what Disney has done with the Star Wars franchise in erasing male leads.) (Am I allowed to notice this or will I be labeled as racist?). The stunning lack of diversity in the advertising industry goes back decades and those in power have done little to change it. I just happen to have two 36 axe handles right here by my desk. Yet we continue to lower standards, bend the rules, to be politically correct, or diverse whatever. I probably wont find it because, as you say, there are many forces at work here. 5. Nor would I expect people there to avoid saying happy Ramadan because there are 10% Christian. If I didnt know better, Id say it almost feels like many of these commercials were written with white people in mind, and then black actors were hired for the sake of diversity.. Two and two is not adding up in their reference (life experience) but without the knowledge of the Elite Master Plan nothing is making sense to normies anymore. Most nights I could barely stand five minutes before pulling the plug. Be sure to click the Back button on your browser to return.]. Gee, Wallace, I wonder. Recently, the angry white critic inside me has noticed the overused casting of in-between races.where individuals are 1/4 Black, 1/4 White, 1/4 Hispanic, 1/4 mystery race. We see it all the time: the upper-middle-class family wearing upper-middle-class clothes, living in an upper-middle-class home and doing upper-middle-class things, like attending piano recitals, or gaming with pals on razor-thin laptops, or having a backyard birthday party complete with pink princess decorations and a tent and giant bounce-house. Right after I said this the girls mom loudly said black lives matter, I kid you not. Your comment reminds me of what I used to hear some 15-20 years ago, about how damaging negative stereotypes in media can be. White and not-skinny. The women in commercials, no matter what race, are a size 0 model and theyre never shown eating. Maile Keone, Listen Technologies Corporation, Using diversity as a strategy to sell more or to better appeal to your audience is exploitation and appropriation. . Whats the difference between self-identifying as a feline instead of a different gender. And not created and shown exponentially more than they are present in the real world in order to enforce an agenda and brainwash the populace. I think that job is pretty secure. how wonderful, right? If only the other 95 percent of the U.S. population would do the same. No, I suggest you do a web search to find what you are looking for. Its been that way for ages. https://marketing.extremereach.com/e/579431/sity-in-Ad-Creative-Report-pdf/k966yf/1408224246?h=4DDINhmtHixx1ZSmuRqbhiShJJxWVK69ptTc4Htvk. By portraying all cultures the same with people of all races talking and behaving white these ads and advertisers actually disrespect, and misrepresent, every culture. Ive never gotten that impression. Quit paying to go to see those movies. You certainly can include other customer demographics in your ads to grow marketshare in those groups, but again that is with a solid marketing purpose. Interesting, RPD. Then speak clearly to that audience and deliver faithfully on brand promise. Thats why I encourage people to tell these companies what they think via email and their social media pages. The reason they look so out of place is not because POC dont enjoy a good hike. If you want to know the truth about how the vast majority of blacks socially interact simply watch 5-10 episodes of The First 48. Also, TV ratings show a slightly higher audience for minorities, but whites typically make up a majority portion of overall ratings. Everyone and anyone can use a public library free internet, job searches, self-education are all to be had there. Its getting tiring seeing everyone and everything become obsessed with skin color, gender, gender identity, etc. Witness all of todays current news stories about educators (including elementary- and pre-school teachers) in our public schools and universities promoting curriculum about gender identity, trans ideology, sexual fluidity, and so much else without parental consent. They are also becoming the professionals on sitcoms, fire chief, head surgeon, police chief etc with whites reporting to them. In many ways, the need for diversity in advertising is a numbers game. This has been decades in the making, and has been very subtle and well planned. This just goes along with whites are bad, blacks are good and Hispanics and Asians are non existent. I find all this whining about representation laughable; Im half Mexican and Syrian and Filipino on the other side.where was my representation when I was a kid? Theyd hire a token white guy and a token Hispanic, no Asians. For example, slavery was widely practiced by American Indians in the Northwest and Eastern woodlands of the United States. Neutral is burying your head in the sand. Youre not going to see a straight white male in a commercial unless its to play an idiot with a lampshade on his head or if they need one to play a home intruder in a SimpliSafe commercial. So now, some black people are using their skin color to get their way and win the ghetto lotto. You are also correct that it is almost impossible to boycott all of these companies. Do you accept these cookies and the processing of personal data involved? I think it is multifactorial but I see globalist propaganda as the main force. Thats why Im voting for the D. Thats the political mentality of so many of us. A firestorm indeed, Robert. In regards to the number of black male/white female couples in commercials I would only add: What message does that send to black women? All they are doing is checking a box on the inclusivity inventory checklist. Make it a party game One drink for a white couple; two drinks for a mixed-race couple; three drinks for a mixed-raced couple with an Asian kid; etc You make the rules! Have fun! Its all a way to appease them. Of course I think women should be paid and treated equally with men for their work, but these equal rights in the work place are not what the feminists cause is really all about. AP Associated Press style dictates that only the word Black is capitalized when used in a racial, ethnic, or cultural sense; not white. Hey, I dont make the rules. I was brought up to love everyone, but enough of these commercials. As Jeremy Boreing of The Daily Wire recently acknowledged, there arent a lot of options for disenfranchised consumers who dont want to give their money to woke corporations. Forced Diversity is a buzzword thrown by bigots to rationalize critiques against works featuring diverse people on the merit that diverse people make a work "worse." Actually, Jordy, I dont think Robert is being sarcastic. Katie Drews, Avenica, 12. unless he is placed beside a Nubian Goddess as his love interest or something. Hed also probably think 1/3 of relationships are interracial, 25% of people are LGBT, all white men are either evil or stupid, all women and PoC are virtuous and intelligent, etc. Orthere are a lot more blacks in America than I thought. I dont think youre racist per se. She told him, Sir, Ben Franklin Savings has assets of over 6 billion dollars. They are force-feeding something that is unnatural. As others have pointed out, its actually exacerbating racism. As I say, I do appreciate authenticity in my commercials, and I dont think Im alone. I dont care if you want to throw in a black family here and there on TV but leaving out all whites and other races for that matter, is not diversity! for the winter. There is no hard and fast rule for diversity. Ill try it some night when I want to get rip-roaring drunk! The dollar is becoming essentially worthless and history clearly shows the connection between the corruption of currency and the decline of civilization in terms of morality, prosperity and material wealth. Just saw two in a row with black families. In some cases these cookies improve the speed with which we can process your request, allow us to remember site preferences youve selected. Thank you. Email Insider Summit April 19 - 22, 2023, Hilton Head Outfront Forum April 26, 2023, NYC Search and Performance Insider Summit May 7 - 10, 2023, Charleston These are proven statistics. are flooded with open borders watering down the natives. Good. (Theyre 12% of the population, remember.). Im actually socially liberal in many respects but I do have an issue with the Uber-woke accusing anyone who does not align 100% with their worldview as being an -ist or a -phobe, and marginalizing whites. Yes, you can find the odd article here and there, or an occasional thread on a discussion forum. But I myself see plenty of ads from small-time brands that very conspicuously feature oh, not normal-sized women, but actually obese women. are being promoted by females. Why is that the right decision for CBS, audience or sponsors? Good response posts too. There seems to be a concerted effort among companies to replace white people with black. African monarchs often bought slaves from dealers in order to sell them again to other Africans or to Arabs. And I believe most people feel the same. There are no white males other than stupid guys! And the media champion it. It has gotten so predictable now that if you see a white face in a commercial, it is almost automatic that the next face you will see is that of a black person. To validate their superior socioeconomic positions above us of course. Just last week, I tried playing the demo for a long-awaited Nintendo video game called Splatoon, which sees cute little squid characters shooting brightly colored ink at each other in a battle to paint the most territory. At last, just recently, it seems that people are pushing back. And sorry, they were NOT rich white guys. Not to mention the camera shots of the audience during the match most of which were carefully chosen to show black members of the audience celebrating Serenas well played points and celebrating her opponents poorly played points. Do it. Your comment about the blacks throwing a fit when a white police officer kills a black person, kills me! ELI5: What is forced diversity? : explainlikeimfive Can I interest you in a Jeremys razor? Super Bowl commercials will be viewed with an especially critical eye on Sunday as a tangible indication of how the ad world has responded to the calls to fix . History shows some of the first slaves in America were bought by other blacks, there were also white and Indian slaves, Chinese slaves, you name it we have all been slaves at one time or another, slavery was not right who ever pushed it, and it still exists around the world today. Its absurd especially given the lack of Asian American representation. A man can identify as a woman all he wants, but hell still need a prostate exam around age 40. As is Jardiance Ron. Hes whiter than just about any white person you know. It wasnt long after that that the cultural thrust of their products became urban and there wasnt much whiteness left to them, so this has been going on for nearly 30 years now. Anti-Aryan Im guessing. The net result is even fewer white people in commercials. 20% are agnostic, but celebrate Christmas. That black Americans wouldnt be able to vote if they cant mail in their votes because they would have no way to get to a voting booth on election day, or that there are no bus routes to some voting booths, as if black Americans can only use public transport and dont own vehicles. What can a brown man give me that a White man cant? 8. And that the belief in a God or divine spark within is a total lie. Not just all blacks do this. Id never have imagined youd ever catch me writing a screed such as this. The list goes on and on, Maria this, Carlos that. I have noticed this myself the last year and is more prevalent the last 6 mos. Im glad you found some catharsis in this blog post and in the reader comments. I remember one hard worker with 10 kids that hacked a cab after his day at the refinery but saved enough money that everyone of his kids had more than $10,000 in a savings account at the refinery credit union, a princely sum in those days and the maximum for federal insurance. This is hard to explain as the Asian population is larger in UK. They always do the slow seeping of an idea into the culture, and then, at some point, go warp-speed. . TV ads: why whites and straights are out - spiked Also cartoon ads having black cartoon characters. Thanks, Kinchan. I happened along this post because I have been observing everything you mentioned. Im a 64-year-old liberal white female who usually votes Democratic but Ive been noticing this more and more. Maybe, we should all stop buying products from any of these companies that use these tactics and the governments now need to intervene to stop this escalating further as this will cause issues, Yeah, I understand things are as bad or worse in the UK, Ian. Its all so twisted, isnt it? If I had a DVR, I would tape the shows and fast forward right through them. Sometimes, its hard to tell. Id love to hear an actual black persons take on the representation of black people in TV commercials.